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:: year 30, Issue 93 (1-2023) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2023, 30(93): 223-245 Back to browse issues page
Rereading the Guru-Disciple Relationship Based on Michel Foucault’s Theory of Power Discourse
Mahdi Mohabbati1 , Abbas Mashoufi 2
1- Zanjan University
2- Zanjan University , mashoufi53@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2744 Views)
In the Sufi tradition, wayfaring in the realm of the way requires a guru who can guide the wayfarer through the obstacles and in the discovery and understanding of mystical knowledge and the experience of truth. Many books, which deal with the rites of this spiritual journey and conduct, have emphasized the necessity of the presence of the guru and the commitment of the disciple to follow him. In this guidance and leadership, a discourse is made between the guru and the disciple. A discourse that the guru tries to guide the disciple by maintaining a discipline to oblige the disciple to do it (rites of the way). Based on Michel Foucault’s theory of power discourse, the purpose of this article is to review the guru-disciple relationship and to evaluate the aspects of “subjugation” and “transformation” of the wayfarer from “known and free subject” to “subordinate and bound subject” in the Sufi culture. This article uses the discourse analysis method. The result of this authoritative discourse and the existence of “bound subjects” can be attributed to the lack of a polyphonic and dynamic culture in the Sufi tradition, guru-worship, and the formation of the ritual collection of “manners of pilgrimage of Sheiks’ shrines”.
Keywords: Sufism, Guru-Disciple, Authority, Discourse, Post-Structuralism
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Mohabbati M, Mashoufi A. Rereading the Guru-Disciple Relationship Based on Michel Foucault’s Theory of Power Discourse. Persian Language and Literature 2023; 30 (93) :223-245
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4108-en.html

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