- Investigating the Effects ofMonetary Shocks on thePerformance of Iran's Macroeconomics Despite the Presence of Cryptocurrency: a Stochastic Dynamic Equilibrium Approachdd
reza akbarian *, farhad zand, ahmad sadraei javaheri, hojat parsa - Examining behavioral similarities between cryptocurrency market and traditional financial markets (Bitcoin case study)
Nader Hashemnezhad *, sajjad barkhordari, ghahreman Abdoli - Classification of Healthcare Insurance Customers Using Data-Driven Marketing Techniques
Abbas khandan * - Identifying the Function of Systematic Risks on the Financial Prosperity of the Insurance Industry over Time
Habib Habib Shirafken Lamso, Amir Gholami *, Seyyed Mehdi Ahmadi - effect of banks' public information disclosure on financial soundness
azam ahmadyan * - The effect of the wage gap between managers and workers on stock returns, with emphasis on the mediating role of investors' monitoring
alireza moradi, mehdi mohammadi *
- Year 2024
- Year 2023
- Year 2022
- Year 2021
- Year 2020
- Year 2019
Accepted Articles
- Determining the rate of carbon emission tax in terms of endogenous growth: a case study of Iran
Hayedeh Nourozi, Rouhollah Shahnazi *, Ebrahim Hadian, Zakaria Farajzadeh - Predicting the Price Index in the Iranian Stock Market with Emphasis on the Monetary Variables: A Machine Learning Approach
Majid Shafiei, Parviz Rostamzadeh *, Mohammad Rastegar, Zahra Dehghan shabani - Extracting Endogenous Jumps in Financial Markets Analytically Using Kramers-Moyal Method
Mehdi Salemi, Hassan khodavaisi * - Investigating the Effect of Logistics Performance Index on Exports of Iran's Free Zones (Spatial Panel Data Models)
mahmoud EIDAN TORKZADEH *, MAJID AFSHARI rad, MARJAN DAMAN KESHIDEH, HOOSHANG MOMENI vasiliani - The effect of an increase in minimum wage on the contribution, pension expenses and the cash balance of Iranian Social Security Organization
Abbas khandan, Peyman Ghasri * - Convergence of ICT in the user and infrastructure level of Iran's provinces
parvaneh salatin *, mahdi molania, mahmood mahmoodzadeh, mohammad hosein fatehi
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2023، Volume 14، Number 52
- Print ISSN: 2228-6454
- Online ISSN: 2538-4163
- Director-in-Charge: Mohammad Hossein Karim
- Editor-in-Chief: reza akbarian
- Publisher: Kharazmi University
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