Volume 14, Issue 52 (9-2023)                   jemr 2023, 14(52): 231-257 | Back to browse issues page

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moradi A, mohammadi M. The effect of the wage gap between managers and workers on stock returns, with emphasis on the mediating role of investors' monitoring. jemr 2023; 14 (52) :231-257
URL: http://jemr.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2351-en.html
1- islamic azad university, Zanjan Branch
2- islamic azad university, Zanjan Branch , mehdimohammadi11671@gmail.com
Abstract:   (1570 Views)
The main goal of this research is the impact of the wage gap between managers and workers on stock returns: the mediating role of investors' supervision. In terms of categorizing the research according to the method of data collection, the current research is of the causal and post-event type. The research method is correlation. In this research, library methods were used to collect information. Library methods have been used to collect information on the theoretical foundations and literature of the topic, library resources, articles and required books have been used, and Kodal website and Rahavard Novin software have also been used to obtain statistical information. In this chapter, using data collected from a statistical sample of 76 companies admitted to the Tehran Stock Exchange in the period of 2015-2022. Hypotheses were tested using Pearson's correlation test and Limer's F test in the Eviews13 software environment. The results of the regression test showed that the wage gap between managers and workers with the mediating role of investors' supervision has a significant effect on stock returns.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: پولی و مالی
Received: 2024/04/7 | Accepted: 2024/09/14 | Published: 2024/12/30

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