Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2019)                   JRSM 2019, 9(18): 166-177 | Back to browse issues page

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Vakil Zadeh M, Ayati Zadeh F, Abbasi H. Compare the Effect of Mental Practice Traditional, Pettlep and Physical on Basketball Free Throw Skill. JRSM 2019; 9 (18) :166-177
URL: http://jrsm.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2946-en.html
1- , fayati@yazd.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5576 Views)
One of The mental skills that suggested by psychologists for athletes is mental imagery. Imagery is a conscious internal process that mimics real-life experience in absence of sensory perception experience. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of traditional mental practice, Pettlep and physical practice on basketball free throw skill. In this study 40 participant after evaluation were randomly divided into traditional (10), Pettlep(10), physical(10) and control(10) groups. For statistical analysis t-test, ANOVA, Tukey post hoc test was used. For statistical analysis, t-test used to evaluate changes within the group, variance used for investigate out-group changes, Levene test used for normal distribution of data and the Tukey post hoc used to determine the differences and their position within the group and between-group. Statistical analysis showed that traditional mental exercises did not show improvement in learning than pre-test (p>0/05). But physical exercise showed significant results than traditional mental practice (p<0/05). Results also demonstrated that Pettlep mental practice group showed significant difference than physical exercise (p<0/5). According to the results of this study Pettlep mental workout is more effective than traditional mental and physical practice.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: motor behavior
Received: 2017/10/11 | Accepted: 2018/06/9 | Published: 2020/02/8

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