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:: year 29, Issue 90 (7-2021) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2021, 29(90): 97-118 Back to browse issues page
Hagiographies in Transoxiana and the Process of Writing Khajegans’Doctrinein the Sixth to Eighth Centuries A.H.
Maryam Hoseini 1, Maryam Rajabinia2
1- Al-Zahra University , drhoseini@alzahra.ac.ir
2- Al-Zahra University
Abstract:   (2110 Views)
In the sixth to eighth centuries A.H. five hagiographies were written in Persian in the Transoxiana region, and all five Pirs (i.e. Saints) who were written books about are in the group of Khajegans. These works include the treatise of Sahibiyeh, the Maghamat of Abdul Khaliq Ghojdovani, the Maghamat of ArefRivgari, Anis Al-Talebin and Eddat Al-Salekin, and the Maghamat of Hazrat Khaja Naqshband.In this article, an attempt has been made to examine the characteristics and influences of the authors and the evolution of these works.After examining the authors’writing method and expressing the characteristics of the works, it was determined that these works have much in common.All the Transoxiana hagiographies were written in Persian, while among the hagiographies of the Fars and Khorasan regions, especially the Fars works, there are many hagiographies in Arabic.Considering the many similarities between the Maghamat of Ghojdovani and the Maghamat of Khajeh Yousef Hamedaniwith the treatise of Sahibiyeh, it is possible that the later hagiographers were influenced byAbdol-Khaliq Ghojdovani's writings about Abu Yusuf Hamedani.Unlike the hagiographies of lands such as Fars and Khorasan, whose authors have used poems in both Persian and Arabic, all the verses in the hagiographies of Bukhara are in Persian. In most of the hagiographies of this land women arementioned and they have a high position.
Keywords: Hagiography, Transoxiana’s Mystics, Khajegans’ Doctrine, Sixth to Eighth Centuries A.H
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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hoseini M, rajabinia M. Hagiographies in Transoxiana and the Process of Writing Khajegans’Doctrinein the Sixth to Eighth Centuries A.H.. Persian Language and Literature 2021; 29 (90) :97-118
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