1- Asistant Professor,Kharazmi University, Kharazmi University , habibfasihi@yahoo.com
2- Associate professor, Kharazmi University, Kharazmi University
3- Ms Student, Kharazmi University, Kharazmi University
Abstract: (4874 Views)
Evaluating environmental impact can help urban and regional planner and manager to understand the impacts of development plans on human well-being and environmental health. Therefore, it can enable them to prevent environmental pollution and degradation. This descriptive- analytical research aimed to assess environmental, physical, economic and socio-cultural impacts of Talesh Industrial Estate on Kashli village as the nearest settlement to the estate. Data were collected using a questionnaire. The variables are set in 29 items and were evaluated in 11 ranges by 270 sample people on the basis of a model adopted from Pastakia method. Findings showed that the industrial estate had more positive consequences than negative ones. Positive and negative consequences are more prominent in economic dimension and in environmental dimension respectively. Of the 29 impacts evaluated, the estate has had 16 positive and 13 negative impacts.
Article number: 18