1- hakim sabzevari, hadis225@gmail.com , hadis225@gmail.com
2- hakim sabzevari, rahmanzandi@gmail.com rahmanzandi@gmail.com rahmanzandi@gmail.com
3- ghaen, e.akbari.2791@gmail.com
Abstract: (13315 Views)
Spatial Zoning and Analysis of Urban Poverty via Spatial Analysis (Case Study: Mashhad City)
Examining the degree of poverty in every community is the first step taken towards planning for fighting against poverty and deprivation. With understanding the poverty change process over time, planners can make the necessary decisions. The present study aims to investigate the spatial zoning and analysis of urban poverty in Mashhad City. To this end, necessary data were collected and employed from various sources. The final map was obtained from the integration and overlapping of effective criteria in urban poverty zoning using the experts' viewpoints and reviewing the research background with emphasis on GIS spatial analysis. According to the final map, 33.05% of Mashhad’s area enjoys very good conditions in terms of the study criteria of zoning urban poverty. This area covers Felestin, Sajjad, Goharshad, Razi, Baharan, Valiasr, Fareghotahsilan, Hafez, Isargaran etc. areas. The second rank (covering 18.75% of the city’s area), indicating the appropriate situation, includes Elahiyyeh, Janbaz, Tarbiat, Honarvar, etc. areas. The third rank (covering 19.28% of the city’s area) is in moderate conditions, including different areas of the city including Railway, Northern Tabarsi, Vahdat, Amir Abad, Keshavarz and Mo’oud areas. The fourth rank (covering 8.46% of the city’s area) is in the inappropriate situation, covering areas such as Sis Abad, Eivan and some parts of District 7. The fifth rank (covering 20.43% of the city’s area), is in very poor conditions, consisting of Jahed Shahr, Abu Zar, Rabat, Enghelab, Baharestan, Panjtan Al-e-Aba, Shahid Ghorbani and Mehdi Abad areas.