Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)                   jgs 2018, 18(51): 65-86 | Back to browse issues page

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Heidari Sourehjani R, Beigi A A. (2018). Survey the Relationship between Urban Use land Spatial Patterns in the Growth of Urban Growth directions (Case Study: Rasht City). jgs. 18(51), 65-86. doi:10.29252/jgs.18.51.65
URL: http://jgs.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2779-en.html
1- Assistant Professor of Geography Department of Kashan University, Kashan, Iran . , rasol_heidary@yahoo.com
2- Master of Geography and Urban Planning at Kashan University, Kashan, Iran.
Abstract:   (8398 Views)
At present, one of the issues of all cities is the urbanization and, consequently, the development of urban reptile tentacles on parakeet lands, the consequences of which are: Marginalization, destruction of agricultural lands, population growth of cities, failure to respond to certain services and utilities in the city, physical tissue fractures, environmental problems, especially pollution and urban disruption. In recent years, urban sprawl in many cities of Iran particularly, the boundaries of cities are affected by the urbanization process and the need of citizens. New housing has been transformed into user data and land. Considering that the city of Rasht is similar to other cities in recent years, there has been an increase in population, and has made significant changes in the use of urban land in this city. The present study seeks to evaluate the landslide changes in Rasht city during the years 1998-2016, using different patterns. Hence, to find out the type and extent of changes in the data and the factors influencing urban growth in the above area from the available AutoCAD files, detailed plan of Rasht city and also from Landsat TM imagery to measure urban growth in different directions from the hot spot of all urban users based on the proximity and the area, the results are shown Which has the user density to different levels and the breadth of applications in development and urban growth has played a significant role. Also for horizontal expansion of the city Fuzzy and Cause pattern and Markov chain network in Edrisi software is evaluated and shows that over the course of 18 years Rasht area was 4941.76 hectares It reaches 6202 hectares and represents 1260.243 hectares.
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Type of Study: Research |

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