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Showing 50 results for Iran

Dr Alimorad Sharifi, Dr Karim Azarbaijani, Dr Iraj Kazemi, Aboozar Shakeri,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (10-2010)

Industrial energy demand analysis has always been one of the leading fields of research in economics. This issue is more critical in the case of developing countries especially those with transition experiences. In this paper, third generation of dynamic factor demand models for the Iranian manufacturing industries is estimated to analyze the speed of adjustment in factor demands. Data which is used in this study is an Iranian industrial plant based on two-digit international classification code during 1374-1386. The translog functional form is used as model specification. The main findings are the complementary relation between energy carriers, electricity, and capital and low adjustment speed of capital stock. In Iranian manufacturing industries, demand for energy carriers and capital, with expansion of manufacturing activities and technological change has increased, while the demand for labor has decreased.
Dr Esfandyar Jahangard, Elham Sepahvand,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (3-2011)

Intermediate goods are another produced factor of production, like capital. Considering intermediate goods in production function makes multiplier be even larger than the one. In this paper, based on the approach of Jones (2007,2010) We computed multipliers by intermediate goods. For this purpose, we used Input – Output table of Statistical Center of Iran (base year: 2001). Finding show that 10.6% of total products used in inter- sector transaction and 4.28% used in intera-sector transaction. Therefore, the domestic multiplier is 1.383 and import multiplier is 2.117 and total multiplier is 2.929.These results indicate increase in the multiplier. The industrial sector and mining sector produce the most and the lowest share of domestic intermediate goods, respectively. The highest and lowest shares of imported intermediate goods between economic sectors are in industrial sector and water sector, respectively
Dr Teymur Rahmani, Ebrahim Hasanzadeh,
Volume 2, Issue 5 (10-2011)

Convergence hypothesis includes two types of beta and sigma. In this study, we examine convergence hypothesis among Iran’s provinces and discuss the effect of internal net migration in that context since 2000 to 2007. The results indicate that poor provinces grow faster than rich ones and there is beta convergence in Iran. About sigma convergence, we found that the dispersion of GDP per capita increase among these provinces over the years. Immigration is one of the factors that could influence economic growth of provinces and convergence among them. The results show a direct relationship between net immigration and per capita GDP growth of provinces. When the variable of net migration is included into convergence equation, it increases beta coefficient. So, net migration has a negative effect on convergence. Immigration flows more from the poor provinces to rich provinces and increases the gap among them.
Hassan Heydari,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (12-2011)

  In this paper, a small scale Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressive (FAVAR) Model is utilized to analyze the effects of monetary shocks on price level and economic activities in the Iranian housing sector. To analyze the "price level", four price indices of the housing sector were used and also six indices to estimate the "economic activities" in this sector were determined. The results show that shocks from liquidity and high powered money will have wave-like effects on the housing sector in Iran. The waves have an approximate duration of 5 years which is confirmed by observations of the housing sector in Iran. Also the results show that the effects of the liquidity shocks have more durable effects on the sector in comparison with the high powered money shocks.

Dr Ebrahim Rezaei,
Volume 2, Issue 6 (12-2011)

    The number of factors affecting total factor productivity has been increasing far from those which considered in growth models. So, institutional factors have been attracting strong attention of researchers. This paper aims at investigating the effects of these institutional factors together with traditional factors on TFP growth during 1971-2007.

  For this purpose, we present a State-Space model. Using this approach, TFP has been regarded as a latent variable and in the state equation, we introduced some exogenous variables. Some endogenous variables which were mainly measures of institutional factors have been specified as proxies. Our result show that the introduced measures of institutions such as governance(political stability and accountability) institutions and degree of government intervention together with an older and known institutional factors, such as macroeconomic instability, have significant effects on TFP growth. In addition, the residuals from state-space model (either deterministic or stochastic) were different from the residuals of other models.

Javad Harati, Dr Karim Eslamloueyan, Dr Mohammad Ali Ghetmiri,
Volume 3, Issue 7 (3-2012)

    This study aims at determining the optimal environmental tax policy in the context of a dynamic model. For this purpose, clean technology diffusion was added to the AK growth model and the theoretical model has been generalized to the open economy. The main feature of the economy is creating pollution in the process of economic growth and its negative impact on social welfare. The diffusion of clean technology reduces pollution emission and has a positive effect on environmental quality and social welfare.

  The Hamiltonian solution of the model indicates that the steady state growth rate and optimal tax pollution is affected by the consumer preference toward consumption and environmental quality, pollution elasticity with respect to production, clean technology diffusion, foreign growth rate, inverse elasticity of intertemporal substitution , depreciation rate of capital and trade parameters.

  The results show that the optimal tax rate in Iranian economy is about 15 percent. Furthermore, sensitivity analysis shows that the emission elasticity of pollution subject to the production and environmental preference parameters have larger impacts on optimal tax rate than foreign growth rate and trade parameters.


Seyed Aziz Arman, Masumeh Mirabizadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (6-2012)

  The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of inflation on real investment in Iran. After briefly reviewing the investment theories and their situation in Iran, we consider the determinants of investment by using annual data (1958-2009).

  Results of the Augmented Dickey- Fuller (ADF) test indicate that all of the variables appearing in model are I(1). So, the results of the threshold regression model indicate that real GDP, the trade openness index and inflation rate can influence investment.

Results also show that the effect of inflation on investment follows an asymmetric adjustment process. The threshold level for the rate of inflation has been estimated 11.9 percent. If the annual rate of inflation exceeds this threshold level, it will have a negative impact on investment. But, if inflation remains below this level, not only the negative effect fades away but also rising prices can boost investment.

Ali Hussein Samadi, Sayed Mohamad Sayedi,
Volume 3, Issue 8 (6-2012)

  D’Alessandro’s (2010) model investigates the impact of total government spending on private consumption but according to Barro’s (1981) suggestion, the impact of two groups of government spending on private consumption can be studied separately. The fist group produces utility affecting services for household and the second group is as an input in the private production process. So in the present article, we use d’Alessandro’s (2010) framework -after some changes in household utility function and the production function- for estimating the separate effects of two groups of government spending on private consumption.

  In the next step, the data for Iran (1959-2007) is considered and the estimation results show that the first group of government spending for household consumption in short run is Edgeworth complement and in long run is Edgeworth independent. While government spending in case of the second group has a positive relationship with household consumption both in long run and short run. Thus, this paper proposes particular attention to changes in the composition of government spending in favor of government consumption spending as an input (second group) rather than expenses affecting the utility of households.


Dr Hassan Heidari, Sahar Bashiri,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (10-2012)

  This paper investigates the relationship between real exchange rate uncertainty and stock price index in Tehran stock exchange for the period of 1995-2009 by using monthly data and applying Bivariate Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity model (Bivariate GARCH). The results show that there is a negative and significant relationship between real exchange rate uncertainty and stock price index. However, the relationship between stock price uncertainty and real exchange rate is insignificant. Therefore, our results recommend that the policies which cause more volatility in the exchange market and also more volatility in the real exchange rate should be avoided to ensure the sustainable growth of the stock market and its price index.


Dr Vahid Taghinezhadomran, Mohammad Bahman,
Volume 3, Issue 9 (10-2012)

  The ultimate goals of the monetary policy are price stability and the output growth. Monetary policy instruments are interest rate and the growth rate of monetary base. One of the well-known rules in conducting monetary policy is Taylor rule, through which, central banks change the interest rate while taking into account the output and inflation distortions. There are two problems with applying Taylor rule in Iran: First, the weak micro-foundation of the rule and second, according to this rule specially in the short run, instead of interest rate the policy variable is the growth rate of the monetary base. This research extends Taylor rule by explaining micro-foundation of the rule. So, using Generalized Method of Moments (GMM), we investigated the consistency of the Iranian central bank’s reaction function with extended Taylor rule in the period 1979- 2008. The empirical results show that although monetary authorities react appropriately with respect to output distortion, but their reaction is not appropriate with respect to inflation distortion.

Dr Abolfazl Shahabadi, Dr Mohamad Kazem Naziri, Morteza Nemati,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (7-2013)

In the current structure of world economy, imports play an important role in the economic development strategy. Although taking the suitable policies for the imports of goods and services is important, but taking the correct strategy is subject to factors affecting imports. In the most of empirical studies, imports are a function of real income and real exchange rate. So, the effect of income inequality on imports of goods and services has less been investigated. Whereas, increase in income inequality causes an increase in the purchasing power of high income people and demand for imported luxury goods and also causes a change in the composition of domestic and imported consuming goods. This study examine the effect of income inequality on import of goods and services in 17 developed countries and 18 developing countries in the period 1990-2010 using generalized method of moment (GMM) analysis. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between income inequality and imports of goods and services in developed countries while this relation is negative in developing countries. Furthermore, the relationship between GDP and imports of goods and services is positive in both groups of countries, while the relationship between real exchange rate and imports of goods and services is negative in both groups. Thus, policy makers should redistribute income and wealth in favor of the low income people and motivate them to participate in the production sectors, reduce the inequality gap and improve their competitiveness power in the market and enhance the income from the abroad.
Dr Alireza Erfani, Azadeh Talebbeydokhti,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (7-2013)

The commitment and forward-looking behavior of central bank is of great importance. Commitment imposes less social costs on the central bank and the public. However, while there is wide agreement on the importance of commitment, there is much less consensus on how to implement commitment through targeting or instrumental rules. In this paper, we have estimated a basic New Keynesian model in Iran economy based on quarterly data over a sample period for 1990-2010. Then, we introduced a kind of instrumental rules that is called Speed Limit rule. The main feature of this rule is that the output gap is replaced by the changes in the output gap in the central bank's loss function. Then, by calculating appropriate weights under alternative targeting rules, we showed that this rule has the lowest social costs. Then, assuming the use of interest rate as primary monetary policy by the central bank, it is optimal to consider the role of the changes in the output gap (i.e. speed limit rule) in addition to the role of inflation and the output gap. As we expected, the estimation results of this instrumental rule in Iran economy showed that this rule has not been used for determining the interest rate. In other words, among the variables considered, only inflation rate has a positive and significant relationship with the interest rate, and the output gap and the changes in the output gap are not used in determining the interest rate.
Dr Rouhollah Shahnazi, Saeed Zabihidan,
Volume 4, Issue 12 (7-2013)

The structure-conduct-performance (SCP) paradigm has constituted an enduring empirical tradition in empirical industrial economics and has the advantage of clarifying the basic building blocks of the competitive mechanisms. This paper presents a SCP model to estimate causes and effects in Iranian manufacturing industry in 2009. The model used in this paper is a system of four simultaneous equations: agglomeration as the standard measure of structure, advertising and R&D as the standard measure of conduct and profitability as the standard measure of performance. Using the data from a sample of Iranian industries, three-stage least squares results indicate that: a) Advertisement has positive and significant impacts on agglomeration and profitability. b) Profitability has positive and significant impacts on agglomeration and advertisement. c) Agglomeration has positive and significant impact on profitability and also a negative impact on advertisement.
Dr Esmaiel Abounoori, Seyedali Rezvani,
Volume 4, Issue 13 (10-2013)

From technology, security and physical points of view automobiles are different regarding Hedonic price model, price of a car is a set of implicit prices concerning different characteristics. In this article we estimate the Hedonic price models using 2009 Iranian automobile market data concerning different characteristics for small cars (Engine capacity of 2000cc and less) and large cars (Engine capacity of more than 2000cc): in Iran cars with engine capacity of 2000cc and less benefits from special petrol subsidies while this is not the care for the large cars. The results indicate that characteristics such as antilock brakes (including ABS and EBD), width, airbag, fuel consumption and engine capacity for small cars, variables such as airbag, antilock brakes(including ABS and EBD), and highs for the large cars are important from the points of view of Iranian customers and have significant effects on the car price.
Dr Ahmad Jafari Samimi, Saman Ghaderi, Salahaddin Ghaderi, Taha Ketabi,
Volume 4, Issue 13 (10-2013)

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of trade openness and economic globalization on employment. This study employs the Bounds test method and Autoregressive Distributed Lag(ARDL) model for Iranian economy during 1979-2009. Comparing with the other empirical studies, this study in addition to traditional index of trade liberalization as trade openness has been applied the new and more comprehensive economic globalization index as one dimension of the new KOF globalization index. This index includes the actual flows of trade such as trade, foreign direct investment and portfolio investment, and restrictions such as trade barriers and tariffs on actual flows. Also, the other control variables effective in employment such as GDP per capita, industrialization and government size has been considered. The results show a negative relationship between trade openness and employment but they show that the impact of economic globalization on employment is positive. Thus, it seems that the new economic globalization (KOF index) which is a broader comprehensive index is a better proxy of globalization.
, , , ,
Volume 4, Issue 14 (12-2013)

The Iranian electricity industry has been restructured following the global experiences. The main objective of restructuring is transition from natural monopoly towards competition in order to improve efficiency. Currently, the Iranian electricity market is performing as imperfect competition and Pay-as-Bid (PAB) auctions are the major trade mechanism in this market. This paper proves that Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE) is an appropriate approach to analyze behavior of the Iranian electricity market. Isfahan electricity market has been considered as a case study in which SFE is applied (regarding marginal cost estimation as well as demand uncertainty). The derived SFE indicates that there is major difference between SFE and Nash equilibrium.
Ali Hosein Samadi, Shahram Eydizadeh,
Volume 4, Issue 14 (12-2013)

This study aims to evaluate the status of Iranian gas industry and to formulate appropriate policies in order to attain the objectives of Iran’s Vision 2025. A dynamic model including exploration, production, consumption and demand sub-systems is designed based on the system dynamics approach and is simulated for the period 2010-2025. In this model, factors affecting natural gas exploration, demand and consumption as well as production, export and import of all other fuels in energy supply are identified and their dynamic interactions are investigated. The results of solving the basic model indicated that except for a 75 % share of gas consumption, none of Vision’s objectives would be attained, if current policies were followed. Accordingly, new policies are formulated and included in the model in the form of some scenarios. The results of simulating such scenarios suggest that other than coordinating the subdivisions of gas industry, production and exploration rates should be increased and significant technological exploration and production advances should be made in order to attain the objectives considered in the gas industry. Furthermore, clean energies such as water, wind and solar resources should be utilized increasingly in order to supply a part of domestic consumption. The results of model validation tests indicate the validity of the model as acceptable.
Narges Samadpoor, Mostafa Emadzade, Homayoun Rangbar, Firozeh Azizi,
Volume 5, Issue 15 (3-2014)

The growth of non-communicable diseases, and the enormous costs of health care, has led policy makers to focus on “education”, as an effective instrument to improve the public health. Recent empirical studies show that education can improve health and increase life expectancy via ameliorating the life style. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of ‌education on health in‌ Iran over the period of 1974- 2010. Health ‌production function is defined based on the Grossman (1972) model.‌‌ The empirical model has been estimated by using co-integration technique and error correction model.‌ Separation of short and long-term effects and estimate of impact‌ by education’s temporary and permanent lag time changes on health is considered the  innovation aspect of  this research. The results of model estimation indicate that there is a positive and long-term equilibrium relationship between health and education. Based on evidence obtained, education plays a key role in health improvement. Empowering people by investment in their education can prevent many non-communicable diseases. Diseases that are imposed by our incorrect life style. Today we believe that an active participation of elementary and high schools, higher education, and mass media can ameliorate the health statue of society.
Alimorad Sharifi, Rahman Khoshakhlagh, Marzieh Bahaloo Horeh, Ali Sadeghi Hamedani,
Volume 5, Issue 16 (7-2014)

Energy carrier’s subsidization has placed a significant pressure on government budget in Iran thus, energy price increase is performed in order to ameliorate this case. One of the main challenges that policymakers need to consider is the impact of energy prices increase on the labor market especially, when the national unemployment rate is high. This paper utilizes a computable general equilibrium model based on a Micro Consistent Matrix for 2006 in order to evaluate the impact of energy price increase on the Iranian labor market during 2006. The empirical results are based on two scenarios: Baseline and FOB price increase scenarios. They show that the activity level and demand for labor in “crude oil, natural gas, and coal” as well as “other services” sectors will increase in short-run while the energy carriers’ prices increase. However, in long-run, the labor increment will be lower. Furthermore, the model results indicate that in short-run, the activity level and demand for labor in the other sectors will decrease. On the other hand, the policy will result in a larger decrement in the activity level and demand for labor in these sectors in long-run.
Marzieh Khakestari, Navid Nazari Adli,
Volume 6, Issue 21 (10-2015)

Monetary wide range of sanctions has been established against Iran in recent years by European :::::union::::: and United States. These sanctions have been targeted   Iran energy and oil industry. Although, these types of sanctions are not new on Iran and Iran is familiar whit them since oil nationalization movement. This paper studies these sanctions effects on Iran in recent years and tries to assess the possible strategies with game theory. In order to achieve this proposed, three players are introduced: Iran, Saudi Arabia and United States, and then a model have been established. At the following, the model was solved and Nash equilibrium obtained for each one. Each of three  players , United States , Saudi Arabia and  Iran choose their strategy, respectively, pressure reduction, cooperation and cooperation. At the end of this study, the impact of oil sanction on Iran's sales, has been shown. Eventually, it was seen even with great increasing in world oil prices, Iran's in come has been downward.

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