Showing 6 results for khandan
Hassan Khodavaisi, Abolgasem Golkhandan, Majid Babaei Agh Esmaili,
Volume 10, Issue 36 (6-2019)
The main objective of this paper is to investigate the impact of corruption on the military burden of developing countries during the 2000-2015 period. To achieve this goal, a general model of military expenditures , two indexes of corruption including corruption perceptions and control of corruption, Panel Co-integration analysis and two-stage system generalized method of moment estimator (SGMM), has been used. The results of the estimation of the research model show that the effect of corruption on the military burden of the studied countries is positive and significant. According to other results, civilian spending (as an opportunity cost of military spending) and democracy have had a negative and significant impact on the military burden of developing countries. . Population as a social variable has a positive and significant effect on the military burden of developing countries, which indicates that defense is a public good. Per capita income and lagged military expenditure also have a positive and significant effect on the military burden of the studied countries. The average military burden of the countries of the world has also had a positive and significant impact on the military burden of developing countries, which indicates a rivalry of arms.
Abbas Khandan,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (12-2021)
Collective pension funds have many advantages including larger risk pool and the possibility of interpersonal and intergenerational risk sharing, as well as economies of scale and lower administrative costs. For decades, however, this has been achieved through mandatory participation, while this traditional and mandatory form of contribution is no longer commensurate with the future of work. In this regard, many countries have implemented a combinatorial policy in the form of auto-enrolment pensions and then the granting of opting out authority. However, the sustainability of these schemes will depend on people's motivation to participate or leave. This article tries to examine the motivations of individuals to exit the Iran Social Security Organization (ISSO) pension fund, assuming that the insureds are given the opportunity to opt out once in a certain time. For this purpose, the method of option pricing is used. Findings show that insureds will accept even a 60 percent deficit in fund’s long-term liabilities for the only reason to take advantage of investment income of their predecessors funds or interpersonal and intergenerational risk sharing. It was also observed that an increase in the funding ratio, lower liabilities, a rise in assets and a higher rate of return on investments encourage participation and reduce the incentive to exit. A decline in accrual rate, increase in the contribution rate, higher retirement age, accelerating the adjustment rate of fund deficit due to their detrimental effect on the insureds have a direct negative effect on the incentive to participate and stimulate withdrawal. It should be noted, however, that these factors will also reduce liabilities and increase the funding ratio, thereby contributing to the sustainability of the plan may ultimately reduce the exit incentives.
Abolghasem Golkhandan, Sahebe Mohammadian Mansour,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (12-2021)
Based on theoretical foundations and empirical studies in the field of the relationship between natural resources and internal conflict, 4 states can be imagined: a. Positive relationship between natural resources abundance and internal conflict (hypothesis of political resources curse) b. positive relationship between natural resources scarcity and internal conflict (hypothesis of political resources endowment) c. Non-linear relationship between natural resources and internal conflict (combination of state A and B) d. Absence of relationship. Based on this, the main purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between natural resources types and internal conflict risk in the MENAP region countries during the period of 2000-2019 using the System Generalized Method of Moments (SGMM). For this purpose, the index of the percentage share of total natural resource rent from GDP and eight separate indicators including: the percentage share of oil, natural gas, coal, forest and mining rent from GDP, the percentage share of fuel export and the export of ore and metals from the export of goods and the percentage share of arable land in the total area have been used. The results show that there is a U-shaped relationship between the total rent of natural resources and the internal conflict risk; In other words, countries with a shortage of natural resources as well as countries with an abundance of natural resources have a higher internal conflict risk than other countries. This U-shaped relationship is also confirmed for oil rent and fuel export. Also, coal and forest rent have a meaningless effect and arable land has an inverted U effect on the internal conflict risk in the studied countries. The evaluation of the marginal effect of the total rent of natural resources on the internal conflict risk shows that its value varies from -0.08 to 0.1. According to the other results, per capita income and democracy have a negative and significant effect, and population and religious and racial tensions have a positive and significant effect on the internal conflict risk.
Yasin Ghasemi, Abbas Khandan, Narges Akbarpour-Roshan,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (5-2022)
The pension coverage of the Iranian Social Security Organization for self-employed workers is offered at three contribution rates of 12, 14 and 18 percent, but looking at the statistics shows that the demand for these types of insurances is low. This research investigates the characteristics of these insured groups by using data mining and applying two machine learning algorithms, decision tree and random forest, and predicts their behavior by providing a classification model. This will help the Social Security Organization to improve customer relationship management. For this purpose, the information of 1286174 insured persons of self-employed in 2020 was used, which includes the characteristics of age, gender, average monthly income, the years of service, and the type of self-employed pension scheme. The obtained results show that women mainly apply for the scheme with 12 percent contribution, while men tend to be covered by schemes with contribution rates of 14 and 18 percent due to the burden of supporting the family. Also, for men, the demand for schemes of 14 and 18 percent increases with the increase of age, income and years of service, but there are no such trends for women. According to the obtained results, years of service and then gender are decisive in choosing the type of pension scheme in such a way that according to the prediction of the model, people with less than 4.5 years of service are known as definite applicants for 12 percent self-employed pension scheme.
, Abbas Khandan,
Volume 14, Issue 52 (9-2023)
Purpose: The aim of this study is to identify and classify insurance customers in order to identify the target population for increasing the profitability of insurance companies, achieving a balance in premium payments, and examining the health questionnaire as an indicator of policyholders' preferences. Moreover, designing a marketing strategy to optimize advertising efficiency.
Method: In this paper, five machine learning algorithms, namely Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Naive Bayes, and Logistic Regression, are used to classify customers into two categories: profit-generating and loss-generating. Data from a private insurance company is utilized, consisting of 2,897 observations collected from December 1400 to December 1401.
Findings: By utilizing machine learning methods and focusing on the target population, the chances of success can be increased. The presence of a small number of individuals who significantly reduce the profitability of insurance companies is evident. The pre-existing medical conditions of individuals have a considerable impact on their insurance usage and the damage caused to insurance companies.
Conclusion: Machine-learning methods can provide a comprehensive understanding of insurance customers and their needs. By identifying the target population, insurance companies can increase their profitability and satisfy their customers by addressing their specific demands
Abbas Khandan, Peyman Ghasri,
Volume 14, Issue 53 (11-2024)
Sustainability of pension funds indicating the balance between contributions and pension expenses, is one of the fundamental principles governing social security systems. Among the things that affect the contributions and pension expenses of the Iran’s Social Security Organization (ISSO)’s fund is the minimum wage which according to Article 41 of Iran’s labor and social security laws, is determined annually by the Iran’s supreme labor council and, every year, becomes a controversial and disputed issue between labor :union:s, employers and the public authorities. An increase in minimum wage have effects on both the received contributions and pension expenses and, as a result, its final effect on the cash balance of ISSO’s fund has been arguable. Considering the issue importance, this paper studies the effect of an increase in minimum wage on ISSO’s contributions, pension expenses and its cash balance during 1961 to 2022 using an econometric time series model of autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL). The results show that a 10% increase in the minimum wage will increase ISSO’s contributions by 25.6% and its pension expenses by 23%. Therefore, comparing the effects, it can be stated that the ISSO’s cash balance would be increased by 2.6% as a results of a 10% increase in minimum wage. To test the result, one more time, the association between an increase in minimum wage and the ISSO’s excess resources was investigated separately. The results once again confirm that the ISSO cash balance would be improved by 3.3% in association with a 10% increase in minimum wage. In this study, it was also shown that the population of contributors, the population of pensioners, the population support ratio, GDP and dummy variables of sanction and Iran-Iraq war have been influential as well.