Volume 12, Issue 43 (3-2021)                   jemr 2021, 12(43): 207-236 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghasemian N, Raghfar H, Ekhteraei F. Simulation of Demand for Orphan Drugs in Iran with the Approach of Agent-based Modeling (2018-2019). jemr 2021; 12 (43) :207-236
URL: http://jemr.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2149-en.html
1- Alzahra University
2- Alzahra University , raghfar@alzahra.ac.ir
3- Pioneers of Industry Process
Abstract:   (2926 Views)
Drugs as a strategic and subsidized commodity and an urgent need for patients have been constantly of particular importance, specially, in the health-care system of a society. On the other hand, one of the parameters concerning the assessment of the family welfare is the amount spent for satisfaction of divergent needs. The more a family spends on essential necessities such as food, housing, clothing and higher education, the less is expected to be devoted to health care. Concerning drugs, the demand for different drugs may vary depending on the patients' attitudes, the type of illnesses and their income elasticity. The objective of the present research is to investigate the demand for orphan drugs for refractory diseases regarding various income groups in Iran applying Agent-based Models (ABMs). In this research, the behavior dynamics of the orphan drugs applicants and the diversity of their demands in miscellaneous price scenarios resulting from inflation and fluctuations in the exchange rate have been scrutinized in accordance with ABM. To this end, one thousand family applicants for orphan drugs, extracted from Iran's statistics center, were categorized in five different income ventiles. Their reactions towards the increase of the price of the aforementioned drugs are predicted based on Net Logo simulation software. The results indicate that the average of price elasticity of demand for generic and branded drugs has been -0.39 and -0.05 percent, respectively; similarly, the demand for these two drug groups has been decreased by the same amount. In the lowest income ventile as the price of generic and branded orphan drugs deceases, for the lowest income ventile families, the allocated expenses for these drugs has been decreased by 3.3 percent and 31.85 percent, respectively. The main reason for the aforementioned problem is assigned to the low budget of the patients' family and its allocation to essential necessities of life such as food and housing. The severity of the cost reduction in branded drugs is due to the fact that it can be replaced by generic drugs.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: بخش عمومی
Received: 2021/02/17 | Accepted: 2021/06/21 | Published: 2021/09/12

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