- Earthquake possibility space of Ahvaz city based on intuitionistic fuzzy theory
sasan motaghed, marzieh shamsizadeh, nasrolla eftekhari - Proposing a Deep Learning Algorithm for Estimating the Brittleness Index Using Conventional Log Data in the Asmari Formation of a Southwestern Iranian Oil Field
Farhad Mollaei, Reza Mohebian, Ali Moradzadeh - Water quality assessment of Qarasu River using IRWQIsc index
Eisa Hajiradkouchak, Behzad Rahnama, Hasan Nasrollahzadeh, Ali Shahbazi, Reza Raeiji, Kazem Babaei - The Effect of Lime and Coal Ash Mixture on the Geotechnical Properties of Clay for use in Engineering Embankments
Zahra Aghayan, Rouzbeh Dabiri - Application of 2D multistage median filter for reducing random seismic noise
Ehsan Pegah, Behrang Feiz Aghaei - Pseudo Static Study of Tunnel with Mohr-Coulomb and Hardening Models Located in Soft Soil
Masoud Amelsakhi - Assessment of hydrochemical characteristics and quality of the Garmabdasht River, Golestan Province, NE Iran
Shaghayegh Samiee-Rad, Giti forghani, Hadi Jafari
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2010/07/1 - New Journal website launched
Accepted Articles
- The Engineering Characteristics of Silty Loess Contaminated with Natural Salts
Emad Namavar - Rupture Status of the Southeastern Fault Segment of the June 20, 1990 (Mw 7.4) Rudbar Earthquake
Ali Misaghi, Mohammd Raeesi - Numerical study on the effect of topography on seismic response of building adjacent to slope
Ali Ghanbari, Fatemeh Mirdar - Experimental study on the performance of strip footings on geocell-reinforced granular slopes
Ali Ghanbari, Mohammadreza Harirsaz, Gholamhosien Tavakoli Mehrjardi - Landslide hazard zonation along Tuskestan road using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method in GIS environment
Nafiseh Shokri, Aliakbar Momeni - Comparison of Mechanized Tunneling Costs in Iran with Other Countries
Masoud Esmaeilzadeh, Ebrahim Keshavarz, Mohammad Golkhandandan - Examining the impact of Flat-Joint and Linear Parallel Bond behavioral models on Aghajari sandstone failure mechanism in PFC2D simulations
Mohammad Ijani, Ebrahim Rahimi, Vahab Sarfarazi, Ali Faghih - Investigating the role of physical and strength characteristics on the durability of building stones subjected to deterioration processes
Amin Jamshidi
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 18، Number 3
- Print ISSN: 2228-6837
- Online ISSN: 2981-1600
- Director-in-Charge: Seyed Mahmoud Fatemi Aghda, Professor
- Editor-in-Chief: Mohammad Nakhaei, Professor
- Publisher: Kharazmi university
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- Total articles: 781 articles
- Published articles: 443 articles
- Acceptance rate of articles: 56%
- The number of all issues published: 36 issues
- Total number of revisions in the last year: 1255
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- Review process : Double-blind peer review
- Time to first decision: 1 to 3 days
- Time to send articles to reviewers: Maximum one week
- Average time to first review: 2 to 4 weeks
- Average time for editing process: 1 week
- Average time to publish online: 2 months
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