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Abstract:   (119 Views)
Estimating the construction costs of tunnels is one of the critical steps in project management. Several factors influence the total cost of a tunnel project, and the complexity and uncertainty in identifying these factors often lead to inaccurate cost estimates. Various analytical methods have been developed for estimating tunnel construction costs, but they consistently encounter disadvantages. Utilizing real data from other projects can mitigate these shortcomings. In this research, we first discuss the growth of the tunneling industry and its impact on the development of economic infrastructures. Subsequently, we review the historical research on tunneling cost estimation and the methods developed in this area. The absence of a pricing schedule for tunneling in Iran, unlike in developed countries, results in inaccurate cost estimates for tunneling projects. This study examines both definite and probabilistic methods for estimating the costs of mechanized tunnel construction, based on the pricing schedule from "Dam Field 1403." We compare the cost of tunnel excavation in Iran with other countries. The results indicate a 30% difference in the ratio of labor costs to the total project cost and a 92% difference in the cost per meter for mechanized tunnels in Iran compared to other countries. This discrepancy discourages private contractors from engaging in tunnel projects in Iran. Therefore, we propose the development of a comprehensive pricing schedule for tunneling to enhance the accuracy of cost estimation for tunnel projects in Iran
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: En. Geology
Received: 2024/11/22 | Accepted: 2025/01/19

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