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A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Model for the Design of Remanufacturing Closed–loop Supply Chain Network Mbarek Elbounjimi *, Georges Abdulnour, Daoud Ait kadi Abstract
A Memetic Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Cross Docking Sanae Larioui *, Mohamed Reghioui, Abdellah El Fallahi, Kamal El Kadiri Abstract
Strategic Alliance Decision-Making for the Auto Industry Base on an Integrate DEA and GM(1,1) Approach Tho Nguyen *, Nan Wang, Hoan Nguyen Abstract
A Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Controllable Processing Times to Optimize Total Cost of Delay and Processing Hadi Mokhtari *, Mehrdad Dadgar Abstract
Inventory Model for Deteriorating Items Involving Fuzzy with Shortages and Exponential Demand Sharmila Vijai Stanly *, R Uthayakumar Abstract
An Efficient Genetic Agorithm for Solving the Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Based on Random Key Representation Mohammad Hassan Sebt *, Mohammad Reza Afshar, Yagub Alipouri Abstract
A Stochastic Programming Approach for a Multi-Site Supply Chain Planning in Textile and Apparel Industry under Demand Uncertainty Houssem Felfel *, Omar Ayadi, Fawzi Masmoudi Abstract
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