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Showing 1 results for Bicultural Art Experience

Miss Raika Khorshidian, Dr. Reza Afhami, Dr. Alireza Araghieh‎, Dr. Alireza Sadeghi,
Volume 6, Issue 12 (3-2019)

The objective of this research is study the role of intercultural education through bicultural art experience for improving intercultural competence. For this, a phenomenological qualitative study designed aimed to introduce different aspects of Persian culture among 9 years old Brazilian children. It contained four steps: making interest, comparing two cultures, experiencing bicultural art creation and evaluating its durability. Triangulation of data as a method kind was used for the validity and reliability. Results indicates the influence of art experience on improving cultural understanding. Furthermore bicultural art experience was effective on shifting from denial stage, decreasing polarization significantly. It also increased the ability of minimization and acceptance. Finally, art experience caused durability of intercultural understanding among children.

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