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Risky behavior, risky decision making, family functioning and lifestyle in people with HIV: Structural equation modeling (10391 Downloads) |
The Role of prefrotal cortex in subjective mood: A Transcranial Direct Current stimulation Study
Prediction of Borderline Personality Disorder Based On Psychological Flexibility Components: Acceptance and Action, Values and Cognitive Defusion (7939 Downloads) |
Effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy (Face to face and Internet-based) on Emotional Regulation Strategies of individuals with Comorbidity of insomnia and depression
Effectiveness of Parent Behavioral Training on Hyperactivity/ Impulsivity and Rule-Breaking Behaviors in Children with ADHD (Hyperactivity-Impulsivity Domain Type) (7316 Downloads) |
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Relationship between perceived social support and adherence of treatment in Diabetes mellitus type 2: mediating role of resillency and hope (6839 Downloads) |
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Meta-analysis of Effective Factors in Mental health of aged people (6625 Downloads) |
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Concepts of Health and Disease in Individualistic and Collectivistic Cultures: A Cross-Cultural Study (6576 Downloads) |
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The role of metacognitive beliefs and attitude to pre-marital relationships in predicting high-risk behaviors in adolescents (5870 Downloads) |
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Comparison of Loneliness, Emotion Regulation and Body Image Satisfaction in Virtual Social Network Users Based on Gender (5726 Downloads) |
A Phenomenological Study of Emotional and Subjective Experiences of Children of Divorce (5724 Downloads) |
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The Structural Relationship of personality virtues, authentic personality and Personal Growth Initiative with wisdom in students (5550 Downloads) |
Comparison of The Anxiety, Worry and Intolerance of Uncertainty among individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive and Substance use Disorders (5481 Downloads) |
Psychological Experiences of Terminal Cancer Patients with an Emphasis on Their Concerns and Needs: A Phenomenological Study (5277 Downloads) |
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Prediction of Mental Disorders Symptoms Based on Religious Faith and Gratitude (5227 Downloads) |
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The effect of cognitive behavioral therapy on coping style among patients with cancer in Ahvaz (5015 Downloads) |
A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Schema Therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on the Self-Efficacy and Lifestyle Related to Weight Loss (4953 Downloads) |
Effectiveness of Sahaja-Yoga Mindfulness Exercises on the Reduction of Depression, Anxiety and Stress in Women (4943 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Brain- Behavioral Systems, Alexithymia and Somatoform Disorder Symptoms in Female Students (4888 Downloads) |
The Mediating Role of Cognitive Emotion Regulation in the Relationship between Brain-Behavioral Systems with eating behavior in individuals with overweight and obesity (4674 Downloads) |
Qualitative evaluation of recovery process in patients with bipolar disorder (4648 Downloads) |
Effectiveness of Acceptance enhanced behavior therapy on Body Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorders (Trichotillomania, Skin Picking, Nail biting): A multiple baseline design with three month follow up (4615 Downloads) |
Relationships among Cyberbullying, psychological vulnerability and suicidal thoughts in female and male students (4521 Downloads) |
Prevalence of Obsessive beliefs in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients and compared with healthy peoples (4451 Downloads) |
The role of Marital intimacy and Spirituality in prediction of Family Cohesion and Adaptability (4441 Downloads) |
Psychometric properties of adult separation anxiety disorder questionnaire in students (4439 Downloads) |
Sexual function and quality of life in male and female with chronic renal diseases (4435 Downloads) |
Relationship between self-efficacy and mental health among teachers:the role of perceived social support (4421 Downloads) |
The relationship between psychological capital with the perception with Illness Perception in MS Patients (4270 Downloads) |
Death Awareness an Awakening Experience: Two Studies on Death Anxiety and Valuation of Extrinsic Aspirations (4196 Downloads) |
The Investigating of Psychometric properties of Covert Relational Aggression Scale (4138 Downloads) |
The study of structural model of relationship between patience and difficulty in emotion regulation (4127 Downloads) |
The Prediction of Health Anxiety based on Experiential Avoidance and Anxiety Sensitivity among non-clinical Population (4098 Downloads) |
The relationship between caregiver's burden and patient's quality of life in women with breast cancer (4073 Downloads) |
Modeling of tendency to cigarette smoking based on the health believes, attitudes, subjective norms, and resiliency (4018 Downloads) |
Effectiveness of Parent-Child Interaction Program on Parenting Stress and Parent-Hearing Impaired Child Relationship (3935 Downloads) |
Psychometric properties of Ambivalence over Emotional Expression Questionnaire (3904 Downloads) |
Designing and testing a model of some precedents and outcomes of work ability index (3884 Downloads) |
Total Sum: 935030 |