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The effect of basketball specific and general training on physical and physiological fitness in male basketball players trained (21663 Downloads) |
Compaison the effect of resistance exercise with active and passive rest on aerobic and anaerobic fitness in soccer players (15843 Downloads) |
The effect of eight weeks comprehensive corrective exercises on upper crossed syndrome (10824 Downloads) |
The effect and maintenance of 8 weeks corrective exercise on increased lumbar lordosis of pre and post pubertal school girls (10146 Downloads) |
Reliability Assessment of Functional Balance Tests in Endomorph Healthy Women 24-34 years old (9571 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Range of the ankle motion, Q angle and back stroke kicking on male Swimmers (8013 Downloads) |
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The effects of creatine and L-carnitine supplementation on anaerobic performance in athletes (6888 Downloads) |
Designing a specific upper body anaerobic power test for wrestling (5978 Downloads) |
Effect of Functional Fatigue on Landing Mechanics using Landing Error Scoring System (LESS) (5939 Downloads) |
The norm of bioenergetics characteristics of elite and advanced male and female Iranian Badminton players (5526 Downloads) |
Design and fabrication of three axes accelerometer (5457 Downloads) |
Comparison the effects of two pedaling methods on lower limb muscles activity and fatigue index in road cyclists (5454 Downloads) |
Predicting sprint performance of front-crawl swimming in young swimmers with an emphasis on biomechanical, muscle architectural and anthropometrical factors (5341 Downloads) |
The comparison of sport injuries in 2 premier leagues of taekwondo and the study of the protective equipments effectiveness in it: seasons 2006-2007 and 2011- 2012 (5293 Downloads) |
Effect of aerobic and strength training on serum PTH, calcium, albumin and alkaline phosphatase in postmenopausal women (5059 Downloads) |
Correlation between lower body stiffness and agility in racket-sports athlete (4986 Downloads) |
The effect of "Tai Chi" exercise on depression, quality of sleep and some of physiological factors in elderly, living in Nursing Home (4948 Downloads) |
Effect of different walking speed on the gait kinematics of individuals with knee varus (4941 Downloads) |
Comparison the Effect of Kinesiotaping with Stretching of Upper Trapezius Muscle in Neck Pain due to Forward Head Posture (4834 Downloads) |
The study of relationship between physical fitness and success of female climbers to ascend Mera Peak (6654 m) (4829 Downloads) |
Effect of Aquatic and Land–base Plyometric Exercise on Selected Biomechanical Parameters of Butterfly Swimming in Elite Male Adolescent Swimmers10-14 years (4814 Downloads) |
Relationship between anthropometric characteristics with the performance velocity of Gyaku-zuki technique in elite female Karatekas (4813 Downloads) |
Compare sequence of joint motion and muscle electromyography between low drive and high drive soccer instep kick (4719 Downloads) |
Relationship between sprint performance of front-crawl swimming and muscle fascicle length in young swimmers (4699 Downloads) |
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Relationship between balance and maximum strength in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing closed kinetic chain exercises (4399 Downloads) |
Comparison of the lumbosacral angles in state of standing on the various slopes, in the healthy and low back pain females (4375 Downloads) |
The Effect of Low Volume High Intensity Interval Training on Sarcolemmal Content of Fatty Acid Transport Proteins (FAT/CD36 and FABPpm) in Young Men (4350 Downloads) |
Protective effects of eight weeks interval aerobic exercise on decorin, TGF-β and tumor volume in atypical animal of breast cancer (4255 Downloads) |
The effect of eight weeks aerobic exercise on some immune factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (4239 Downloads) |
The effect of twelve weeks endurance training on liver enzymes levels in Iranian obese women (4233 Downloads) |
The Effect of 6 weeks of strength exercise with Traband on some of the variables anaerobic power in young basketball players (4226 Downloads) |
Evaluating the effact of eight weeks strength and plyometric trainings on knee joint position sense (4203 Downloads) |
Comparison of electromyographic activity of shoulder muscles during two different pull-up test methods (4177 Downloads) |
effect of 12 weeks Aerobic Exercise Training on Some Characteristics of Immune System and General Health of Women with Breast Cancer (4153 Downloads) |
Biomechanical analysis of successful versus unsuccessful free throw shots performed by professional basketball players (4140 Downloads) |
Effect chest wall restriction in water on aerobic power, cardio-respiratory functions and swimming performance of elite female swimmers (4134 Downloads) |
Designing, validation, and reliability assessment of software to acquire kinematics parameters of motion by image processing (4117 Downloads) |
The effect of 6 weeks core stabilization training program on the dynamic balance of mentally retarded and health (4099 Downloads) |
Provincial description of somatotype profile of 9-13 years old Iranian boys in martial arts (4096 Downloads) |
The response of blood buffering capacity and H+ regulation to three types of recovery during repeated high-intensity endurance training (3929 Downloads) |
The Comparative Study of Effects of 4 Weeks Accommodation and Constant Load Strength Training Methods on Maximum Strength and Power of Trained Athletes (3915 Downloads) |
The comparing of electrical activity pattern of major muscles involved in handball triple shooting in two groups of adolescents and adults (3879 Downloads) |
Strength ratio between agonist and antagonist muscles and range of motion of the shoulder in female volleyball players and non-athletes (3809 Downloads) |
Comparing the scores of functional movement screening tests in active and inactive subjects (3793 Downloads) |
Comparison of advanced physical fitness profile between Olympic soccer team members of Iran according to playing position (3718 Downloads) |
Effect of Soccer Specific Functional Fatigue On hip and knee Joints Kinematics In professional players during Landing (3594 Downloads) |
Comparison of posture in elite female taekwondo players and non-athletes (3588 Downloads) |
Total Sum: 576530 |