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One of the most common abnormalities in the lower extremity, is the flexible flat foot. Pes planus is a condition where medial longitudinal is flatter than normal and the entire sole of the foot comes into near complete or complete contact with ground and causes distortions in the structures of the skeletal parts of the foot. The purpose of this study was the effect of six weeks of local and comprehensive corrective exercises on proprioception, balance and ankle navicular drop in 10-18 years old female with flexible flat foot deformity. This research was quasi-experimental study performed in two phases: pre-test and post-test. Fifty one female with flexible flat foot postures entered the study as subject. They were randomly divided into 2 experimental groups (local and comprehensive) and 1 group control. As one of the inclusion criteria, a navicular drop test was performed for subject to assess the condition of the foot posture. The experimental group performed corrective exercise for 6 weeks (3 sessions per week for 30 minutes) while control group performed the routine exercise. Ankle proprioception, balance and navicular drop was evaluated before and after the interventions. Statistical analysis was performed in SPSS software version 26. A covariance analysis test was use to evaluate the between-group difference, and paired sample test was used to evaluate the within-group changes. This study's finding showed that the corrective exercise group in the post-test had a better performance than pre-test in proprioception, navicular drop and balance (P=0.000) but in the control group, no significant difference was observed between the two stages of the test (P>0.05). it was also observed in the comparison between groups that in the post-test in the variables of the proprioception, navicular drop and balance of the experimental group achieved better results than the control group (P>0.05). This study show that six weeks of local and comprehensive corrective exercises has significantly improved proprioception, navicular drop and balance in 10-18 years old female with flexible flat foot. According to the results obtained in this study, it seems that corrective exercises can be used in this group to improve proprioception, static balance and posture
Type of Study: Research | Subject: آسیب شناسی و حرکات اصلاحی
Received: 2024/04/27 | Accepted: 2024/12/28

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