Abstract: (6748 Views)
In order to cytogenetically study on some populations of Foeniculum vulgare, karyotypes of 11 populations were analyzed. According to basic chromosome number, the species were 2n=22. According to Stebbins categorization populations foreign 1, Oromie and Lorestan were classified in symmetric class of 1A , populations Shiraz, Yazd, foreign 2, Fozveh Najafabad and Ebnesina were classified in 2A , Esfahan in 1B and Hamedan and Boshehr in 2B. Based on inter and intra chromosomal variations Hamedan and Boshehr which have the most asymmetric and evolutionary, karyotype-sis classified in the B class. Using the biplot of populations, based on two parameters of A1 and A2, and symmetry types of Stebbins, the same results were obtained. Using principal component analysis, the first two components justified %77.47 of total va-riance. In the first components, the arm ratio of long arm/short arm, %TF and A1 which had the highest coefficients of eigenvalues were the most important traits. In the second component, the ratio of the longest chromosome to shortest chromosome, A2 and length of shortest chromosome had the most important role for total variation. By cutting dendrogram resulted from cluster analysis (Ward) in metric distance of 5, the populations were classified into three groups. The furthest distances were obtained between Esfahan and Fozveh Najafabad, which indicates the least affinity between them. The shortest metric distance values were obtained between Najafabad and Lo-restan. The diagram of population's dispersion, based on two first components, grouped in three separated classes, which is in confirmation with the results of cluster analysis.
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Published: 2011/10/15