Abstract: (7858 Views)
Plants from papilionoideae Subfamily of fabaceae family have a papilionoid flower. Glycyrrhiza glabra is an important plant of this family and is a perennial and bushy plant which includes raceme inflorescences with blue or dark violet flowers. Flower has synsepalous calyx with five lobes that at adaxial surface has secretory hairs. Corolla has three kinds of petals: a vexillium, two wings and two keels. In contrast to other petals, wings have secretory locules more and are darker in color. Keels do not attach to each other. Androecium is decamerous, diadelphous, heteromorphy. Anther characters are: tetrasporange, extrorse, longitudinal dehiscence, four wall layers, simultaneous cytokinesis, secretory taptum and sheroidal pollen. Gynoecium is monocarpate with campilotropous and crossinucelate ovules, open style and disk shaped stigma. Secretory thricomes are seen on the outer side of sepals. Fruit is pod with 2-5 seeds, which even at maturity stage has secretory thricomes. Eventually, it seems that flower color, its papilionoid structure, numerous secretory thricomes on ovary wall, sepals and wings are important charachters at insect attraction.
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Published: 2011/10/15