Abstract: (7364 Views)
Propolis or bee-glue is a natural sticky material gathered in the hives by worker honey bees (Apis mellifera L. ,Apidae) from the growing parts of trees and shrubs (e.g., leaf buds, trunk wounds). Typical propolis has approximately 50 constituents, primarily resins and vegetable balsams (50%), waxes (30%), essential oils (10%), and pollen. At least, 180 different compounds have been identified so far in propolis. The aim of this study is to examaine antimutagenesis effects of cosmetic creams containing ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP) against two mutagenic substances named sodium azide (NaN3) and potassium permanganate (KMnO4) by Ames test and microsome. In this test, various strains of Salmonella typhymurium TA100 and TA97 were used each having selective mutation in their operon histidine. Mutant strains (His-) were grown on culture media containing minimum salt and glucose in the presence of mutagen substances above. So, only those bacteria that reversed by mutation (His+) could grow and form colonies on culture media. If antimutagen (EEP) and mutagen substances are gathered, the rate of reversed mutation is reduced and the percentage of mutation inhibition can be calculated by means of the formula. In addition, the significant difference between the average of revertants per plate of the sample in relation to the mutagens was assessed by using statistical software SPSS and interpreted by one-way variant statistical test. Finally the results of in vitro antimutagenicity tests revealed that propolis in 0.1-4% concentrations could inhibit mutagenicity of two mutagens mentioned above in a dose-dependent manner. Also the results of microsomal assay (S9) revealed that propolis has a very high potential for inhibition of mutation and cancer. For these reason, ethanolic extract of propolis in defined concentrations can be used in cream formulation due to these reason
Published: 2009/10/15