- Analysis of the indicators of environment approaching to the right to a healthy environment (Case study: District 20 of Tehran Municipality)
Amir Azmoon, Habibollah Fasihi, Farzaneh Sasanpour, Taher Parizadi, Ali Shamaei - Review of the role of urban governance and creativity in order to regenerate and reduce the risks of worn-out tissues in Semnan
seyed Mohamad Nazim Razavi, Navid Saeedi Rezvani, Seyyed Mohammad Rashtian - Evaluating the effects of social capital on socio-economic indicators affecting the reduction of vulnerability from the spread of covid-19 in the border villages of Sistan
Arastoo yari hesar, Vakil heidarysarban, Bahram Imani, samaneh sarani - Zoning Landslide Hazard in the Masal to Gilvan Road Using a Neural Network Algorithm
sayyad Asghari Sarasekanrood, zahra sharifi, zahra shahbazi - Landslide risk zoning using artificial neural network (ANN) in Mishkhas watershed of Ilam
shamsollah Asgari, samad shadfar - Analysis of the relationship between land use changes and the intensification of land subsidence in the Dehgolan plain of Kurdistan province
manijeh Ghahroudi Tali, Farhad Khodamoradi, Khadijeh alinoori - Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Precipitation Concentration and Its Zonation in Mazandaran Province
Mohammad Hossein Nasserzadeh, Ali Reza karbalaee, maryam ghaderi rastaghi - Prioritization of Obstacles to Public Participation in the Implementation of Desertification Projects: the Experience of Local Communities from the Implementation of Desertification Projects in Garmsar City, Semnan Province
Pouria Ghobakhloo, Mohammad Kia Kianian Golafshani, Amin Salehpour, Shima Nikoo
- Year 2021
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2010/07/1 - New Journal website launched
Accepted Articles
- The impact of climate change on the amount and temporal distribution of snow melt run off in the Amir Kabir dam watershed
fatemeh falahati, Bohlol Alijani, mohammad saligheh - Analysis of the effect of hot oppressive climate on cardiovascular mortality in Tehran metropolitan: Synoptic climatological approach
Mahsa Sepasian, bohloul alijani, Mohammad Salighe, Mehry Akbary - Spatial analysis and evaluation of pollution and health risk of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb) available in Tehran Dust fall
Fatemeh Arsalani, Bohloul Alijani, Sabereh Arsalani - Indexing and effect of Regional Pressure Centers on Rainfall on the Northern Shores of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman
halimeh kargar, , Mohammad saligheh, mehry akbary - Synoptic Analysis of Summer Dry Spells in Southern Coasts of the Caspian Sea and Its Relationship with Atmospheric Circulation
Mahmoud Roshani, Mohammad Saligheh, Bohlol Alijani, Zahra Begum Hejazizadeh - Vulnerability assessment of Mashhad plain aquifer using the combination of DRASTIC and SI models
Vajihe Gholizade, Amir Saffari, Ali Ahmadabadi, Amir Karam - Analyzing synoptic-dynamic patterns and examining the trend of changes in wide snowfall in the western half of Iran
Sharifeh Zarei, Bohloul Alijani, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Bakhtiar Mohammadi - The identification and prioritization affective weather threats the combat readiness of military units Southeast region
Bohloul Alijani, Mohammad Hosein Naserzadeh, Hasan Ghazi, Mohammad Mohammadi - Assessment of subsidence risk in Eyvanakey plain using Environmental factors and radar images
Amir Saffari, Ali Ahmadabadi, Amieali Abbaszadeh - Modeling and forecasting the risk of forest degradation on the emitting amount of carbon dioxide gas using the REDD model (Case study: Cities of Chalus and Nowshahr)
saleh arekhi, Habib Allah Kour, Somia Emadaddian
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2025، Volume 11، Number 4
- Print ISSN: 2423-7892
- Online ISSN: 2588-5146
- Director-in-Charge:
- Editor-in-Chief:
- Publisher:
Indexing Databases
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