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1- Unversity of kharazmi
2- I.R.I Army Command and Staff University
3- Unversity of kharazmi , m12mohammadim12@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (557 Views)
Combat readiness in military units indicates the ability of the unit to perform military missions. To conduct research and extract weather threats in the southeastern region, data from 19 synoptic stations with a statistical period of 22 years were used and to prioritize weather threats, combat readiness criteria were used. Dust storms, heat stress, heavy rainfall and sultry conditions were identified as the most important weather threats affecting combat readiness in the region. Based on the hierarchical analysis of dust storms, the most important and effective threat to the combat readiness of military units was identified, the incompatibility rate was calculated and its value was less than 0.1, so pairwise comparison, weighting and prioritization of threats were confirmed. The zoning map of each weather threats was prepared in GIS software and finally, using the weight of each weather threats, it was obtained by combining the zoning maps of the identified threats and using fuzzy hierarchical analysis, a comprehensive map of weather threats was prepared. Zabol and Zahak synoptic stations in spring, the whole region in summer, Saravan station in autumn and Iranshahr, Saravan, Minab and Kahnooj stations in winter are the worst places for military units and also in autumn the lowest frequency of hazards in the region. We witnessed and based on weather maps, this season was recognized as the best season for the deployment and operation of military units in the region.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2021/12/20 | Accepted: 2024/02/2

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