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Showing 7 results for Farsi

Dr Behrouz Abdoli, Dr Alireza Farsi, Mr Javad Riahi Farsani,
Volume 5, Issue 10 (12-2015)

Self-talk as “an internal dialogue, through which the individual interprets feelings and perceptions, regulates and changes evaluations and convictions, and gives him/her instructions and reinforcement”. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of two types of instructional and motivational self-talk on the pattern of coordination and accuracy of basketball free throw to specify the effect of each types of the self-talks on of basketball free throw skill necessities (patterns of coordination and accuracy). Using available sampling method, 20 male basketball players with the mean age of 23.5±5.5 were selected who had at least 5 years of practice in basketball and were playing in one of the credible leagues of the country. In this study the basketball free throw skill was evaluated through two sessions with the time interval of 24 hours in two phases with and without self-talk (instructional and motivational). The data of the motion pattern and the accuracy of basketball free
throw were recorded in both phases of the test, and the kinematic data was used to compute the throw hand elbow-wrist No-RMS in order to investigate the coordination pattern. In statistical analysis, the data was analyzed using descriptive statistics
(mean, standard deviation, tables and figures) and inferential statistics (the analysis of variance with repeated measure and dependent t test). The results of throw accuracy showed that solely the use of instructional self-talk leaded to a significant
enhancement of the basketball free throw accuracy (t(9): 4.388, p: 0/002). Moreover, there was a significant difference between the effect of instructional self-talk and motivational self-talk in favor of instructional self-talk (2: 0.444, F(1,18): 14.364, p:0.001). Exploring the results of coordination pattern revealed that instructional selftalk leads to a significant (t(9): .048, p(1,18): 2.288) decline in elbow-wrist No-RMS and consequently an improvement in elbow-wrist interalimb coordination in performing the basketball free throws. The results indicated that the usage of instructional selftalk are benefical in improving the skills that require motiom coordination and accuracy of performance and it is superior to the use af motivational self-talk in this regard.

Mrs Fahimeh Habibi Far, Dr Alireza Farsi, Dr Behrooz Abdoli,
Volume 8, Issue 16 (12-2018)

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of concurrent cognitive tasks activating phonological loop and visuospatial scratchpad of working memory on gait in older adults.12 older adults with the age range of 65-70 years performed walking trials in 3 counterbalanced testing conditions including single walking, walking while performing visuospatial task and walking while performing phonological task. Walking trials were recorded by Motion Analysis system during the test session. Repeated measure ANOVA was used to analyze the gait parameters. The findings indicated a significant difference between 3 testing conditions in step time, cadence, acceleration amplitude variability and step width. The results also showed that in dual task condition, visuospatial scratchpad activation interferes with elderly gait more so than the phonological loop activation. Therefore, it seems that visuospatial scratchpad component of working memory might be specifically used for planning and carrying out gait as a motor task.
Hesam Ramezanzade, Behrouz Abdoli, Alireza Farsi, Mohammad Ali Sanjari,
Volume 9, Issue 18 (12-2019)

This study investigated the effect of audiovisual integration on action-perception transfer.40 subjects were randomly divided four groups: visual, visual-auditory, control visual and control visual-auditory. Visual groups watched pattern skilled basketball player and other groups in addition to watching pattern skilled basketball player, heard Elbow angular velocity as sonification. In first stage, the pattern is presented to subjects for five times and them replying to ten questions about different aspects of pattern. Then they performed parameter recognition and pattern recongnition tests. In second stage, experimental groups watch pattern five times again and perform it after each watch. Control groups watch pattern similar to experimental group but they must not perform it. All groups responded to the questionnaire and participated in a recognition tests again. Results showed that before action, in “percent confidence reply” and no “reply to questions” there is significant different between experimental groups. But after action in both “percent confidence reply” and “reply to questions” there was significant different between experimental groups and control groups (p<0.05). In this study was confirmed effect of visual-auditory integration on action-perception transfer. This results is explainable based of Common Coding Theory, Direct Matching Hypothesis and Predictive Models. The results are consistent with modality appropriateness hypothesis.

Ms Zahra Abdolmaleki, Dr Abbas Bahram, Dr Alireza Farsi, Dr Mozhgan Khademi,
Volume 13, Issue 25 (9-2023)

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Quiet eye training on gaze behavior in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) of forehand skill in table tennis. Method, In order to, thirty children aged 12-7 years old were selected from ADHD children at Imam Hossein Hospital in Tehran and randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. Protocol of the training were performed in 16 sessions and follow up test after six of inactivity. Learning was investigated in the form of change in gaze behaviors such as onset, offset, duration of quiet eye and frequency gaze. The results of the research indicated that the decrease in frequency gaze and onset quiet eye and increase offset and duration of quiet eye in ADHD children. However, there was a significant difference between the two groups of experimental and control groups in frequency gaze. Offset and duration of quiet eye in children who have advanced progression from pre-test to post-test will be more stable over time. Conclusion, the present study confirms that the use of quiet eye training as a perceptual-motor training protocol can be effective for ADHD children by changing the visual perception pattern. It is suggested that a quiet eye training be used as a learning tool for ADHD children.

Naser Omidzadeh, Mahin Aghdaei, Alireza Farsi,
Volume 14, Issue 27 (8-2024)

The purpose of the research was to investigate the effect of auditory focus of attention with high and low cognitive load on sports performance and working memory adolescent. The research was semi-experimental and included elementary and high school students of Kohnani city. The statistical sample was 20 students aged 11-13. In the pre-test, soccer chip shot was used. The acquisition stage was performed on 4 consecutive days. In the stages of delayed recall and transfer, n-back test and soccer chip kick were performed. The results showed that in the group of auditory focus of attention with cognitive high load, the effect of auditory focus of attention with high cognitive load on sports performance and working memory was significant (p 0.01) and The group of auditory focus of attention with low cognitive load showed improvement only in working memory (p 0.01). So Cognitive load manipulation has a positive effect on working memory and sports performance.

Mrs Maryam Khalaji, Dr Mahin Aghdaei, Dr Alireza Farsi, Dr Alessandro Piras,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

Using auditory concurrent feedback with the goal of gaze path learning is one of the novelty methods in the attention field. The present study aimed to determine the effect of bisensory feedback using eye movement sonification on the decision-making of the badminton clear shot direction. In a Semi experimental strategy, with pre-post design without a control group and clinical method, participants performed recognizing the direction of the shot under unisensory and bisensory training conditions. Response accuracy, response time, and fixation duration were measured in the pre-test, immediate retention, and delayed retention. The results showed that in the immediate and delayed retention, the bisensory group had higher response accuracy and shorter response time than the unisensory group. The bisensory group had a longer fixation duration in key areas than the unisensory group in both times. The use of auditory feedback can probably be considered as a way to improve decision-making skills at the novice level.
Mohammad Mehdi Kheirkhiz, Behrouz Abdoli, Lorenzo Laporta, Alireza Farsi,
Volume 100, Issue 100 (10-2020)

The present study aims to investigate the variables of social networks in different positions in basketball. These variables were applied in two levels of analysis: micro (individual) and macro (global interaction of the team). 24 official Chemidoor Club competitions in the 2020 men's Iranian Premier League were selected by available sampling. This research analyzed the network properties of Degree, Betweenness, Closeness, Eigenvector, and Density centrality across teams and positions. The one-way ANOVA for the factor position in the micro-level found statistical differences between the game positions in the dependent variables of  Dc: (F(4,15)= 61/29, p= 0/000), Bc: (F(4,15)= 210/11, p= 0/000), Cc: (F(4,15)= 78/55, p= 0/000). However, no significant difference was observed in the Eig: (F (4, 15) = 1/58, p= 0/184). Results of post hoc test indices were significantly different between position 1 (point guard) and other positions.  Macro-level team density analysis showed a significant difference between performance results in successful and unsuccessful. The guard player role was observed as the situation that establishes the most interactions with teammates during the competition. Therefore, players with higher degrees were not the ones assisting the most shots. The other players with higher degrees were not the ones assisting the most shots. These results may be used as a tool for coaching to improve their teams’ strategies in concrete, measurable ways.

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