Volume 9, Issue 17 (9-2019)                   JRSM 2019, 9(17): 65-73 | Back to browse issues page

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Parvin poor S, Roohi M, Rad F. Comparison of dyad training method with cooperative and competitive approach in the learning of Basketball Free Throw. JRSM 2019; 9 (17) :65-73
URL: http://jrsm.khu.ac.ir/article-1-2910-en.html
Abstract:   (7532 Views)
This study aimed to Comparison of dyad training method with cooperative and competitive approach in the learning of Basketball Free Throw. The study sample included 24 girl’s students aged 13-15 years old who had no experience in free throw. Based on pretest scores, the participants were assigned to either the cooperative dyad training group or the competitive dyad training group. In the competitive dyad training condition, individuals in each dyad had to compete with each other to secure the highest free throw score. At the end of each training session the winner was rewarded. In contrast, in the cooperative dyad training condition, the dyads that attained the score of 75 or more in each training session were rewarded. After the 10th training session, the acquisition of free throw skill was assessed. A week later, the retention and the transfer of free throw skill were assessed. The results indicated that, with regard to the acquisition of free throw skill, in both conditions the participants had made statistically significant progress. In terms of the acquisition and the retention of the target skill, no statistically significant differences were observed between cooperative and competitive training groups. However, with regard to transfer test, the cooperative training group outperformed the competitive training group. Therefore, in comparison to competitive dyad training, cooperative dyad training is more conducive to the acquisition and the retention of free throw skill.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: motor behavior
Received: 2017/09/27 | Accepted: 2018/04/17 | Published: 2019/09/1

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