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Showing 2 results for Mirror
N. Mosharraf, Volume 12, Issue 45 (10-2004)
Mirror is a well- known symbol with deep roots in the world of literature. In Socrates' art, mirror reflects the real world. This distinctive feature of mirror has prevailed through history. This article attempts to trace and scrutinize the symbolic presence of mirror up to Rumi's age. Our discussion incorporatates a subsection on chang, the famous musical instrument, and closes with a hint on the equal and associating role of mirror and chang in Rumi's language.
Effat Neqabi , Volume 16, Issue 62 (10-2008)
Due to the significance of heart in mystical poem, in general, and in Mathnavi Maanavi, in particular, this article attempts to investigate the position and status of heart and probe the challenging question as to which heart deserves accommodation of the position of the Real. To this end, initially, the lexical origin and behavior of "heart" as well as its reason of appellation is provided and discussed. Then, the unique characteristics of Celestial hearts are presented and the barriers between the heart and the Divine Kingdom are discussed.