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Kharazmi University
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Habib-Allah Abbasi
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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

EISSN 24766941
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Showing 1 results for Tohfeh Al-Momenin

Mr Mohammad Mohammadi, Mr Mahmoud Fotouhi,
Volume 30, Issue 93 (1-2023)

One of the common literary trends in the Safavid and Qajar historical periods was writing the poetic interpretation of the Qur’an in Persian. The intellectual and linguistic structure of this literary trend was in fact a continuation of interpretations such as Kashf al-Asrar (520 AH), especially in Nowbate Thalithah, and the Mawaheb Aliyah (Hosseini interpretation, 897-899 AH), a tradition that shifted from prose to poetry in order to establish and expand itself. The purpose of the present study is to introduce five lesser-known poetic interpretative works in Persian. This has been done by referring to library sources and accessing the original versions based on a descriptive method. The obtained results are significant for fundamental studies in the fields of Sufism literature and Quranic studies. The five newly discovered interpretations are as follows: 1. Tohfeh Al-Momenin by Molavi Karimbakhsh (1068 AH) 2. Tafsir Rashidi (written around 1300 AH) by Abolfayaz Qamar al-Haq 3. Tafsir Najm Isfahani (1335-1336 AH) by Najm al-Hokama Muhammad Mousavi 4. Tafsir Asma al-Hossna by Geda (?) 5. Tafsir Manzoom by Nazr Hassan Ibn Muhammad Ali Zaidi (1247-1366 AH

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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