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Kharazmi University
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Tahereh sadate Mirahmadi

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Showing 1 results for Person-Centered Approach

Hossain Bayat , Nastaran Shahbazi,
Volume 28, Issue 89 (12-2020)

Ali Akbar Dehkhoda is one of the most influential writers of the constitutional era. Simultaneously with the formation of the first parliament, he published his reports, views and critiques in a series of narrative articles entitled “Charand-o-Parand” in the weekly journal “Sur-e-Esrafil”. These writings were very popular and attracted a wide audience. Apart from the fact that the contents of the narratives were realistic, it seems that the original structure of “Charand-o-Parand” articles, which used the language of humor and the creation of a reliable narrator (Dakhou), who plays a key role in the writings, has strengthened the attractiveness and credibility of the narratives. The methods that Dehkhoda has used in the unique structure of the articles and the characterization of Dakhou share striking similarities with the techniques outlined in Carl Rogers’ humanistic approach. An approach that is fundamentally psychological in nature and the issue of personality is its focal point. The selection and classification of the examples derived from “Charand-o-Parand” and matching them with the components of Rogers’ Person-Centered Theory show that Dehkhoda placed features in the field of the text that prove Rogers’ most important assumption, the experimental world. Based on this, the form and contents of the articles narrated by Dakhou can be similar to the features assumed by Rogers describing an ideal face of the therapist.

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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