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Yousef Asghari Bayqut, Mahdi Dehrami,
Volume 20, Issue 72 (5-2012)

A part of Khaghani's Divan includes his Arabic poems where one can be find a large number of errors which have not already been studied and discussed. In this paper, attempts are made to illustrate some of these errors and correct them. In so doing, the present researchers have studied these errors stemming from misreading (Tashif), distorting and miswriting, and considering Khaghani's other poems and Arab poets, the syntagmatic (metonymic) level of poems, Khaghani's poetical style, figures of speech, copies, meanings, etc,  we have suggested the correct forms. These errors are so frequent; hence, it is highly necessary to correct them. Due to Khaghani's great status, his artistic skills and his powerful rhetoric in Persian and Arabic languages, it is highly necessary to study these poems more closely and precisely again.

Hamid Abdollahian, Farnoush Farahmand,
Volume 20, Issue 72 (5-2012)

Najdi is one of the outstanding contemporary writers due to his specific style. He has a different attitude towards human life and cultural elements of Iran, which makes his stories a good subject for discussion and research. In this article, two stories of Najdi are analyzed in the light of Deconstruction: “The Day of Asb-rizi” and “The Night of Killing Sohrab”. Deconstruction is mostly based on Derrida’s theory. It originated and was initially used in Philosophy and then it spread to literary criticism. The aim of Deconstruction is to find the binary oppositions, to analyze them in order to reveal the contradictory points and to deny the accepted assumptions. The results of this process is to doubt those beliefs that have been considered as axiomatic up to that time. In Najdi’s stories, the binary oppositions include man/animal, man/nature and man and civilization. In “The Day of Asb-rizi”, the opposition between man and animal, and, freedom and slavery causes some contradictions in the major themes of the story. In “The Night of Killing Sohrab”, the binary opposition is that of harsh patriarchal world/ innocent childish world, or, experience/inexperience.

Foroogh Sahba, Mohammad Reza Omranpour, Raziye Azad,
Volume 21, Issue 74 (5-2013)

In this paper, Persian short storyis studied in the light ofTzvetanTodorov’s Narrative Theory. The hypothesis of this research is that there are various types of relations among the sequences, and each relation serves one or more functions. For this purpose, seven collections of Persianshort stories written by outstanding writers were selected. These collections consist of 63 short stories, beginningwith Jamalzadeh, the founder of this genre in Persian literature, and ending with Ahmad Mahmoud covering a period of fifty years. After analyzing deductively the selected stories it is demonstrated that there are many kinds of relations among the sequences of narratives, such as contrastive relation, memorial relation and stichomythic relation. In addition, each of these relations serves some functions, such as prescience, foregrounding of the story’s content and creation of suspense.

Hamid Abdollahian, Ali Asghar Bagheri,
Volume 25, Issue 82 (Published issues 2017)

The language philosophy theory of “speech acts” is one of the text analysis theories on the basis of which we can analyze rhetorical and literary concepts in smaller linguistic units (utterances). This article analyzes Sepehri’s "Seday-e Pay-e Aab" according to this theory. This poem has been analyzed according to the revised model of J. R. Searle’s five “speech acts," and the author’s three affective methods. After defining the expressions and the principles of the speech act theory and specifying the concept of the three effective methods in line with this theory, under each of the five acts (assertive, directive, commissive, expressive, declarative), some examples of the lines of the poem have been analyzed. Sepehri has used assertive and expressive acts in all the parts, directive act in most of the parts, but no commisive or declarative acts in any parts of the poem. To intensify the effects of his words, the poet has used strategies like repetition, intensification, and linking of the acts in his poetry. Using the directive, assertive and expressive speech acts, on the one hand, Sepehri describes and criticizes the past and present of the world; on the other hand, by delivering his poetic view and his ideal world, he coaxes his readers into living a specific lifestyle. To achieve this, he uses three affective methods creatively. Due to the specific features and applications of commisive and declarative acts, Sepehri has not been able to use them in this poem.
Kamin Aalipour, Mir Jalal-O-Aldin Kazzazi,
Volume 25, Issue 83 (3-2018)

Otherness is one of the methods of accessing hidden interests beyond the literary texts which through literary discourse analysis can be in direct relation to political science and sociology. Critical discourse analysis believes that each text is shaped by political and ideological approaches and the relationship between political issues and texts is not an accidental one. Laclauand Mouffe believe that in every discourse one can use two concepts of logic of equality and logic of difference to explain the relations of otherness present in literary texts. That is, in every discourse, a positive pole is foregrounded as“we”or ours, and on the opposite pole the negative side is introduced as“they”or “others”. Foregrounding and backgrounding are used in texts and discourse through language functions. Investigatingthis method in some of Khayyam's Quatrains we will find out why Khayyam has pursued a kind of polarization in his quatrains and also will realize how Khayyam, along with his philosophical views expressed in his Quatrains, has tried to suggest political and critical motives through his discourse.
Qolam Ali Fallah, Ferdows Aghagolzadeh, Hamid Abdollahian, Zeinab Zarhani,
Volume 27, Issue 86 (7-2019)

Shahnameh of Ferdowsi has been continuously studied by numerous researchers and scholars from literary, mythological and cultural aspects. One of the rarely and less noticed issues in this regard is investigating the ideological role and function of language in this piece of literature based on a certain adopted theory and method. In other words, the writers of this article try to understand how Ferdowsi utilizes language to engender the ideology of Iranian superiority and revive Iranian identity by producing the relevant discourse. To achieve this goal, the current study has been constructed over the theoretical framework of critical discourse analysis introduced by the famous linguist Teun van Dijk. We also focus on the battle of Rostam and Chengesh in the story of “Rostam and Chinese Khaghan” (“Rostam and the king of China”) to restrict the research area. The results show that Ferdowsi employs some strategies such as ideological polarization, positive self-presentation, negative other-presentation, lexicalization, and actor description to make a discourse on the supremacy of the Iranians.

Mehrdad Akbari Gandomani, Mehdi Reza Kamali Baniani,
Volume 27, Issue 86 (7-2019)

Through a rhetorical system, poets’ and writers’ worldview is reflected in their literary works. One effective factor in forming or changing these viewpoints is the happenings and changes of the world poets dwell on different levels. Simile is an important structure in the rhetorical system. In this piece of research the writers have tried to show how structure of simile in Bidel reveals transformations in the texture of situation on different levels through establishing relations with other rhetorical structures. Moreover, the research also investigates how vivid or subdued transformations in the current period affect the horizon of expectation of previous ages resulting in the formation of new horizons. In this article, the poems of Bidel are regarded as a field the intrinsic transformations in which can be attributed to other fields such as Hindi style of poetry. Through this study, it became obvious that not only the poet (Bidel) sometimes creates new structures out of old similes, but also he establishes new structures by creating chains of similes networks, resulting in the abundance of syntactic images, or  several images using multidimensional words, etc. In the following article, situational texture of Safavid era, linguistic texture of Hindi style, its common simile structures, and at last, new simile structures and their features in Bidel’s poems are studied.
Hamid Abdollahian, Samira Shafiee, Atefeh Zandi,
Volume 28, Issue 88 (7-2020)

One of the approaches to the criticism of fiction that has changed a lot from a linguistic point of view is Roger Fowler’s linguistic theory. This theory is a mixture of Chomsky’s transformational grammar and Halliday’s functional linguistics theories. The story of Golshiri’s “Khaneh-ye-Roshanan” was written in the mode of stream of consciousness, and Fowler believed that in such stories, the surface structure helps to understand the deep structure. The present paper analyzed the story of “Khaneh-ye-Roshanan” based on Fowler’s linguistic approach using the descriptive-analytical method along with library research tools. The results of the study indicate that the types of transformations and the mode of stream of consciousness in this work cause shifts in syntactic structure of sentences, non-compliance with grammatical rules, repetition of pronoun references, creation of rhythm and music in speech, application of associative contrasts, repetitions based on emphasis, confusion in the readers’ minds, and creation of suspension and postponement in speech. The main characters of this work, the actor and alternating narrators, are all passive and sensory-perceptive. It is as if they should not utter a word against the dominant ideology of the text, which would disrupt its monotonous atmosphere. In this work, like the rest of his works, Golshiri wanted to delve into the problems of society and to dominate his interventionist judgments in the text. In terms of looking at the text, the author sometimes dealt with the text from an external perspective and did not consider himself to be able to understand the perceptions of the characters in the story, while he sometimes explored the text from an internal perspective and assimilated his cognitive tendencies into the text. In terms of representation of speech and thought, both direct and indirect speech were used in this work. Both methods could reveal as much as possible the internal and verbal secrets of the main and secondary characters.

Arman Fateh Dowlatabadi, Qolam-Ali Fallah, Hamid Abdollahian,
Volume 30, Issue 92 (5-2022)

Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh is full of stories which are rooted in myths. The characters of stories can be analyzed from different viewpoints. Keykhosrow is one of the eminent characters of myths. In this paper, relying on desk study, document and content analysis, and the adoption of Marcel Mauss’ anthropological approach and Eliade’s theory about magic doctors we have analyzed Keykhosrow and his magical actions. The findings of this paper show that the Iranian-Turanian Keykhosrow is a potential witch. He also has characteristics and actions which can be found in witches. Keykhosrow, like a king-priest who dominated Classical Elements and adept in witchcraft, conquers Afrasiab with unusual magical tricks and ends the Great War.


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