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Mahmoud Fotouhi, Fatemeh Razavi, Volume 29, Issue 90 (7-2021)
Over the centuries, Persian literature has provided a calm platform for the formation and expression of Iranian ideas.The idea of pluralism or (Wus’at-iMashrab) is one of the beliefs, which peaked in the tenth to twelfth centuries A.H. at the same time as the Safavid rule in Iran and the Gurkhani Timurid rule in India and spread views such as free thinking, happiness, and esotericism.This thought grew with the migration of intellectuals to India in twobranches of Iran and India and was used in various and sometimes contradictory meanings, from rebellion and atheism to the end of spiritual perfection and purity.By explaining this view in poetic Tazkirahs, this study deals with the differences and distinctions in these two political regions and shows how the meanings of Wus’at-iMashrabin poetic Tazkirahsin Iran and India are influenced by the political and cultural atmosphere of these two regions.