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Showing 5 results for Heydari

Qolam Reza Salemian, Sayyed Mohammad Arta, Donya Heydari ,
year 20, Issue 73 (10-2012)

Using indirect explanation and symbolism has a long history in Persian literature. Classic poets have used many symbols to explain mystical concepts. In contemporary periods, however, the insight of the poets is deeper than that of traditional poets as they pay more attention to political and social issues. Accordingly, the symbols have changed so that in contemporary poetry they are used for expressing political and social thoughts. Political and social symbolism is a new phenomenon in Persian poetry that begins with Nima and is developed by his followers, especially Ahmad Shamlu. Shamlu was not interested in explicit words, so in order to disseminate the clusters of meaning in his poems he used symbols and symbolism. In his deep and significant symbolism Shamluhas attempted to change the repeated and old symbols of classic poetry and to give them new meaning. This comparative study attempts to look at the different meanings of symbols in Shamlu’s poetry and to explain how the poet has used them.

Gholam Reza Salemian, Seyyed Mohammad Arta, Donya Heydari,
year 21, Issue 75 (12-2013)

Shohar-e AhooKhanoum, written by Ali Mohammad Afghani, is an excellent andexciting novel which potentiallyreflects the social problems. Due to its capacity in representing the specific social problems, this novel has gained a special status in Iran's contemporary narrative literature. The essentialelements of Realism in this novel show that its writer has been greatly influenced by the principles of Realism, and his basic techniques in the development and organization of the story are primarily Realistic. Afghani tries to adapt the events, characters and other aspects of his novel to the main principles of Realism representing the social realities on the basis of his own observations and experiences. By creating lifelike characters and focusing on social events, the writer puts a clear mirror in front of the reader in which he can observe the problems of the society. This article is mainly an attempt to discuss the Realistic aspects of this novel in order to unravel the hidden aspects of events.  

Morteza Heydari,
year 23, Issue 79 (1-2016)

The necessity of using modern literary knowledge in evaluating the Quranic texts and the writings based on the Quranic teachings is clear and necessary for Muslim researchers in today's world. In this research, the structure of Joseph’s (pbuh) Tale in the translation of Tafsir-e-Tabari (the Persian translation of Tabari’s Commentary of the Quran) has been evaluated by using Propp’s morphology. To achieve a more appropriate conclusion, this tale has been divided into four stories and its characters and their functions have been critically analyzed in each story. The number of the characters and the manner of their functions clearly demonstrate the structure of this tale on the basis of Propp’s theory. The movements of three stories out of four in the mentioned tale have followed Propp’s sextuple movement pattern; only in the second story of this tale, a two cross-sectional movement is seen that is not adaptable to Propp’s movement patterns and is considered as a new movement. Propp in his ideas has considered the religious roots and his morphology theory has been very efficient in studying Joseph’s (pbuh) tale. Since Propp has paid attention to structures rather than superstructures and quantitative details, his ideas are also helpful in studying the other tales. Finally, the author suggests that all the Quranic tales can be evaluated from a structural perspective on the basis of Propp’s ideas to find out the fundamental structure of these tales.   

Ahmad Kanjouri, Ali Nouri, Mohammad Reza Roozbeh, Ali Heydari,
year 27, Issue 87 (12-2019)

Simin Behbahani is one of the contemporary ingenious and efficacious poets. In her New-Sonnets (Nou-Ghazal), the frequency and variety of allusions are too many, so that the allusion is one of the most striking features of her poetic style. Accurate understanding of semantic capacities and structural concinnities of the word, which has allusive theme, depends on being familiar with meaning and concept of allusions on one side, and knowing the structure of allusions and methods of applying them on the other. Because of the importance and necessity of studying the methods and techniques making depth, affection, and intellectual, cultural and semantic development of allusions in order to better identify and understand the capabilities, elegances and semantic and structural measures of New-Sonnets of Simin Behbahani and the role of these factors in the creation of literary enjoyment, the main goal of this paper is to analyze the structure of allusion and also sorts of using it on the vertical axis of imaginations in New-Sonnets of Simin Behbahani. The results show that allusions used in poems of Simin Behbahani, have varieties in construction from single and complex words to the spread and vast allusions on the entirety of the vertical axis of Sonnets. Overall, in new-Sonnets of Simin Behbahani, the allusions are represented on the vertical axis in different kinds and methods such as parallel allusions, integrative allusions, comparison allusions, Molammah, structural allusions, debate allusions or allusive debate, incarnative allusions, etc. some of these methods especially in the vertical axis, are rare or unprecedented.
M.s Marjan Heydari Tambrabadi, M.s Shiva Heydari Tambrabadi, Mr Vahid Vaziri,
year 32, Issue 96 (4-2024)

 The present research, with an interdisciplinary approach, examines the role of architectural elements in the surreal stories of the blind owl and the prince of Ihtjab. Each of the architectural elements has its own specific definition and function, which shape the physical space and, in other words, create a space limited to time and place. But the content of these elements with their implicit meaning can create spaces that are not limited to time and place. Since the purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of architectural elements in creating the atmosphere of a surreal story; First, the architectural elements in the stories have been extracted, and based on comparative studies, their meaning beyond their physical aspect has been examined with the analytical-descriptive method, and finally their role in creating the surreal atmosphere of this story. It has been revealed. The Blind Owl can be considered the most important work of Sadegh Hedayat; In this story, architectural elements, including the storyteller's house and the mentioned buildings, have played a very important role in creating the atmosphere. In the story of Shahzad Ehtjab, the narrator of the story remembers in his personal room on the last night of his life, the surreal atmosphere of the story is formed by the room and the elements in it. With a deeper investigation, it can be said that the architectural elements in the room play an essential role in expressing the narrator's personal situations, recognizing the weaknesses and fears of the narrator.

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دوفصلنامه  زبان و ادبیات فارسی دانشگاه خوارزمی Half-Yearly Persian Language and Literature
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