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:: Volume 29, Issue 91 (12-2021) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2021, 29(91): 101-128 Back to browse issues page
Jami’s Haft Awrang from the Perspective of Social Psychology Components
Faranak Jahanbakhsh1 , Masroureh Mokhtari * 2, Asgar Salahi1
1- Mohaghegh Ardabili University
2- Mohaghegh Ardabili University , mmokhtari@uma.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3838 Views)
Analysis of human social behavior and interaction with others is a fundamental issue in social psychology. Since literary works and anecdotes are reflections of interpersonal actions and reactions of the existing realities in human societies, it is possible to analyze social behaviors and interactions in different societies through the analysis of the relationships between characters and their dialogues. Using descriptive-analytical method and the desk research approach, the present study analyzed Jami’s Haft Awrang, a book replete with anecdotes and allegories. We utilized the theories proposed by social psychology theorists such as Otto Klineberg, Elliott Aronson, and Baron. The findings of the study revealed that the five components of mass communication and persuasion, conformity, attraction, aggression, and prejudice are more outstanding than other components in Jami’s Haft Awrang. Consequently, we can say that the structure of many social psychology components corresponds to the traditional concepts and frameworks of anecdotes, and the social beliefs and intellectual forms of society play an obvious role in the emergence of each component.

Keywords: psychology, social psychology, Jami, Haft Awrang, Otto Klineberg, Elliot Aronson
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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Jahanbakhsh F, Mokhtari M, Salahi A. Jami’s Haft Awrang from the Perspective of Social Psychology Components. Persian Language and Literature 2021; 29 (91) :101-128
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4092-en.html

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