A part of Khaghani's Divan includes his Arabic poems where one can be find a large number of errors which have not already been studied and discussed. In this paper, attempts are made to illustrate some of these errors and correct them. In so doing, the present researchers have studied these errors stemming from misreading (Tashif), distorting and miswriting, and considering Khaghani's other poems and Arab poets, the syntagmatic (metonymic) level of poems, Khaghani's poetical style, figures of speech, copies, meanings, etc, we have suggested the correct forms. These errors are so frequent; hence, it is highly necessary to correct them. Due to Khaghani's great status, his artistic skills and his powerful rhetoric in Persian and Arabic languages, it is highly necessary to study these poems more closely and precisely again.
Asghari Bayqut Y, Dehrami M. The Necessity of a New Correction of Khaghani's Arabic Poems. Persian Language and Literature 2012; 20 (72) :7-24 URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-997-en.html