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:: Volume 32, Issue 96 (4-2024) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2024, 32(96): 63-82 Back to browse issues page
Haft-Xwân or Haft-Xân? A new look at the spelling of “xwân/xân” using a historical linguistics approach
Mohammad Hasan Jalāliān Chāleshtari *
University of Tabriz , mh_jalalian@tabrizu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (23731 Views)
The Haft-Xwân/Xâns of Rostam and Esfandiyâr are prominent episodes in the Shahnameh, which have garnered significant attention throughout the history of Persian literature. These episodes depict a series of battles involving warriors. However, there is debate regarding the correct spelling of the term. Traditionally, most manuscripts of the Shahnameh and other Persian works use the term “Haft-Xwân.” Nevertheless, some contemporary researchers argue that the warrior undergoes seven stages in these battles, leading them to propose an alternative spelling: “Haft-Xân.” Additionally, some scholars suggest that the second part of the word (xwân) refers to a feast, as Esfandiyâr supposedly celebrates after each battle. In this article, we explore the accuracy and validity of both opinions, employing historical linguistics. Our interpretation aligns with the content of these battle narratives, considering the original form as “Haft-Xwân.” Furthermore, we propose a new derivation for “xwân”, associating it with the concept of “battle and struggle.”
Keywords: Shāhnāmeh, xwân, xân, Battle, Station, Historical Linguistics
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: سایر
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Jalāliān Chāleshtari M H. Haft-Xwân or Haft-Xân? A new look at the spelling of “xwân/xân” using a historical linguistics approach. Persian Language and Literature 2024; 32 (96) :63-82
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4314-en.html

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