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:: Volume 29, Issue 91 (12-2021) ::
Persian Language and Literature 2021, 29(91): 215-235 Back to browse issues page
A Sociological Analysis of Ahmad Shamlou’s Poems Using Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of “Practice”
Zohreh Fallahi1 , Ahmad Khiyali khatibi * 2, Mohammad sadegh Farbod1
1- Azad University, Central Tehran Branch
2- Azad University, Central Tehran Branch , ahmadkhatibi840@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (4414 Views)
There is a two-way relationship between society and literature so that each one affects the other. In his theory of practice, Bourdieu deals with the interaction between literature and society and their mutual impact on each other. In the present article using Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of “practice”, three concepts of habitus, field, and action have been considered as the basis of analysis to provide a sociological investigation of Ahmad Shamlou’s poems and to clarify the way of thinking and type of action of this contemporary innovative poet. The research method in this study is descriptive-analytical in nature and fundamental-theoretical based on the purpose. The findings indicated that the poet’s habitus, which was based on the type of personal and social education in the family and society, was a fixed and stable habitus and with a special taste (habitus) in the face of the ruling power (field), to the extent that he had the available capital, he chose his lifestyle according to the position (pole of independence) in which he was located, due to the dialectical contradiction (between habitus and field), he chose a difficult and highly negative position. The poet performed different actions, the result of which was composing socio-political poems and, above all, innovating the sub-field of Persian poetry production.
Keywords: contemporary poetry, Shamlou, innovation, Bourdieu, Practice Theory.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
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fallahi Z, khiyali khatibi A, farbod M S. A Sociological Analysis of Ahmad Shamlou’s Poems Using Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of “Practice”. Persian Language and Literature 2021; 29 (91) :215-235
URL: http://jpll.khu.ac.ir/article-1-4034-en.html

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