Volume 1, Issue 3 (Automen 2004, Winter 2005- 2004)                   2004, 1(3): 81-100 | Back to browse issues page

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Shafi’i Kadkani M. The Remains of the Language of Qumis in Abolhasan Kharaghani’s Words. Journal title 2004; 1 (3) :81-100
URL: http://jls.khu.ac.ir/article-1-811-en.html
Tehran University , shafiikadkani@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (10537 Views)
In this article, first, the author introduces Abolhassan Kharghani – the great Iranian Sufi- in brief. Then, the remains of old language in Ghumis region (a part of the newly-established province of Semnan) will be sought. The old language of Ghumis has lived on in the words of Kharghani through a thousand years. This language manifests the differences between modern terms, verb structures and prefixes of Dari and those of Ghumis language dating a thousand years ago. Up to now, no study -neither Iranian nor Orientalist or European one- has been carried out on Ghumis language. Thus, this work can break the ground for such studies. The newly-discovered, yet old, sources of Maghamat– e Kharghani and Maghamat-e bayazid upon which this study builds have not been accessed by researchers.
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Type of Study: Research |

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