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Showing 8 results for Urban Tourism

Volume 17, Issue 47 (12-2017)

 In recent decades, developing urban tourism as one of major economic activities in different countries has caused many managers and planners to consider increased quality of tourism experience and protecting interests of host communities to expand the activities of this industry, knowing potentials, existing problems, decision making and planning. To do so, strategic planning can be propounded as a response to difficulties occurred due to lack of appropriate planning in tourism. In core tourism like all other commercial activities, strategic tourism should be depicted. So, one of strategic planning models used to develop tourism particularly urban tourism is a traditional model called SWOT. Therefore, in present study, it has been endeavored of Shahr-e-kord located in Chaharmahal-e-Bakhtiari as well as to analyze difficulties and problems existing in respect of Shahr-e-kord tourism. His study is a descriptive-analytic one and was done using filed studies and data gathered through evidence and libraries, questionnaires (considering the attitude of 70 officials and tourists) and Internet. Then, data was analyzed using excel software and strategic model of SWOT. Results suggested that due to having high capacities for tourism, Shahr-e-kord suffers from lack of enough infrastructure problems. On the other hand, it encompasses opportunities for educated young people to be employed and for investing. Some of major solutions to develop tourism are to increase advertisement, provide welfare and accommodation facilities, attract investment and be protected by government.


Mehdi Razjouyan, Sadralddin Motavali, Gholamreza Janbaz Ghobadi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

Tourism with a wide range of environmental, economic, social and physical impacts is one of the factors affecting the pattern of land use which, depending on the region's ability to attract tourists, as well as the type, volume and forms of tourism, the intensity and quality of this change effect varies. One of the many factors that can affect sustainable urban development is tourism and its consequences, so that a comprehensive study of the implications of tourism development in a metropolitan area needs to be considered as a sustainable urban development. The method of research is after collecting field information. Using a completed questionnaire, SPSS software is used to analyze the data. Then, using descriptive and inferential statistics, we analyze the relationships between the variables. And also, to show the results of analytical and descriptive data GIS and Excel software were used.  Finally, in GIS software environment, the zoning of the best places for tourism development will be analyzed. The results of this research show that from the perspective of half of the officials and government experts, the expansion of tourism industry, on one hand, causes the region's economic prosperity and, on the other hand, reduces regional security and causes pollution of the environment. 

Mr Arash Ghorbani Sepehr, Dr Afshin Mottaghi, Msr Zahra Ansari, Mr Morad Delalat,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

The city of Tehran, based on the 1404 document and the comprehensive plan approved in 2007, is a global, sustainable and coherent city with a structure suitable for leisure and leisure as well as a well-informed urban community with appropriate infrastructure. In order to achieve such a definition, the mentioned documents include promotion of the role and position of Tehran in transnational, national and regional levels, economic development and prosperity of the city of Tehran, improvement of communication networks, environmental protection, active restitution and conservation of natural heritage , Historical and cultural city of Tehran, and the development of green spaces, public spaces, recreation and tourism are predicted. One of the most important areas that can be used to operate the above strategies is the urban tourism area in the Tehran metropolis. Therefore, the issue of competition in urban tourism is an important factor in the progress of all cities of the country in competing with each other and, as a result of the prosperity and prosperity of the country at the national level, and then in competition with neighboring countries and globally, will make rapid progress and attract much capital to the country. The main objective of the research is to study the political geography of competition in urban tourism. Seeking to reach the goal of this article, the statistical population of the study is the provinces of Iran, which Tehran province has selected as a case study. In line with the aim of the study, data related to tourist attractions were collected using the Statistical Yearbook of the provinces (Tourism Organization, Cultural Heritage, Governor's Office in 1395) and then TOPSIS and ARC map software were used to map the provinces.

Dr Yazdan Shirimohamadi, Dr Ali Shamaei, Dr Seyyed Eshagh Jalalian, Farzaneh Rafiee,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

It is important to examine the effect of the tourist personality on the choice of tourist destination. In the meantime, using Hofstede's cultural model in analyzing the effect of tourist personality dimensions on the intention to visit through the perceived homogeneity variable greatly helps to understand this issue. In this research, the effects of femininity, masculinity, ambiguity, avoidance of individualism and collectivism on the intention to visit have been analyzed. This research is applied in terms of purpose and methodological in addition to descriptive and survey research. In this regard, 384 questionnaires were distributed among tourists from German, Japanese, French, Arab (Iraqi), Italian, Austrian, Chinese nationalities residing in five star hotels in Tehran. Structural equation index was used for data analysis. The results show that tourists prefer brands that match their perception of the destination brand. The findings of the study indicate that the personality dimensions of the tourist intent through the popularity of tourism destinations and the image of tourist destinations influence on the perceived homogeneity of the urban tourism brand and the masculinity of the tourism city brand; Perceived homogeneity of urban tourism brand is effective and femininity of tourism city brand does not affect perceived homogeneity of urban tourism brand. The results of this study indicate that Tehran has a masculine brand and people are selected to be masculine and to be collectivist and ambiguous. In fact, the results of the study showed that in selecting tourism markets for Tehran, one should look for tourism markets that are characteristic of the Hofstede model in terms of masculinity, ambiguity and collectivism, as well as the development of tourism spaces for women.

Hadi Nagibi, Adel Sherizadeh,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

Nowadays, tourism, as one of the key components, has a special role in developing societies and countries. Here, urban tourism - as a significant parts of the tourism industry - has a special place in improving the economic and cultural development of cities and has turned into one of the most important, exchange yielding, and income creating industries. Nevertheless, the development of this industry in cities faces some challenges and problems. This calls for a new and integrated planning to take advantage of opportunities and face the challenges ahead. Future studies can take very effective steps in planning for the development of urban tourism and mapping out the desired future of tourism, and by presenting proper solutions, it can stop the emergence of challenges and the realization of an undesirable future. This study was working towards in line with this purpose. In the present study, using Delphi technique, 36 factors were identified as the primary factors affecting the future of the development of urban tourism in Khoy. The structural analysis method was used with the help of MicMac software to extract key factors, where 12 factors were selected as key factors. Then, the probable situations were defined for each key factor. In the next step, to measure the effectiveness of the occurrence of the status of each of the factors on the occurrence or non-occurrence of other factors, a 33 × 33 matrix was designed and given to the experts. Finally, to compile probabilistic scenarios and to identify desirable scenarios, the data for this matrix were introduced into the scenario software. ScenarioWizard software reported 1406 poor scenarios, 4 strong scenarios and 13 credible scenarios by performing the needed analyses. Examining the credible scenarios showed a relative ruling of static, critical and undesirable situations over the desirable and ideal situations. Apart from the first scenario with desirable and progressive features, the rest of the scenarios do not show a desirable future in minds for the development of tourism in Khoy. 
Abbas Minai, Rahim Heydari Chianeh, Shahrivar Rustai,
Volume 23, Issue 70 (9-2023)

the purpose of this study was to identify factors affecting the competitiveness of tourism destinations. The present study is of applied purpose and of descriptive-analytical method. The required data for the study were collected in two forms: library and field (questionnaire). The statistical population of the study consisted of incoming tourists to Ardebil city. Due to the lack of accurate statistics on the number of incoming tourists the Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size for an unlimited population. The sample size was 384 people. It was a simple accident. In order to check the validity of the questionnaire, the validity of the questionnaire was confirmed in two stages of face and face validity through the opinion of professors and experts, and divergent validity was confirmed by calculating the extracted mean variance index (AVE). The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach's alpha and the combined reliability coefficient (cr). The results of Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability of the questionnaire confirmed the validity of the questionnaire. Spss and lisrel software were used for data analysis. The findings of this study showed that creativity and sustainability of tourism destinations have a positive and significant effect on the competitiveness of urban tourism destinations. The results also showed that the impact of sustainability of tourism destinations on the competitiveness of tourism destinations is more than the creativity of tourism destinations
Zeynab Taghvaee, Sadroddin Motevalli, Gholam Reza Janbazi Ghobadi, Jalal Azimi Amoli,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Irregular and unstable urban development has increased marginalization, destruction of urban green areas and increased demand for urban land, which in itself has led to the disappearance of urban green spaces and land use change of such lands and is possible. Cause certain global environmental problems such as the formation of urban heat islands, because urban green space is one of the important models in achieving sustainability in urban space and the physical and natural fit of the city. At the same time, the protection of the environment and urban green space is the main pillar of sustainable development, which has been discussed in developed countries for decades and in recent years has been highly regarded by planners in developing countries. The present study, in terms of Weberchr('39')s applied and developmental purpose, is a descriptive-analytical descriptive survey or field study in which the researcher-made questionnaire tool is used and the existing maps of urban green space are used. The purpose of this study is to explain the role of green space in coastal cities in attracting tourists with the approach of sustainable environmental development in the coastal city of Noor, but in addition to the main purpose of the sub-objectives, the researcher The results also increase the per capita urban green space, increase the number of urban tourists, prevent environmental damage and increase the income of the citizens of the coastal city of Noor.

Seyed Komeil Salehi, Ms Habibeh Nabizadeh, D.r Amineh Anjem Shoa,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

The objective of this research is to investigate the factors that enhance the attractiveness of tourism destinations in Tehran. This study is applied in nature and employs a descriptive-analytical methodology. The data collection methods include the use of questionnaires and interviews. The statistical population comprises tourism experts and specialists, and through the application of Cochran's formula and simple random sampling, a sample of 210 tourism experts was selected. Data analysis was performed utilizing descriptive statistics and logistic regression tests.  The findings of the research reveal that, out of the 210 tourism professionals in Tehran, 91 individuals, representing 43.3%, perceived the attractiveness of Tehran's tourism destinations to be at a high level; 29% assessed it as moderate; and only 27% regarded it as low. Furthermore, the results concerning the factors influencing the enhancement of attractiveness in alignment with tourism development indicate that, among the four factors considered, the most significant were: 1) innovative business opportunities, with an impact coefficient of 0.613; 2) the city's natural, cultural, and historical assets, with an impact coefficient of 0.577; 3) the development of tourism infrastructure, with an impact coefficient of 0.497; and 4) urban development, with an impact coefficient of 0.473.


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