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Showing 2 results for Urban Street

Mr Mahdi Moharreri, D.r Mohammad Naghizade, D.r Fereshte Ahmadi, D.r Shirin Toghyani,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

One of the issues facing today's cities in Iran is the issue of maintaining and upgrading existing streets. The way of managing theses streets and dealing with them has caused various problems in different aspects of cities. The purpose of this research is investigating the principles of maintenance and promotion of urban streets with a focus on Islamic teachings and Iranian culture. This research also explains some ways to improve the quality of urban streets using Islamic teachings and Iranian culture. Gathering information was done through observation, field study and documentary studies. Using content analysis methods, documenting and graphical analysis, information and data were analyzed. The quality of the cities depends on the quality of the streets and the quality of the streets is also based on the details of the streets. After designing and constructing urban streets, they need attention, maintenance and promotion in order to be always attractive and desirable for citizens. The results of this study indicate neglecting the indigenous material, art, culture, religion, needs and interests of citizens which has led to the construction of unqualified urban spaces in the metropolitan areas of today's Iranian cities. This research did not seek to provide a template for urban streets designing, but it is in direction of developing principles of planning and designing urban streets based on Islamic teachings and Iranian culture. In addition to having appearances according to Islamic teachings and Iranian culture, desirable street for Iranian citizens should also be Islamic and Iranian internally. With Just the correctness of appearances it can be said that only hypocrisy is obtained, but with internal reforming, honesty can be created in urban spaces.
Anahita Zarif, Fariba Alborzi, Jamal Sohili,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)

Analysis of the views of urban buildings is important in order to identify effective components in the perception of the audience. By conducting studies on existing buildings, we can provide appropriate strategies for organizing urban views. This article tries to provide a framework for measuring urban streets from the perspective of the perception of citizens and, on the other hand, promoting the quality of urban views and increasing the perception of citizens. Based on the method of analysis, the study of global and internal studies of the conceptual model is developed, which provides factors affecting the perception of citizens from the view. Also, based on the studied method, the reliability of the Tehran Center's leaders, due to the presence of early qualities and emphasis on the presence of citizens' for the study, has been selected to provide realistic understanding of the factors affecting the perception of urban street view. According to field views, initial dialogue and conceptual model, targeted questionnaires were prepared and to find the hidden relationships of the variables, and the comparative comparison of citizens and experts to analyze the information of the questionnaires, SPSS software has been used. General components of perceptual modeling, from the perspective Architectural and urban design experts were measured and then based on the special model of the questionnaire, the questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire and interview were accompanied by the perceptions of the recognition and perception of citizens and directly with the audience of this axis. The goal is to identify the main components and prioritize perceptual components from the mental perspective of citizens. The results show that the main components of perceiveness of urban views, impact components, unity, coordination, attachment to location, diversity and attractiveness of the perception and recognition of the traditional view of the fifteen Khordads are effective.

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