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Showing 4 results for Urban Services

Mohammad Motamedi, Seyedhassan Rasouli, Mohammad Nasiri,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

In public organizations such as municipalities, the design and deployment of a performance and control assessment system can lead to the proper management of urban managers on the road to achieving goals, tasks, strategies and development plans and urban development, in accordance with the quality, cost and time desired. Therefore, this article attempts to study the satisfaction of urban performance in urban services by using the views of citizens of the city of Farouj. For this assessment, using theoretical studies, 21 types of urban services were selected in three sections: Technical, Public and Cultural Services. At the next stage, the questionnaire was designed based on these services. Then, 400 questionnaires were distributed among the citizens of the case study city. In the next step, 380 questionnaires were completely and correctly collected and entered into SPSS software. Finally, the results of the study were analyzed by statistical tests. The results of the research indicate that the average satisfaction rate of public services in the city of Farouj is 3.53, which can be said that the level of citizens' compliance with this service is in the middle level. The average satisfaction rate of technical services in the city of Farouj has been calculated to be 3.31, and the average satisfaction rate of cultural services in city of Farouj has been calculated to be equal to 3.5. The results of statistical analysis indicate that the level of significance is more than 0.05 in relation to four of the urban services. This means that in terms of the services of sports spaces, the collection and disposal of surface water, the quality of leisure travelers and the respect of the clients, the level of satisfaction of citizens is equal to the average. In relation to two indicators of pedestrian quality and public participation, the mean difference with the statistical test was calculated to be 0.16 and -0.19 respectively, which indicates that the satisfaction of these services is lower than the limit on average. In other indicators, citizens' satisfaction is above average

Sadegh Besharatifar, Kohdadd Mobinizadeh,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

 The present research is applied and its method is descriptive-analytical and correlational. For data collection using documentary and field methods, using service and socio-economic indicators as well as using quantitative models and statistics models Space is in the year 1397. The purpose of the research is to analyze and evaluate the spatial inequalities in utilization of urban services in Abadan oil. The results show that the economically-socially developed districts and the distribution of urban services are mainly central areas around the refinery dependent on the oil industry, which are merely due to the dependence on the oil company employees and the support of the oil company and the standards and privileges required therein Most of the indicators are necessary and, in the opposite direction, the other parts of the city, which have been created organically as a result of the activities of the oil industry, lack or are deprived of the necessary facilities and services. From other research results, there is a positive, strong and significant relationship between economic and social development with the development of urban services in Abadan city, so that the existence of planned oil industry sectors that are both economically and socially progressive, both in terms of physical and service Planned areas and the existence of marginal areas, especially in eastern areas of Abadan, which are both socially and economically weak and vulnerable, and in terms of physical development, have been less concerned with urban management, the effect of this form of unfavorable and unfair distribution of indicators Urban services lead to some sort of separation And spatial inequalities been in Abadan

Ahmad Asadi, Roghayeh Kalateh Meymari,
Volume 22, Issue 64 (3-2022)

The present research is descriptive-analytical and in terms of its purpose. Data needed for research were collected by means of documentation (library, magazines) and field materials using a questionnaire. Using the Cochran formula, the sample size of the population was estimated at 383 people and the data were obtained using spatial analysis ArcGIS and SPSS software have been analyzed. In order to analyze the distribution of urban services, the index of access to urban services has been used, which is derived from land use plans of Mashhad city and municipal information and obtained from network analysis (ANP) and spatial statistics tests. Also, to assess the satisfaction of citizens from the distribution of urban services through a questionnaire and using one-sample T-test in spss software. Also, Gray Gray Analysis (GRA) method has been used for ranking the neighborhoods of the District 11 of Mashhad in terms of social justice. The final indicator of the distribution of urban services indicates the favorable distribution of urban services in the Daneshjo, sharif, Tarbiat, farhang, and parts of Azadshahr and Faroghottahsilan. As well as the neighborhoods of Ziba shahr, Shahid Razavi and parts of Faroghottahsilan and Azad shahr, they are in a disadvantaged position in terms of the distribution of urban services. Also, based on spatial self-correlation test, the pattern of indicators in the study area has spatial self-correlation and cluster pattern. The analysis of the distribution pattern of urban services in the District 11 of Mashhad using J statistics shows that the distribution of urban services in the study area has a high concentration of cluster patterns. Based on the analysis of the gray-matter analysis of daneshjo, Azad Shahr, farhang and Sharif neighborhoods, they have high levels of social justice, and other neighborhoods are ranked respectively. In the following, the results of t test indicate that among the neighborhoods, Daneshjo, Sharif, farhang, Tarbiat and Azad Shahr neighborhoods had the highest satisfaction with urban services. The neighborhood of Zibashahr has had the least satisfaction with the distribution of urban services. The results of all the models used in the paper are highly consistent and consistent.
Fatemeh Mirzabeigi, Hossein Mojtaba Zadeh, Rahim Sarvar,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

by examining the level of inequality in the distribution of services and identifying the spatial pattern of injustice in the city, we can find out which of the services are in a more unfavorable situation than in this way, city management with conscious performance in spatial distribution of public services and social interests. , Reduce spatial inequalities and improve the quality of life and ensure sustainable urban development. The present research is applied and its research method is descriptive-analytical. The purpose of this analytical research is on the status of Ilam urban development indicators in order to achieve spatial justice, which uses the capabilities and facilities of geographic information system, including: map composition, Spatial statistics, etc. have been done. The results show that the spatial distribution of services in Ilam city is not desirable and the results of this study show that the concentration of urban facilities and services has occurred in the central part of the city and other areas are low in terms of urban resources and facilities. The research findings show that 20% of the city's population lives in relatively affected areas and 23.2% in areas with semi-sustainable development, and over 50% of residents live in deprived and completely deprived areas in terms of development in Ilam city. The results of the Vikor model are not considered to be sustainable development in any area. However, based on the results of the research, the focus of urban services in Ilam city follows the center-perimeter model, which means that everything from the central areas to We move around the area, reducing the distribution of services.

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