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Dr Fariba Esfandyari, Mr Ehsan Ghale, Ms Maryam Mohamadzadeh Shishegaran,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
One of the dangers that has occurred in many areas in recent years is the dangers of subsidence. Iran's geographical location has put many of its regions at risk. High precision radar interferometry technique is one of the most suitable methods for detecting and measuring subsidence. In this study, in order to identify and measure subsidence in Ardabil plain, the Sentinel 1 radar image interference technique of 2015 and 2020 has been used. In order to verify, the data of piezometric wells and land use maps in the area were used. According to the results, the maximum subsidence rate in 5 years in the region is estimated at 17 cm. The results also showed that the highest subsidence rates in the period 2015 to 2020 are in the next categories of rangeland uses with a value of 17 cm, soil value of 14 cm and rainfed agricultural and residential areas with a value of 13 and 12 cm. respectively, 12 cm subsidence for residential use can be due to demolition and construction of large buildings. Also, the relationship between subsidence and changes in groundwater level showed that in a period of 5 years, the groundwater level has decreased by 4 meters. This drop in groundwater level has led to land subsidence in the study area.
Tahereh Karimi, Amir Karam, Parviz Zairean Firuzabadi, Seyyed Mohammad Tavakkoli Sabour,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
Every year slope hazards and landslides cause significant damage in the mountainous areas of Iran, including the eastern Alamut region in Qazvin province. Recently, radar data has been widely used to detect ground surface movements, slope slow motions, and active landslides. In the present study, using the Sentinel 1A satellite descending data in the period from 2018 to 2020, with the Small Baseline Subset (SBaS-InSAR) and also with the digital elevation model (DEM) difference methods, slope motions and Earth surface displacements have been extracted to provide the important goal of detecting new and active landslides and updating the landslide map to predict landslide risk. Results show that in the SBaS model, which was validated with GPS data, field visits and Google Earth images, accuracy was relatively good (AUC = 0.78), and the average annual movement during this period was estimated at -48.6 to 40.2 mm and fourteen landslide zones in the region, are identified among which some of the previous landslides are still active. To detect the landslide that occurred in Khobkuh on April 3rd, 2020, DEM difference model estimated the surface changes between -1.62 to 2.75 meters and differential interferometry model estimated the displacement rate in this area from -25 to 70 mm. These methods have many advantages for estimating the Earth surface displacement, subsidence and landslides, determining vulnerable areas in mountainous areas and reducing financial and human losses.
Mrs Arezoo Momenian, Dr Morteza Mirgholami, Dr Azita Balali Oskoyi, Dr Aida Maleki,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)
Considering that more than one third of energy consumption is related to residential areas, proper planning and design of neighborhoods according to the climatic conditions of each region can be an effective step towards reducing energy consumption. It aims to optimize energy consumption in the residential blocks of Rushdieh neighborhood in Tabriz. Investigating and understanding the energy consumption situation in Rushdieh neighborhood of Tabriz, its capabilities and bottlenecks in planning is very important, if they are not paid attention to and there are no efficient strategic plans, it will lead to an increase in social, economic and environmental instability. According to its nature, the research method is descriptive-analytical and practical in terms of purpose. It is related to the intended goals of the research, the statistical population of the research is the professors, experts and elites of urban planning, which has been used to examine the indicators and strategies. The method of selecting people was targeted and snowball. Finally, the results showed that the formulation of policies, practical measures to improve the design of main roads and local accesses in the direction of neighborhood air conditioning should be emphasized as the most important strategy. In order to reduce energy consumption, the development of neighborhood design policies and residential blocks with the goals of using wind energy to reduce energy consumption have been placed in the second and third ranks of this prioritization, respectively.
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Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)
This study aimed to evaluate the climatic conditions for the establishment of Borujerd city in the design of buildings and streets of the city with an emphasis on radiant energy, an attempt to reduce problems related to cold climate is that in order to achieve this goal of data synoptic station in the city of Boroujerd a period of 23 years, including temperature, precipitation, relative humidity and other parameters as maximum, minimum and average is used. This study is cross-sectional study and extensive research studies of all documents related to the concept and the; and the method of data collection in the expression of the status quo and in Analysis of the types of library issues Bamtalh documents, and field research. The main tools of analysis in this study include Oleg bioclimatic models, Gioni and computational methods is the law of cosines In this respect, first using data from synoptic weather station borujerd in chart eco building and open spaces and drawing on its,thresholds and thermal requirements of the building inside and outside and then priorities for the design and construction of climate , urban streets is determined;The results showed that , best orientation for settlement building in Borujerd in order to optimize the energy consumption is south- north after15 west.and best orientation for streets plan in Borujerd according the AS interaction is toward southwest- northeast and after that 60 west in order to avoid permanent ice and snow.
Mohammad Hassan Yazdani, Ali Soltani, Hossein Nazmfar, Mohammad Amin Attar,
Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)
Urban segregation has been a problem of many cities of the world. Many researchers have interested in the urban segregation issues. Urban segregation has strongly concentrated poverty and created underclass. Different types of urban segregation exist, including income and racial or ethnical segregation, and depending on the contextual mechanisms within a city. To understand and plan a better community, urban planners needs to know how to measure the segregation and interpret the results. There have been many developments of segregation measures. Some evolved and some remained unchanged. This paper is studied the most used multigroup measures of residential segregation (8 indicators) in Shiraz city and between different socio-economic groups of it by using of the Segregation Analyzer Software. In general, the results show the occurrence of segregation in the medium amount to the high amount and by the calculated values of 0/7177, 0/5785, 0/5474 – 1, 0/5407, 0/3969, 0/3759, 0/3613, 0/3375 in the city of Shiraz. On the other hand, the use of Hot spots Analysis in the study area shows that the greatest concentrations of the socio-economic high group are in almost near the center of Shiraz city and the northwest of city, and for the socio-economic medium group exists in the west of city. Also there is the greatest concentration of the socio-economic low group in the southwest of Shiraz city.
Rasoul Heidari Sourehjani, Ahmad Ali Beigi,
Volume 18, Issue 51 (6-2018)
At present, one of the issues of all cities is the urbanization and, consequently, the development of urban reptile tentacles on parakeet lands, the consequences of which are: Marginalization, destruction of agricultural lands, population growth of cities, failure to respond to certain services and utilities in the city, physical tissue fractures, environmental problems, especially pollution and urban disruption. In recent years, urban sprawl in many cities of Iran particularly, the boundaries of cities are affected by the urbanization process and the need of citizens. New housing has been transformed into user data and land. Considering that the city of Rasht is similar to other cities in recent years, there has been an increase in population, and has made significant changes in the use of urban land in this city. The present study seeks to evaluate the landslide changes in Rasht city during the years 1998-2016, using different patterns. Hence, to find out the type and extent of changes in the data and the factors influencing urban growth in the above area from the available AutoCAD files, detailed plan of Rasht city and also from Landsat TM imagery to measure urban growth in different directions from the hot spot of all urban users based on the proximity and the area, the results are shown Which has the user density to different levels and the breadth of applications in development and urban growth has played a significant role. Also for horizontal expansion of the city Fuzzy and Cause pattern and Markov chain network in Edrisi software is evaluated and shows that over the course of 18 years Rasht area was 4941.76 hectares It reaches 6202 hectares and represents 1260.243 hectares.
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Arash Sadri, Arezu Bankian Tabrizi, Shadi Refaei Afsharghezelbash,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)
This article was written with the aim of the pedestrian impact on increasing social interactions in urban spaces of Bojnourd, with emphasis on social dimensions of social interaction. The method of this research is descriptive-analytic, which first of all has been designed to identify theoretical perspectives, general criteria of environmental quality and then collect field data and interviews with residents. Data analysis was performed using SWOT method. Case study is Taleghani street of Bojnourd. The results showed that the effect of physical properties on the quality of urban environments is in the first priority. Then, perception of the environment in the second priority and functional characteristics are in the top priority. According to the results, the most important independent variables in these three categories (physical, cultural and environmental) (security priorities, accessibility, passages, economic functions, urban environment, quality of social environment, social interactions Cultural activities, urban amenities, and recreational and lighting functions have the least impact.
Shahin Khalilian, Fariba Alborzi, Jamalaladin Sohili,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)
. The research method used in this research is descriptive-analytical, survey and quasi-experimental of simulation kind. Data from research samples with survey method and other data were obtained using written sources and documentary studies and collection tool was selected according to the research objectives based on GIS maps and AutoCAD software outputs and simulation tools or the modeling in Revit software and then were investigated in Excel and the analysis of appropriateness was carried out with the help of simulated outputs and two-dimensional and three-dimensional maps and, a fuzzy logic method was used in MATLAB software, and the sample population is extracted based on a stratified sampling method and the selected residential settlements were in the sixth district of region 5 of Tehran and these residential settlements including Apadana, Ekbatan Phase II and Ekbatan Phase I and III. This article was analyzed with the aim of identifying the role of open and enclosed spaces for residential complexes on improving the quality of the environment, including efficiency by using field multi-criteria fuzzy logic method. After analyzing the data, the results of studying the spatial ratios in three samples of residential area in Tehran's 5th district with the performance component of the quality of the environment show that by decreasing the mass ratio (indoor spaces) and increasing the ratio of space (access spaces and green), increasing the quality of the environment cannot be reached, but also increasing the quality of the environment is in direct contact with the observing the proportionality component of the space between the mass and space proportions
Miss Matin Farzidi, Mr Reza Parvizi, Miss Maryam Daneshshakib, Mr Seyedreza Azadeh,
Volume 22, Issue 66 (9-2022)
Nowadays, the lack of attachment is a significant point in the construction of towns, which is demonstrated with criteria such as lack of environmental attraction and visual qualities, lack of readability, security, and so on. These factors will affect people's relationship with the environment around them and thus their satisfaction. Golha Town faces numerous problems including lack of space for gatherings, lack of security and space confusion, inadequacy of appearance of the newly constructed buildings in relation to older monuments, and most importantly the existence of empty and unused land. The method used in this research is combinational including a set of descriptive-analytical methods. Data collection is performed using field and documentary methods. The statistical sample of the study was considered to be 384 people, based on the population of Rasht city. By distributing 420 questionnaires, 386 correct questionnaires were answered and returned. Analysis of questionnaires was performed by SPSS software. Measurement of selectivity, permeability and readability was also accomplished using the space syntax method and integration and connectivity analysis on the road adjacent to Golha town. The results showed that the impact of criteria such as readability, security and permeability was moderate. Visual proportions, elemental functions and access have a great effect on increasing the satisfaction of residents. As a result, the use of architectural patterns, considering pausing and moving spaces, creation of management applications, prevention of mass construction and indoor parks, are among the solutions to create the desired increase in satisfaction.
Elmira Azimi, Hosin Mobara, Maryam Farzadmanesh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)
The emergence of a variety of inequalities, widespread poverty, malnutrition and ... were examples of the effects of urbanization. For this reason, many scholars and experts have focused on the quality of life, in order to improve living conditions and improve the quality of life of human beings. Many studies show that satisfaction with different dimensions and characteristics of the neighborhood affects residents' quality of life. Considering that satisfaction with life, i.e., the full satisfaction of all parts of life, if this kind of satisfaction does not develop among residents, more serious problems such as intra-urban migration, severe class contradictions and the problem of uplifting and down-town faces Accepts. Therefore, identifying the effective factors on residential satisfaction in each neighborhood, which is in accordance with the needs of the residents of that neighborhood, is one of the main goals of urban planners in order to increase residential satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of location and quality of environment on improving citizens' satisfaction from neighborhoods. The research method was descriptive-analytic, data collection method, library and survey, sample size was estimated 315 by Cochran formula. In order to test the hypotheses presented in this study, structural equation modeling was used in Lisrel software environment. The results of this study indicate that spatial sense of belonging and quality of environment have a significant effect on residents' satisfaction with the neighborhood.
Mr Alireza Thernasab, Dr Leila Ebrahimi, Dr Ameneh Haghzad, Dr Mehrdad Ramezan Por,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)
Today, urban and rural planning and management programs need to obtain accurate spatial information at successive times about land use changes. The main purpose of this study is to study and evaluate land use changes due to physical development with respect to 4 land uses in Bayer, agricultural lands, water zones and man-made lands in Pakdasht. Data were collected through Landsat satellite images from 2019 and 1989 captured by OLI and MSS5 sensors with a resolution of 30 m, which transformed Landsat 8 and 7 satellite images to 15 m in ENVI 5.3 software. These images were classified in ENVI 5.3 software based on the maximum likelihood algorithm. Then the accuracy of the maps obtained from the maximum likelihood algorithm was estimated. Fragstats software was then used to extract land cover metrics at two levels of the classroom and the simulator. A total of 15 landslides were quantified in the years 1989 to 2019 (1368-1688). According to the results, the area of residential land has increased during the years under study so that its share has increased from %7.1 in the region to %19.5.
Roghayeh Delaram, Samad Fotohi, Mohsen Hamidianpoor, Morteza Salari,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)
The subsidence phenomenon is considered one of the most frequent hazards occurring worldwide and imposing irreparable damages every year. This phenomenon affects the ground’s surface and its layers and causes the ground deformation. It can be referred to as a morphological phenomenon that is associated with the gradual sinking of the ground and the vertical movement of materials. Among the various methods used to study the land subsidence pattern, the Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) technique has provided more accurate results. Therefore, this technique was used to investigate the subsidence rate in Mashhad plain from 2003 to 2010 and the Envisat ASAR (C-band) and Sentinel-1 ASAR (C-band) satellite images were employed during the year 2019. The results show that the highest subsidence rate of about 44 cm occurred in Qasem Abad and Kalateh-ye Barfi lands from 2008 to 2010. A subsidence rate of about 37 cm was also observed in the same area from 2007 to 2009. The interpolation results using piezometer well statistics show a decrease in groundwater levels in this area and confirm the accuracy of the results.
Dr Amir Shayanian, Dr Fatemeh Mozaffari Qadiklayi, Dr Ali Pahlavan,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)
Increasing energy demand and environmental problems caused by the consumption of fossil fuels have made the use of passive solar energy methods more necessary, especially in commercial centers. On the other hand, the growth of science and technology in the world and the use of intelligent systems in buildings, has led to the completion of common methods. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of the side wall of atriums and building intelligence in optimizing energy consumption in commercial centers of Tehran. Due to its nature, the research method is simulation with a case study and analytical approach and in terms of application type. In this research, first, the typology of the building form is introduced and the basic model is selected, and after selecting the design-builder software, validation and simulation of energy consumption in different scenarios are performed to determine the reduction of energy consumption in different situations. This research, which is taken from a doctoral dissertation, shows that the most optimal commercial centers in terms of reducing energy consumption in the climate of Central Tehran are related to atrium buildings without side walls. Also, the installation of smart awnings and light sensors at a control temperature of 22 degrees has significantly reduced energy consumption in these buildings.
Keywords: side wall, Building intelligence, atrium, Commercial center, Tehran.
Dr Tajeddin Karami, Dr Somayeh Teymouri,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)
One of the theories that studied poverty and inequality after World War II and urban reconstruction in America in the duality of the suburbs and the central city is the theory of Spatial Mismatch. Despite the role of the background caused by racial-ethnic inequality and the contrast between the suburbs and the central city in the formation of the aforementioned theory, the main indicators of Spatial Mismatch indicate the lack of appropriateness between obtaining a job with sufficient benefits to access affordable and quality housing. This means that the backgrounds, structures and processes of inequality are different from one society to another and the lack of proportionality between the benefits of work and access to housing represents the spaces of poverty. The aim of the current research is to reveal the Spatial Mismatch between the two mentioned indicators in the metropolitan areas of Tehran. The current research is applied research in terms of its purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of its method. The main data required include major occupational groups and housing status in official population and housing censuses, which have been analyzed using spatial functions. The analysis of the research findings shows that there is a direct relationship between occupational stratification and the quality of residence in Tehran's municipal areas. In such a way that the concentration centers of the lower classes and workers who are deprived of jobs with suitable benefits have been formed in residential areas with poor quality and worn-out textures. Based on this, in the southern regions of Tehran, there is a greater disproportion between getting a suitable job and access to quality housing. While in the northern areas of Tehran, there is much more suitable work and access to quality housing. The final result shows that the two main indicators investigated well reveal and represent the «Spatial Traps of Poverty» which are the main focus of Socio-Spatial Issues in Inner City Areas.
Keywords: Spatial Traps of Poverty, Spatial Mismatch, Work and Residence Spatial Mismatch, Occupational Stratification and Tehran.
Dr Fateme Hajizade, Dr Seyed Hamed Mirkarimi, Dr Abdorassuol Salman Mahini, Dr Marjan Mohammadzade,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)
Cities are open systems that constantly change and bring about changes in inside and outside neighboring areas. With the rapid growth of urban population in the world, cities sprawl and occupy surrounding lands. In this situation, attention to the developments inside urban space could be a key principle in urban planning. The aim of this study was determining and prioritizing economic, social and ecological factors which influence inside urban space indicators in City of Gorgan using Delphi method and literature review. Following the increase in population, developments inside urban space in the future is inevitable. Understanding and recognition of this process is essential to effective management in the field of conservation of the urban environment. Four expertize requirements should be taken into account: knowledge and experience of the field of study; ability and willingness to participate; adequate time to participate; and effective communication skills. Experts’ panel included fifteen specialists from municipality, city council, academics, cultural and medical service providers, police, urban planners and citizens, whose points of view were collected using questionnaires. Data collection for questionnaire was repeated 4 times to reach a consensus. Overall, twenty - four factors were identified for the economic, social and ecological factors, and then the degree and percentage of importance for each one was determined. Results showed that the most important indicator is feeling of security followed by the noise pollution and environmental pollution. Results could be helpful to urban planners and related organizations to improve inside urban space for welfare and life quality of citizens. Prioritization of these indicators provides an appropriate action agenda for the managers.
Mr Shokrollah Kiani, Mr Ahmad Mazidi, Mr Seyed Zein Al-Abedin Hosseini,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)
Subsidence is an environmental phenomenon caused by the gradual subsidence or sudden subsidence of the earthchr('39')s surface. The phenomenon of subsidence in residential, industrial and agricultural areas can cause catastrophic damage. In most parts of Iran, there is a high correlation between land subsidence and the decrease of groundwater level and consequently the density of soil layers. In this study, using two time series of radar images with artificial apertures from Sentinel sensors belonging to 2014 and 2019, the amount of subsidence in Damaneh plain (Frieden city) was calculated. Wells were studied in the period 2014 to 2019, the results of the study of the correlation between land subsidence with changes in groundwater level at the level of 95% was significant. In the continuation of the research, using the logistic regression model, the subsidence trend in the study area was predicted and a subsidence probability map was prepared and created as a dependent variable for the logistic regression model. The independent variables used included altitude, slope, slope direction, geology, distance from the road, distance from the river, land use, distance from the village, groundwater level, piezometric wells. The output of the model is subsidence risk zoning map which was created in five classes. The accuracy and validation of the logistic regression model was evaluated using the system performance characteristic curve and the accuracy (0.89) was obtained. The good accuracy of the logistic regression model in producing the probability map Subsidence is in the study area. In the output of the model, it was found that the area of 1980 hectares, equivalent to 7.9%, has a very severe subsidence that has put the situation in a dangerous situation and the need for control and management to reduce this destructive effect.
Valiollah Ghasemi, Afshin Ghorbani Param,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)
Industrialization and modernization have had a significant impact on various aspects of society including architecture, urban planning, environment, climate, and geography. This impact is evident in phenomena such as the construction of high rise buildings, climate inversion, and environmental degradation. Many of the problems observed in recent decades can be attributed to population growth, migration, and changing needs of citizens. As a result, city managers and architects face significant challenges. The main objective of this article is to conduct a theoretical study on the use of residential towers, with a particular focus on sustainable social development and its implications for environmental protection in Tehran. This research adopts a descriptive-analytical approach and has both applied and theoretical purposes. It is also part of a survey that employs both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The sample size for this study was 384 participants, and data were collected using questionnaires. The data analysis was conducted using SPSS software. The most significant finding of this research is that population growth has fueled the construction of tall buildings, which in turn has contributed to issues such as excessive consumption of natural resources and fossil fuels, destruction of natural habitats, decline in social interactions, climate change, increased traffic congestion, and heightened air pollution. These issues have become a complex and seemingly insurmountable crisis.
Mohammadreza Goodarzi, Maryam Sabaghzadeh, Amirreza Rajabpour Niknam,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)
In arid and semi-arid regions, groundwater is more important for humans and ecosystems than surface water. Land subsidence is caused by the pumping and uncontrolled use of groundwater in an area. When the extracted quantities are not replenished by rainfall, it leads to damages such as road failures, destruction of residential areas, railways, as well as water and gas pipelines. The Yazd-Ardakan plain is one of the main plains in Yazd province, hosting 75% of the province's population density and most industrial centers. Additionally, this plain has been subjected to a ban by the Ministry of Energy due to a sharp decline in groundwater levels. This study aimed to quantify and compare the extent of subsidence using four Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of the C-band from the Sentinel-1 satellite and the radar differential interferometry method from 2017 to 2021. The maximum subsidence recorded in 2017 was 13 cm, while in 2020 and 2021, it decreased to 9 cm, primarily concentrated in the Shamsi region between Meybod and Ardakan. Furthermore, to validate the satellite-derived results, they were compared with those obtained through accurate leveling methods conducted by the Iran National Cartographic Center. The study revealed that Sentinel images exhibit a strong capability to estimate the extent of subsidence. Considering the examination of groundwater consumption and depletion statistics in recent years, potential reasons for the reduction in subsidence in the study area could be attributed to management measures such as water transfer to this basin, alterations in agricultural practices, and a decrease in groundwater depletion compared to previous years in this region.
Mr Meysam Zekavat, Dr Mansoure Tahbaz, Dr Mohammad Reza Hafezi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)
Buildings are the primary consumers of energy in the country, accounting for approximately 30-50% of total energy consumption. In our country, around 33% of energy is allocated to residential, commercial, and public buildings. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of a building's orientation on its energy consumption. The research is focused on the common 4 and 5-story residential buildings in District 5 of Tehran, specifically on Ferdous Sharq Blvd. The research adopts a descriptive-analytical methodology based on both organizational and field data collection. Six similar residential blocks in different lighting positions were selected to gather data. These blocks share identical characteristics in terms of land area, infrastructure area, number of floors, heating and cooling systems, and other factors. The only distinction among them is their location within a passage. Subsequently, Design Builder software was employed to simulate and compare their energy consumption. The findings of the research reveal that the average energy consumption, with a precision of 98%, for the northern blocks is 7,261 kilowatt hours per square meter per year, while for the southern blocks it is 11,247 kilowatt hours per square meter per year, and for the overall blocks it is 5,254 kilowatt hours per square meter per year. This is approximately three times the ideal building's energy consumption. The northern blocks consume about 5% more energy than the southern blocks. A block that receives light from three sides (north, south, and west) consumes about 11% more energy than the average, whereas a block that receives light from two sides (north and south) consumes about 5% less energy than the average. The north blocks have an energy label of D, whereas the south blocks, except for the end block that receives light from three sides (north, south, and west), have an energy label of C. Consequently, the south blocks generally demonstrate better energy consumption performance.
Dr Mohammad Motamedi Rad, Dr Reza Arjmandzadeh, Dr Ebrahim Amiri, Mr Farzad Amiri,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)
The continuation of drought and the simultaneous increase in dependence on underground water sources in the past decades have expanded the range of areas subject to subsidence to many different parts of the country, which results in a lot of damage.In order to reduce the damages caused by land subsidence, it is necessary to have a complete and accurate understanding of this phenomenon. In recent decades, the virtual aperture radar (SAR) interferometric technique has become a common method for measuring subsidence. In this research, field data such as piezometric wells and groundwater drop in the minimum and maximum periods and exploitation wells were used to calculate the amount of discharge in the aquifer using IDW interpolation, aiming at analyzing the time series of the subsidence of the Esfarayen plain. besides, radar data including Sentinel 1 images were used to calculate the subsidence rate in the first 8 months of 2023. The results of the research show that the amount of subsidence in the study basin was from 1 to 12 mm in a period of 8 months and 75.2% of the area of the basin was in the medium critical and very critical zone, which can be recognized based on this. He showed that the Esfrain plain is in a critical state.The most water extraction and subsidence has been related to to south of Sankhasat, south of Kharasha, south of Arg, south of Gazan, Jafarabad Kharaba and Mehdiabad of Kal Beko wells, which are located in the very critical area and require efficient management of groundwater resources in order to control land subsidence.