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Showing 5 results for Rural Tourism

Hamid Jalalian, Fariosh Namdari, Asghar Pashazadeh,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Nowadays most of the countries have chosen the tourism as a development strategy for the rural areas. The Hajij village with worthy natural, cultural and anthropological heritage has known as a tourism destination in Kermanshah province and west of Iran. In this research, the effects of tourism are studied in this village. The methodology is descriptive-analytic method. The necessary data were collected through both library and field methods. The population of this study equals to 180 persons- based on Cochran Table- including the 130 residents, 15 local governors and 35 visitors were selected by simple random method. Research tools include a researcher made questionnaire which its validity was confirmed based on the collective opinion of the universities professor's and experts of executive organizations. The reliability of the questionnaire was calculated at 0.867 using Cranach’s alpha test based on 20 pretesting. Data analysis was held by factor analysis in SPSS 21 software. The research findings showed that there are six main factors among 30 variables which interpret 70 percent of the variance of the tourism effects the most important is physical- facilitator effects. Moreover, the positive effects were %65.8 and the negative ones were %34.2 based on factor analysis.
Nasser Bayat, Seyed Ali Badri,
Volume 18, Issue 49 (3-2018)

This research is conducted on tourist segmentation in the touristy catchment area of Kolan river in Malayer Township. The statistical population is tourists who travel to the area for recreation, tourism and leisure. The research tool is a self-administrated questionnaire. By the method of Simple random sampling we collected a total of 200 questionnaires of tourists in the study area. Descriptive statistics and exploratory factor analysis and cluster analysis was used to analyze the research data. Based on the results of factor analysis were identified even major factor in tourists' motivations at the regional level, including: Rurality, sense of place and place belonging, rest and relaxation, nature-based tourist activities, group outdoor recreational activities, purchase the rural production, excitement and novelty, spirituality and solitude. According to this motivational factors final result of tourism segmentation shows that tourism demand in the market consisted 7 difference segments. cluster 1 with a diverse motivation of 12%, cluster 2 with togetherness motivation 17%, third cluster as a younger age group with adventure motivation 18.5%, cluster 4 with rurality motivation 15%, fifth cluster whit shopping motivation 10%, sixth cluster with sense of place and desire for comfort and rest 19.5%, and seventh cluster with a particular tendency to sense of place 7.5% of the sample population as a whole. The results could be utilize in order to optimize the use of available resources in the area by managers and local authorities, as well as owners of tourism businesses, compatible with the actual needs of  various sectors in rural tourism market.

D.r Ali Manzam Ismailpor,
Volume 21, Issue 63 (12-2021)

Tourism plays an important role in rural development. Tourism while enhancing the rural development process through diversification of economic activities, maintaining social integrity, environmental protection, and positive spatial-physical changes in rural settlements can increase the quality of life in rural areas. Due to the importance of this issue, in the present study, the effects of tourism on improving the quality of life of rural settlements were investigated. The present research is descriptive-analytical in terms of purpose and method. The data collection tool was a questionnaire and interviews with rural households. The statistical population includes rural settlements on the shores of the Oman Sea in the south of Sistan and Baluchestan province, the two coastal cities of Konarak and Chabahar (N = 4855). Using Cochranchr('39')s formula and quota sampling method, 356 samples in 12 villages that had tourist attractions were selected as a sample. Descriptive tests, analysis of variance and path analysis model were used to analyze the data and answer the research questions. The results of analysis of variance showed that tourism has a good linear relationship with increasing the quality of life in rural settlements of Konarak and Chabahar. So that according to the route analysis model, rural tourism has different and favorable effects on economic, social, environmental and physical-spatial indicators and the value of p of all Lamda parameters in the above model indicates the confirmation of all regression relationships. Among the four dimensions, tourism development has had the greatest effect on the economic dimension of quality of life and the least effect on the social dimension of quality of life in rural settlements.

D.r Mehrshad Toulabi Nejad, Ali Manzam Esmailpor, Sana Rahmani, Khadijeh Sadeghi,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

In recent years, one of the main approaches to rural development and increasing the well-being of rural households is the development of rural tourism. Because tourism development can play an important role in the well-being of households as well as in rural livelihoods. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of tourism on improving the welfare of coastal villages in Chabahar. The present research is a descriptive-analytical approach. The statistical population of rural households is Chabahar (N = 3720). Using Cochran formula and quota sampling method, 280 households in 6 coastal villages with tourist attractions are selected as samples. To analyze the data and to answer the research questions, unlimited exploratory co-univariate test, variance analysis and multivariate regression were used. The results showed that in terms of economic welfare indicators, tourism had the most effects on seasonal employment, income growth, housing development, and local economy mobility. In terms of social welfare indicators, tourism has the most impact on improving leisure time, changing lifestyle and lifestyle, developing health facilities, and increasing the sense of belonging to local people. Also, the results showed that tourism in the villages of the study area had significant effects on the economic and social well-being of rural households, but compared with social indicators, tourism had the most impact on economic well-being and its indicators. In line with the findings of the research, suggestions were made regarding the development of rural tourism and the welfare of rural households.

Habibeh Nabi Zadeh, Elham Cheraghi, Seyyed Moein Moosavi Nadoshan,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

Considering the factors affecting the conversion of places and destinations to the tourism brand of the prevalence of tourism development in each region. Because these factors play an important role in the conversion of tourism destinations, and on the other hand, the conversion of a destination to its tourism brand is also a factor in developing more tourism in purposes. Considering the importance of this issue, the present study aimed to investigate the factors and stimuli effect on increasing the transformation of urban and rural areas to tourism brand in Guilan province. The present research is in terms of purpose, applied and method of doing it. The data collection tool and the questionnaire and interview information. The statistical population of the research is experts and tourism specialists in Guilan province, using targeted sampling method, 50 experts were selected as samples. To answer the research questions, the binary logistics model and qualitative analysis were used. The results of the research indicate that linear and meaningful communication has existed with the factors and stimuli of the research with the conversion of urban and rural places to the tourism brand. Also, the results showed that among the five factors in question, three factors of diversity of job opportunities, culture and natural assets and local infrastructure have had the most effects on the transformation of urban and rural areas in Guilan province for tourism brand.

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