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Showing 1 results for Planning System

Hujjat Mirzazadeh, Taher Parizadi,
Volume 18, Issue 50 (3-2018)

Introduction and Objectives: Unbalanced distribution facilities and services on Economic, Social and between regions, need to the planning and balanced spatial development the spatial structure of the country is inevitable This study aimed to determine the level development of the provinces of Iran and rank them based on the level of development and different levels of development of the country From 1345 to the present to help make the planning system and national policy has been done.

Methods: This study is based on cognitive research and in terms of the goal of the evaluation research method - comparative. The population according to the latest political divisions of 31 provinces and indexes evaluated 33 indicators in four dimensions (Economic, infrastructure-physical, socio-cultural and health), respectively. For data analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis techniques were used.

Findings: The results show, between the provinces in terms of development, there are differences and inequalities. So that in Tehran alone during the decades the highest level of development and Sistan and Baluchestan province are the lowest and most disadvantaged. Comparison provinces during different periods of development of the center over the periphery of inequality.

Conclusion: According to the results of research to reduce disparities between provinces The placing of the country due to the talent and potential of each region and prioritizing disadvantage and less developed provinces in the planning of regional demands. 

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