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Showing 11 results for Place

Aysan Pourmoghaddam, Mahsa Faramarzi Asl, Mirsaeed Moosavi, Akbar Abdoolahzadeh Tarraf,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Urban Regeneration is the one of Restoration function that imports to four dimensions of Form, Economy, Society and Ecosystem. Environment Quality is the one of objects of Urban regeneration. On the other hands lack of peoplechr('39')s interest to live and spending leisure time, the quality of city center decreases and it is more important to increase quality of city center. Environment quality is general subject and, in this study, we use creative model place for describing quality factors of environment. Golkar`s model “sustainable place” which comes from Canter`s Model “Place” is the one of most complete models for assessing the qualities of environment; It imports to four dimensions of form, activities, imaginations and ecosystem after that eventually we can obtain the Conceptual Framework of central part of Urban regeneration based on Environmental Quality. By means of content technique, various ideas and views about environment qualities from global theorists, Experiences of regenerating city center and national restoration document were collected then calculate average of them for selecting most important of them. Finally define Measures for all these important qualities to draw Conceptual Framework. The result show that legibility and Visual character are the most import qualities of empirical-aesthetic factor, Permeability and Socio petal space and Quality of public area and Vitality are the most import qualities of functional factor and Compatibility with nature is the most important quality of ecological factor. These 7 qualities which are among the most important qualities must be considered in regeneration of city centers.
Hosein Shamsi, Rahmat Mohammadzadeh,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Lefebvre's theory has received much attention in the field of space production, and its importance is especially in the fact that it is systematically integrated in the categories of city and space as a comprehensive and comprehensible social theory.
The traditional planning of land use is completely abstract and formal and devoid of perceptual and meaningful components, but Lefouri's trialectic approach is not like this and consists of three virtues (spatial practice-spatial representation and representational space) that are in communication with each other and collaboratively and at the same time in the moment. They form, produce a whole.This research has a descriptive and analytical method, and in terms of its purpose, it is fundamental. The changes caused by the arrival of new paradigms in the approaches of urban planning and urban design, which assigns a different nature to the strategic system of urban development changes, and on the other hand, new attention to space and finding the concept of living space to be important, it seems that Lefebvre's trialectic approach is contrary to traditional user planning. The land values ​​the everyday space and lived experience of the residents and can create spaces that increase the sense of place and sense of belonging of the residents to their living space.The review of the concepts shows that the concept of lived space (abstract-concrete space) was influenced by different approaches of the philosophy of science (interpretative and critical) and now it is witnessing an approach change (paradigm), which can show social transformations. This study shows that space-place (living space or space-love) is, unlike the previous definition of space based on positivist (mental and perceptual), abstract and generalist approaches, mainly a demarcated area of ​​space that has physical-concrete characteristics and It is formed and filled with meaning through human experience.

Ali Asghar Pilehvar,
Volume 19, Issue 54 (9-2019)

This paper aims to explain the inequality and imbalance in the developmental levels of 6 selected cities in North Khorasan. The paper seeks to answer these two questions as to whether the spatial and non-spatial indices in regional disparities have an effect on equality? And can we achieve a functional model based on the evaluation of indicators? In order to achieve the goal and the answer to the question, indicators have been selected based on the importance and effects of the factors in both natural and human aspects. The method of this research is descriptive-analytical in nature and in terms of access to the facts of the descriptive-survey type and in terms of The purpose is to apply. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software and multi-criteria and cellular analysis using the coefficient of variation formula. Thus, the coefficient (from one to another) was determined in each case, the influential elements and the prestigious countries of inequality. The results show that the city of Bojnourd with a coefficient of 90 channels in North Khorasan has been used for structural changes by providing data matrices and presenting maps (with the help of GIS), and the most change coefficient is related to the percentages of urban population percentages. Other results of the study indicate that according to the coefficient of variation and determination of z in the cities of North Khorasan province, Bojnourd city has the first rank in 6 indexes of 10 selected indexes and its z value is 8.57 and the clear distance with Shirvan is The title of the second city is with a z = -3.54. The final finding of this research is modeling in the structural-functional changes and changes in North Khorasan which was proposed at the end of the paper.

Nazli Pakru, Dariush Sattarzadeh, Lida Bolillan, Mir Saeed Mousavi,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

In order to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage to overcome the prevailing have been proposed competition between cities, various strategies; Urban branding is one of these strategies. Urban branding is considered as an important asset in the development of the city as well as an effective tool to differentiate, improve the position and increase the influence and prestige of the city. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of the Sense of place and quality of green spaces in urban branding. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and field methods and questionnaire tools were used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in Tabriz; the sample size was estimated 384 people using Cochranchr('39')s formula. SPSS and Lisrel software were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the Sense of place and quality of urban green spaces has a positive and significant effect on urban branding. It was 0.37. According to the value of the obtained path coefficient, the effect of the Sense of place is greater than the quality of urban green space in urban branding.

Mr Jamaleddin Honarvar,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Today, the process of developing and constructing educational spaces tends to be more inclined to physical dimensions and is painted against human beings and their characteristics. The result is a disconnect between the students' relationship with the schools in particular and the educational environment in general. As such, they consider their students to be less part of the high school and feel less attached to it. The purpose of this study is to focus on designers 'view of the semantic levels of the school environment that can influence students' sense of place. The research method was descriptive, analytical and survey using spss software and Lisrel 8.8. This study uses the confirmatory factor analysis technique to determine whether the number of factors and loads of variables measured on these factors are consistent with what is specified in the theory. According to the results of confirmatory factor analysis, the standardized coefficients are acceptable and relatively large. Through the SEM structural model, it was estimated that the highest correlation and consistency between subjective factor with factor loadings of 0.76 and physical component rank second. With a factor load of 0.63 and finally the educational component with a standard coefficient of 0.58 establishes and promotes a sense of  belonging in high schools. At the end of the conceptual model the research was mapped using structural equation modeling and by regression it was concluded that subjective, physical and educational components predict 43% of the variance in sense of belonging in Tehran high schools.

Vahide Nori, Afson Mahdavi, Fatemeh Mohammad Niae Qaraee,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The attachment to the place is the emotional relationship of the individual to the place, which is rooted in the person's past qualities and experiences that the place should be able to meet the needs and expectations of the individual, and also the place must meet the capacity to meet those needs and expectations. The attachment to the location is based on the cognitive, emotional, and functional interaction between individuals, groups, and physical-social location over time. The purpose of this study was to use the meta-analysis method to analyze the results of research on attachment to the place. In order to perform a meta-analysis, 75 researches were conducted in this regard. Among the 18 studies conducted during the years 2006-2019, in the field of attachment to the place were selected. In the first step, the evaluation of selected research, homogeneous assumptions and publication error was studied; accordingly, the findings indicated the heterogeneity of the size of the effect and the non-dominance of the published studies. In the second step, the coefficient of effect size was evaluated using the second version of CMA software. The results showed that the size of the effect or coefficient of influence of the identified factors is 0/376, which is evaluated according to the Cohen's interpretation system. Overall, the results indicate that the identified factors have a moderate effect on attachment to the location.

Farzin Nematbakhsh Abkenar, Mansoureh Aligholi, Hossein Safarzadeh, Seyed Kamran Nourbakhsh,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

Cinemas and local movie theaters belong to the people of the city, which are designed to have a meaningful presence of citizens in the environment, as well as to strengthen intellectual and social relations. Cinemas and cinema campuses include a valuable collection in terms of culture, old and new art, a place belonging to the people of the city, which is necessary and inevitable in order to spend leisure time of citizens and also to strengthen intellectual and social relations. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of cinema and film screening venues on improving the art cinema market and cultural promotion of urban spaces. This research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The statistical population of the study includes the citizens of District 6 of Tehran. The sample size was estimated to be 384 using the Cochran's formula. The library-field method was used to collect data. In order to analyze the research data, structural equation modeling in LISREL software environment was used. The results showed that cinema and movie theaters have a positive and significant effect on the art cinema market and cultural promotion of urban space, so that the variable amount of cinema and movie theaters on the art cinema market more than cultural promotion It was an urban space. Other results of this study also showed that the improvement of the art cinema market has a mediating role in the relationship between cinema and film screening places with the cultural promotion of urban space.

Professor Mohammad Taghi Razavian, Zhila Sajadi, Professor Morteza Ghourchi, Ph.d Candidate Zohreh Mohammadganji,
Volume 24, Issue 72 (3-2024)

The present study in dealing with the problem of weakening the connection between human and place in todaychr('39')s cities, is trying to examine the theories derived from the approaches of phenomenology and environmental psychology. The research method in the present study is a descriptive-comparative survey based on a documentary study and a questionnaire ". According to the statement of the problem and the choice of two zones 1 and 18 as a case study, Tajrish in District 1 and Shahrak-e-Valiasr in District 18 of Tehran were selected as a case study based on situational sampling. According to the type of research (descriptive -survey), 100 residents of Tajrish and 120 residents of Shahrak-e-Valiasr were selected by simple random method. Dependent variable is "Residentschr('39') mental image of urban places" (twenty indicators derived from theories proposed in phenomenological and environmental psychology approaches) and independent variables are including respondent individual characteristics (age, gender, occupation, education, marital status,…) . The respondent and the mentioned factors, the strengths and weaknesses of the twenty indicators should be identified and strategies should be proposed to improve the constructive dimensions of the mental image in the case studies. Statistical analysis of the data obtained through the questionnaire indicated that Despite the significant difference between the satisfaction of the components of the mental image in these two neighborhoods, There is a correlation between the individual characteristics of the respondents and the satisfaction of the mentioned components in both
Mana Taheri, Mohammad Saied Izadi, Hamid Majedi, Zahra Sadat Saeedeh Zarabadi,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

According to the fact that place identity is influenced by various social, physical, semantic, functional, and natural factors, each of these dimensions has multiple indicators with complex internal relationships; Measuring and evaluating it is a fundamental and complex issue. Therefore, the aim of this study is to "provide a combined model for measuring the identity of place in urban spaces." To achieve this goal, quantitative methods have been used. First, the expert questionnaire with a sample size of 19 people was analyzed in the form of a combination of DEMATEL model and Analytical network process, then the questionnaire of space users with a volume of 384 samples in 12 urban spaces was analyzed by TOPSIS model. The results show that despite the decline in identity in recent decades, Tehran Bazaar as the central core of Tehran's historical district still has an acceptable level, but the further away from the Bazaar, the different dimensions of social, physical, functional, natural and the semantic identity is declining. Also, from a methodological point of view, it can be said that the combined DANP-TOPSIS model is a suitable model for measuring the various dimensions of place identity in an integrated way.
Narges Karimi, Farah Habib, ,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

A sense of belonging to an environment is an emotional connection that takes place between people and the external environment. Many studies have shown that the existence of this connection and its deepening between the person and the environment has a significant role in promoting the physical environment and the emergence of positive social behaviors. Therefore, recognizing the sense of belonging and the factors affecting it and ways to improve it is one of the issues that can lead to the improvement of living conditions and physical environment. Among the many factors that affect the sense of belonging, the time factor as one of these factors can be effective from two perspectives; Duration of residence and age of the environment. In this study, while researching the effect of each of these factors on the sense of belonging of residents, a comparison between these two factors and the intensity of the effect of each on the sense of belonging has been done. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. In order to collect the required data and information, library and field methods and questionnaire tools were used. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in the six studied neighborhoods in Zanjan. The sample size was estimated to be 300 people using the Cochran's formula. SPSS software was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the sense of belonging in the study areas is moderate to low. The results also showed that the duration of residence and the age of the environment have a positive and significant effect on the sense of spatial belonging and its components. Among the variables, the effect of the environment variable on the sense of spatial belonging is greater than the length of stay, so that the age of the environment predicts 27.1% of the variance of the variable of spatial belonging.

Dr Fatemeh Saffarsabzevar,
Volume 25, Issue 78 (9-2025)

One of the most important approaches to increasing security is crime prevention through environmental design that focuses on urban design. The current research aims are to examine the exact environmental conditions that are effective in committing crimes in Tehran's Englebal Street and to provide design solutions to reduce crimes in this place. This study used a combined method to achieve the research goal. For this purpose, in the first part, by using the technique of Placecheck (including field survey and also preparation and completion of experts' checklist and comprehensive checklist), the environmental conditions of the studied area were classified and solutions were presented to reduce the crime in the target site. In the second part of this research, to prioritize the solutions and choose the optimal solution to prevent crime and reduce it in the studied area, the network analysis method (ANP) was used. According to the findings of the present research, Environmental pollution, visual pollution, crowding, and the issue of light and standard lighting at night are the most important environmental factors of crime in Tehran's Enghelab Street. Also, the most optimal solutions to reduce crime and increase security in the studied area are: removing furniture and elements attached to the footpath, legible definitions of activities and uses in illegible points of the space, creating signs and index elements along the route, limiting advertisements and creating standard lighting during the night to carry out activities. Based on the results of the current research, minor changes in the environment can have great effects on reducing crime and increasing security

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