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Showing 8 results for Location

Hamzeh Alizadeh, Mehry Akbary, Zahra Hejazizadeh, Mohamad Ahmadi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

Kermanshah province, especially Ravansar city is one of the important regions of the country in the agricultural and horticultural sector, most of the time the hail phenomenon causes significant damage to these sectors. One way to reduce this damage is to install an anti-hail system. To achieve this goal, 37 station hail data were clustered and three main clusters were obtained representing hail days; Each of the clusters has been plotted and analyzed in terms of geopotential height of 500 hPa, moisture level of 700, and map of 1000 to 500 hPa of temperature and omega. The results of the study of hail patterns show; A low-altitude system is essential in the Middle East; To direct hot and humid air from the southern offerings to the region; At the same time, it is necessary to have high instability and weak static stability in the atmosphere on the surface of the earth, as well as the presence of sufficient moisture that can provide showers. Hierarchical analysis (AHP) method was used for location in GIS environment and parameters such as (slope, slope direction, temperature, humidity ...) were evaluated. These criteria were classified as operating maps, each separately and were scored according to the degree of priority in establishing the device. The final map shows the location of the system: Parts of the northwest of the region (Mansour Aghaei and Ghori Qaleh) and northeast of the central part of Ravansar and parts of the southwest of the area due to the appropriate geographical conditions and appropriate to them, sufficient temperature and humidity and the direction of the southwest slope, and having Favorable conditions for severe instability followed by hail; Anti-hail system is very important for construction in these areas. In general, about 32.6 square kilometers have relatively favorable conditions and about 3 square kilometers have very favorable conditions for the construction of the system.
Hassan Mahmodzadeh, Sodabeh Panahi, Mahdi Herischian,
Volume 19, Issue 52 (3-2019)

From the late  twentieth century, human kind has found out that if he wants to obtain cost efficiently and continuous utilization of lands, it is better to execute this in a planned framework named management plan. Such idea is became  as an introduction to monitor the land or utilization of lands. Monitoring lands means contribution of an optimized space for land utilization with realization of common upcoming and related to each other in the past, now and in the future.Therefore, the objective  of  this research is to select the suitable lands  with monitoring lands of view in the city of Hamedan using a Multi-Objective Land Allocation method.The aim of Multi-Objective Land Allocation  method use is to contribute  selection of proper lands with monitoring approach based on ideal levels concept which have been executed by 3 different ecologic, socio-economic and strategic aspects existing in the territory.The examined use include agricultural use (water system or dry farming), pasturing use and urban use which based on the highest weight of independent variables, the area has been allocated to mentioned use with land monitoring approach.In what follows, the land suitability map is obtained through MCE operation for each type of land use and the obtained land suitability areas were calculated using these maps for which the results are as follows: irrigated agriculture with 601.176 hectares, dryland farming with 961.193 hectares, urban suitability with 762.984, and rangeland management suitability with 960.552 hectares which is an important criterion for determining the area for implementing MOLA.In the next step, it was time for implementing MOLA module for resolving the contradictions among the  uses.The results of MOLA showed that in average for the three studied aspects, the maximum area was associated with dryland farming with 364.4 hectares which is equivalent to 32% of the studied uses and the maximum weight of 0.4 was associated with irrigated agriculture.These resulted were obtained based on five factors (i.e. the current area of each land use, the favorable area for each land use based on MCE method, the occupational dependencies of different individuals to each land uses, prioritizing the ecological, economic, and social aspects of each land use).Finally, the results showed that selecting the suitable lands with spatial planning point of view using a Multi-Objective Land Allocation method is carried out properly through economic, social, and ecological aspects.

Behnaz Amin Nayeri, Yaghoub Peyvastehgar,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

With the increasing population in cities, particularly big cities, demand for public goods and services increased too. But, due to certain political-economic structure of the country, often the rates of supplies growth have been less than the demands’. The high-demand applications such as educational, for many reasons including, Lack of cities’ coordination executive bodies, financial problems and lack of education sector officials with scientific procedures for locating schools, faced with many problems to meet the needs of the students. In large urban areas like Tehran, for various reasons such as high population density and scarcity of land, these problems intensified. Fast, timely and appropriate accessibility to these training centers is very important and necessary in every community, especially in urban areas. And the equitable distribution of these centers in the city led to the establishment of spatial equity and social justice, which is an urban sustainable development objectives. The aim of this research is to evaluate the locating of training centers in primary schools in the district in order to achieve spatial justice. The type of research is practical, based on the purpose of thstudy, and the research method is descriptive-analytic. The data collection method is also documentary-survey. In order to weigh the criteria, experts have been used in the ANP model, and by Using the capabilities and features of geographical information system including: combining maps, raster calculator, network analysis and etc. has been done. Finally, after the implementation of VIKOR sample, the priority areas were identified for building elementary schools. The final output analysis obtained by this method in addition to determining of the compatibility or incompatibility of primary schools in the city will located the optimal sites for building new elementary schools.

Mohammad Motamedi,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

One of the main tasks of urban and regional planners is the allocation of land to various urban uses, taking into account the role and function of the city, the city's economy, as well as the impact of interoperability of the users on each other. The topic of optimal location of therapeutic use is considered with consideration of effective parameters and factors in this research. According to the current situation in Shirvan, there are 3 clinics in Shirvan that their distribution and location seems to be inappropriate. Therefore, for prospective plans and according to the horizontal development of the city, assessment of these bases it is also a good idea to suggest places to establish clinics. This research is aimed at finding optimal location of clinics in Shirvan city by providing appropriate model. The research method is descriptive-analytical. In the first stage, identification and investigation of the effective factors on site selection of databases was investigated. Then using Arc GIS software, after completing the data gathering steps, preparing information layers, classifying and evaluating the layers, and weighing and overlapping the information layers were designed to prioritize the lands of the city of Shirvan for the establishment of clinics. The results showed that the clinics focus on the eastern side of the city, and central and western parts of the city are severely restricted in terms of access to clinics, and the population of 83,000 people in the city is only 28136 people in The standard radius of clinics is standard; in other words, about 75% of the population of the city is outside the standard radius of clinics and the radius of access to clinics is not suitable for citizens of the city. The city of Shirvan needs another hospital that is located in a location on the western side of the city.

Mina Farokhi Someh, Shahrivar Rostaei, Rasoul Ghorbani,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Today, given the rapid growth of the world's population and its focus on cities, access to quality housing by urban dwellers is an essential component of influencing the long-term outlook of human communities. At the same time, considering the widespread impacts of housing on urban environments and on the economic, social and physical life of the city and its citizens, it is important to identify the factors that influence the choice of place of residence and housing. The residence has been emphasized on housing features. The type of research was applied and descriptive-analytical in nature; the method of data collection is library and field (questionnaire). The study population consisted of 384 households living in Tabriz metropolitan area. Then, tests (descriptive and inferential statistics) will be used and finally by diagnostic analysis using SPSS 22 and GIS software will analyze the relationships between variables. The results showed that demographic and lifestyle indices affect residence and housing choice and when demographic characteristics are combined with lifestyle, the choice of residence by the households is examined based on differences. Individual and lifestyle are important. Also, based on the results of the research, selection of residence and housing has a significant relationship with access to business centers, childcare centers, cultural centers, pedestrian access, parking and home warning cameras.

Vahide Nori, Afson Mahdavi, Fatemeh Mohammad Niae Qaraee,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

The attachment to the place is the emotional relationship of the individual to the place, which is rooted in the person's past qualities and experiences that the place should be able to meet the needs and expectations of the individual, and also the place must meet the capacity to meet those needs and expectations. The attachment to the location is based on the cognitive, emotional, and functional interaction between individuals, groups, and physical-social location over time. The purpose of this study was to use the meta-analysis method to analyze the results of research on attachment to the place. In order to perform a meta-analysis, 75 researches were conducted in this regard. Among the 18 studies conducted during the years 2006-2019, in the field of attachment to the place were selected. In the first step, the evaluation of selected research, homogeneous assumptions and publication error was studied; accordingly, the findings indicated the heterogeneity of the size of the effect and the non-dominance of the published studies. In the second step, the coefficient of effect size was evaluated using the second version of CMA software. The results showed that the size of the effect or coefficient of influence of the identified factors is 0/376, which is evaluated according to the Cohen's interpretation system. Overall, the results indicate that the identified factors have a moderate effect on attachment to the location.

Atefeh Moradi, Mariam Daneshvar, Seyed Abdol-Hadi Daneshpour, Hooman Bahmanpour,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

Today, sustainable placement is one of the main approaches of urban planners and regional planners. The purpose of this study was to design and fit a consolidated model of localization of densely populated areas with emphasis on environmental balance. The purpose of this research is practical and it is a survey-analysis type. At first, according to the theoretical foundations, the research background and interviewing the experts designed the integrated model (basic conceptual model). Then the model was fitted by referring to experts (86 simple). The initial model of the research was investigated and tested using SEM using Smart PLS 2 software. The results showed that the factor loadings of all questionnaire questions were more than 0.4 and were therefore acceptable. The t-values ​​for all questions are greater than 1.96 and are therefore significant at 95% confidence level. On the other hand, environmental equilibrium in locating subtropical regions is affected by 7 criteria and 22 sub criteria, among which environmental quality had the highest impact (path coefficient= 0.5227) and semantic structure (path coefficient = 0.0353) the least. Also, the mean of the common index index was 1.147 and the coefficient of determination (R2) was 0.9184. The overall fit of the model (GOF) was calculated to be 0.55235. In the final study, it was found that all paths have significant coefficients and thus the conceptual model of research was confirmed.
Mr Meysam Zekavat, Dr Mansoure Tahbaz, Dr Mohammad Reza Hafezi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

Buildings are the primary consumers of energy in the country, accounting for approximately 30-50% of total energy consumption. In our country, around 33% of energy is allocated to residential, commercial, and public buildings. The objective of this study is to examine the impact of a building's orientation on its energy consumption. The research is focused on the common 4 and 5-story residential buildings in District 5 of Tehran, specifically on Ferdous Sharq Blvd. The research adopts a descriptive-analytical methodology based on both organizational and field data collection. Six similar residential blocks in different lighting positions were selected to gather data. These blocks share identical characteristics in terms of land area, infrastructure area, number of floors, heating and cooling systems, and other factors. The only distinction among them is their location within a passage. Subsequently, Design Builder software was employed to simulate and compare their energy consumption. The findings of the research reveal that the average energy consumption, with a precision of 98%, for the northern blocks is 7,261 kilowatt hours per square meter per year, while for the southern blocks it is 11,247 kilowatt hours per square meter per year, and for the overall blocks it is 5,254 kilowatt hours per square meter per year. This is approximately three times the ideal building's energy consumption. The northern blocks consume about 5% more energy than the southern blocks. A block that receives light from three sides (north, south, and west) consumes about 11% more energy than the average, whereas a block that receives light from two sides (north and south) consumes about 5% less energy than the average. The north blocks have an energy label of D, whereas the south blocks, except for the end block that receives light from three sides (north, south, and west), have an energy label of C. Consequently, the south blocks generally demonstrate better energy consumption performance.

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