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Showing 2 results for Environmental Quality

- Mohammad Reza Ghorbani Param, - Pouyan Shahabian, - Vahid Dinarani, - Ronak Najafi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (3-1921)

The quality of the urban environment is one of the important indicators of the development of any city. In this regard, the type of pattern that can be used in cities can have a great impact that biophilic urban planning is one of the most important patterns due to its relationship and centrality with nature. The purpose of this study is to explain the environmental quality criteria of Tehran according to the components of biophilic urban planning. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection through survey method. The research tool was a questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by the elite community and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha coefficient greater than 0.70. The statistical population of the study also consists of urban experts and specialists, including academics and experts in Tehran. Due to the lack of statistics in this area, coronary and cost constraints, 120 experts were selected as the sample size. The results showed that the structural-functional, content and physical-spatial indicators of the quality of Tehran's urban environment based on biophilic urban planning were significant at a level of less than 0.05. The study of the mean and significant direction indicates the weakness of these indicators and lack of attention to biophilic urban planning in the planning of this city. Also, the results of structural equation modeling confirmed that the structural-functional, content and physical-spatial indices of biophilic urban planning can be effective in improving the quality of Tehran's urban environment. . Therefore, biophilic urban planning has not been emphasized in the planning model of Tehran, but the results indicate their effectiveness in improving the quality of the city's environment if used.
Elmira Azimi, Hosin Mobara, Maryam Farzadmanesh,
Volume 23, Issue 68 (3-2023)

The emergence of a variety of inequalities, widespread poverty, malnutrition and ... were examples of the effects of urbanization. For this reason, many scholars and experts have focused on the quality of life, in order to improve living conditions and improve the quality of life of human beings. Many studies show that satisfaction with different dimensions and characteristics of the neighborhood affects residents' quality of life. Considering that satisfaction with life, i.e., the full satisfaction of all parts of life, if this kind of satisfaction does not develop among residents, more serious problems such as intra-urban migration, severe class contradictions and the problem of uplifting and down-town faces Accepts. Therefore, identifying the effective factors on residential satisfaction in each neighborhood, which is in accordance with the needs of the residents of that neighborhood, is one of the main goals of urban planners in order to increase residential satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of location and quality of environment on improving citizens' satisfaction from neighborhoods. The research method was descriptive-analytic, data collection method, library and survey, sample size was estimated 315 by Cochran formula. In order to test the hypotheses presented in this study, structural equation modeling was used in Lisrel software environment. The results of this study indicate that spatial sense of belonging and quality of environment have a significant effect on residents' satisfaction with the neighborhood.

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