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Showing 15 results for Zoning

Hakimeh Behboudi, Mohammad Saligheh, Ali Bayat, Akram Zakeri, Fatemeh Jamali,
Volume 15, Issue 36 (6-2015)

Understanding weather zoning and knowing homogeneous climate regions are essential for land use and regional planning. The aim of this study was to compare three different geographical climate of Iran, the Caspian coastal, mountainous and arid interior of the provinces of Mazandaran, Semnan, Tehran, Qazvin, Qom, and Markazi. In order to do this study, climatic data of 56 synoptic and climatology stations and 19 climatic elements were used by using cluster analysis and factor analysis models. For this purpose, a matrix with dimensions of 56 x 19 and the R configuration and as a database was used for segmentation. By applying factor analysis based on principal components analysis with Varimax orthogonal rotation it was determined that in the climate of these three regions, four factors of humidity, temperature, dust and thunderstorms are affecting more than 85% of the total variance of the climate of this region. The hierarchical cluster analysis method and integration into the matrix of factor scores, four main and several sub-region areas were identified.The main areas are hot, dry desert area, ​​low rainfall mountain slopes, the mountainous and cold and semi-rainy regions and high rainfall and finally the moderate high rainfall. The study of four areas and their local and regional conditions shows that the neighborhood with humidity source such as the Caspian Sea and rough configurations such Alborz Mountains play a decisive role in the formation of north sub-areas.
Ali Nasiri,
Volume 16, Issue 40 (3-2016)

 Today, the resiliency of the human centers, especially urban centers against the natural hazards such as earthquakes, is one of the main challenges in the targeted management of urban. One of the effective strategies in the control, containment and prevention of risks from earthquakes is zoning of urban areas in terms of vulnerability. In this regard, the purpose of this study was to determine the zoning and seismic active zones in the urban area of Urmia city. The seismic – tectonic situation and recorded seismic data  surveyed in the current study. findings showed that there were seismic active zones in the Uremia city area. The seismic effects and geo-tectonic results Verified, so the results marked that local geology condition would be effective in earth motion. This research investigated the local geology features especially fault, geo units and seismic data in zoning of seismic risk. Many methods are proposed by different researchers. In this study the SABTA (1987) method has been used for estimating seismic risk by using most important parameters such as seismic, fault and geology data. The obtained results showed that the P.G.A measure variation was from 0.035 to 0.33 which indicated the existence of seismic activity in the study area.

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Volume 17, Issue 46 (9-2017)

Since the most important climatic parameter affecting sugar beet cultivation is the temperature, we carried out this research considering climatic elements such as temperature, precipitation and freezing days in relation to autumn sugar beet planting. Daily temperatures of selected stations in a period of 10 years (2005-2015) has been used for agroclimatic analysis. In order to evaluate that, thermal potential assessment, deviation from optimal conditions and active day gradient index (GDD) were used. The evaluation of thermal potential based on the threshold of 0, 4, and 10 degrees Centigrade at the station levels in Kermanshah province showed that Sar-e-Pol-e-Zahab Station has the highest cumulative thermal unit and Kangavar Station has the least one. In Isfahan province, Khour-va-Biabanak station has the highest cumulative thermal unit and Khansar station has the lowest unit. Based on the deviation from optimal conditions in Kermanshah province, Sar-e-Pol-e-Zahab station has the lowest (-27.79) and in Khour-va-Biabanak station (-21.78) had the least deviation from optimal conditions. Planting date at the stations was considered based on the autumn temperature. In Kermanshah province, Sar-e-Pol-e Zahab station had the earliest date of harvest (May 1st.), while this date in Isfahan province was for Khour-va-Biabanak station (May 9th.). Suitable areas for planting in Kermanshah province are found to be the eastern and northeastern regions of Sar-e-Pol-e Zahab and Qasr-Shirin. In the province of Isfahan, the northern and western parts of Khour-va-Biabanak and Kashan were the most proper regions and central areas are in the next steps.

Mrs Malihe Mohammadnia, Dr Gholamabbas Fallah,
Volume 18, Issue 48 (3-2018)

Landslide, due to its dangerous nature in mountainous areas, usually causes morphology to suddenly collapse and causes major damage to residential areas, roads, agricultural lands, and so on. In this study, using the AHP model and fuzzy logic operators, we evaluated and zoned the landslide sensitivity in the Pseudogene basin in Razavi Khorasan province. The eight main criteria of elevation, slope, tilt direction, distance from the waterway, distance from the road, distance from the fault, geology and land use associated with the occurrence of landslide phenomena were examined in total. The sub-criteria were weighted and fuzzy using the Frequency Ratio Model. The weight of the criteria was also determined using the AHP model. Then the landslide susceptibility map was prepared using fuzzy operators 9 / 0.8 / 0 and 0.7 and verified using the ROC curve. The results showed that the gradient factor had the most effect and land use factor had the least effect on the occurrence of slip in the basin. Validation results of the model showed a 90% accuracy of the landslide sensitivity map with a 0.7% operator in the basin. Therefore, the fuzzy gamma model with the 7th operator provides the best form of landslide susceptibility map in the Pseudogene basin.

Dr Batool Zeinali, Sima Khalili, Saideh Eiyni,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

The aim of current research is atmospheric hazards climate zoning in Iran Northwest. So meteorological organization data were used in cases such as mean temperature , minimum temperature , maximum temperature, precipitation in monthly and daily scale for 13 synoptic stations in range of East Azerbaijan province, West Azerbaijan province) and Ardebil province during 26 years. (1990-2015) in this research , it was investigated 10 main atmospheric hazards such as famine or drought , hailstone,, heavy snow , thunder storm, severe precipitation, margin precipitation , blizzard , fogging , dust storm in range of Northwest bound. Then happening frequency maps were prepared with separating form for hazards by using Geographic information system. (GIS) Also spatial zoning maps were prepared for every class. Finally by combining all of hazards investigation; it was prepared Northwest region atmospheric hazards extensive map. Results show that, East, Southeast, center and West parts in Northwest region are located among most hazard zones based on happening frequency. But Northeast parts and zones have the least hazards. Also results express that blizzard and dust storm are main atmospheric hazards at Northwest regionThe highest hazard frequency in Northwest region relate to blizzard with 4148 hazards during 1990-2015 study period. The highest blizzard frequency in Ahar station is observed with 514 hazards. The second hazard in Northwest relate to dust phenomenon with 1948 cases. The highest frequency of mentioned case was observed in Maragheh station with 410 hazards. The third case in Northwest relate to thunder storm phenomenon with 1773 hazards. The sixth case relate to icing phenomenon with 1315 hazards meaning. The highest icing frequency is observed in Khalkhal station with 144 hazards. The seventh case relate to hailstone phenomenon at Northwest with 341 hazards. The highest of hailstone frequency is observed in Maragheh station with 56 hazards. The eighth case relate to fogging phenomenon with 333 hazards. The highest of fogging is observe in Ahar station with 135 hazards. The ninth case relate to famine or drought phenomenon at Northwest with 168 hazards. The highest of famine or drought frequency is observed in Urmia and Ardebil stations with 16 hazards totally. The highest margin precipitation is observed in Parsabad station with 19 hazards. The lowest frequency of margin precipitation relate to Makou and Khalkhal stations with 4 hazards totally.

Mohammadreza Goodarzi, Atiyeh Fatehifar,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

In the present time, with the increase of industrial activities and the neglected environmental issues, the effects of climate change have become more evident and poses this phenomenon as a global difficult. Increasing the probability of occurrence of extreme climatic events such as flood and increasing the frequency and intensity of the effects of climate change. The northwest of the country is one of the most vulnerable areas of the country due to its semi-arid and mountainous climates and high rainfall variability. Therefore, zoning due to climate change is essential. Therefore, in this study, in order to investigate the risk of flood in the Azarshahr basin, due to climate change, using the CanESM2 general circulation model under RCP8.5 scenarios negativity according to the assessment report fifth IPCC, rainfall and temperature variables were down scaling by Statistical down scaling model (SDSM). Then,with hydrological model SWAT the daily runoff, the basin map and the lines of the canals are achieved. The results of the evaluation of the SDSM model with a coefficient of determination and Nash-Sutcliff 0.95 on average represent the good performance of the model in the down scaling of large scale data. The results show an increase of 0.23 ° C and 4.53% rainfall and maximum discharge. The basin is zoned with the combination of the maximum mean discharge map, the coefficient and distance from the river with the AHP approach. Due to the zoning they are 41.55% of the area of the basin, at very low and low risk, 27.23% at average risk and 31.2% at high and very high risk. Also, with the final map, it became clear that the mid-basin had a high risk due to its prerequisite conditions and that it needed to carry out managerial actions.

Saeed Javizadeh, Zahra Hejazizadeh,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Drought is one of the environmental events and an inseparable part of climatic fluctuations. This phenomenon is one of the main characteristics of the various climates. Awareness of spatiotemporal behavior is effective in land planning. The spatial statistical methods provide the means by which they analyze the spatial patterns of random variables such as precipitation. In this study, using the rainfall data of 84 selected synoptic stations during the period of 30 years (1985 to 2014) in Iran, the spatial analysis of drought has been investigated. Initially, using SPI values (timescales 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 months), drought and traumatic periods of the area were identified and using the Geostatistic Analyst extension, the drought was zoned by interpolation methods. Moran statistics were used to explain the pattern of drought in Iran. The results of Moran index for drought showed that the values for different years during the statistical period have a positive and close to one, indicating that the SPI drought index data has spatial self-correlation and cluster pattern. Also, the results of Z score and P-value values, clustering of a spatial distribution of drought, were confirmed.

Msc. Graduated Student Najmeh Daneshvar-Marvast, Dr Somayeh Soltani-Gerdefaramarzi, Dr Samaneh Poormohammadi,
Volume 19, Issue 55 (12-2019)

The phenomenon of evapotranspiration causes water and moisture losses from water, soil and vegetation levels. Due to the small amount of atmospheric precipitation and water resource constraints in Iran, it is important to calculate it through a suitable method. The present research attempts to evaluate the evapotranspiration reference crop (ETo) and present it in the form of zoning map as a basic tool for water management. In this study, the long-term average of seven meteorological stations and evaporation pan data were used to determine the appropriate ETo estimation method. Evapotranspiration of reference crop was calculated to 14 methods the based on climatic information in each station. Computational methods including combinational methods Penman-based, radiation-temperature method, temperature method and radiation method. The most appropriate computational method was selected based on the R2 and Nash -Sutcliffe statistics. The zoning of evapotranspiration of reference crop was carried out based on the geographic information of the meteorological stations and the GIS software. The results of the research indicate that the best method for this region as the cold and moderate climate are FAO radiation and Blaney-Criddle. Also, the zoning result shows that west of the catchment has less evapotranspiration rather than its east. Sunshine hours, maximum temperature and wind speed were the most effective factors for evapotranspiration in this area by sensitivity analysis.

Sohrab Amirian, Masoud Safaeipour, Mr Hassan Hosseini Amini, Mr Hossein Ebadi,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

Vulnerability can be considered as an inherent defect in particular dimensions of the urban environment that is susceptible to damage due to its biological and physical characteristics or design features. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate Ahwaz city structures and fine-tune its vulnerability from a passive defense perspective and to move it towards the future prospects of a safe city. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical methodology based on the spatial-model studies approach. The data of this study include 11 educational, fire, administrative, police, power lines, terminals, urban facilities, business centers, roads, urban industries, gas transmission centers and health centers. GIS software was used to analyze the research data. Therefore, distance maps were designed and standardized for measuring the neighboring pattern after identifying the effective layers in the vulnerability and using the Distance tool. The FUZZY OVERLAY tool in ArcGIS software was used for spatial distribution and micro-zoning of Ahwaz vulnerability. The results show that in the section of vulnerability zoning, 29.73% of the city area is completely vulnerable, 29% vulnerable, 21.18% moderate, 13.22% low and 6.85% of the total city area in the state of vulnerability, respectively. There is very little reception.
Mr Asadollah Mollazehi, Dr Mohammadreza Pudineh, Dr Mahmood Khosravi, Dr Mohsen Armesh, Mr Aliasghar Dehvari,
Volume 20, Issue 58 (9-2020)

Today, due to climate change, natural hazards and how to deal with them are among the most important concerns of researchers in environmental planning and crisis management. The purpose of this study is the assessment of the potential flood risk in Sarbaz drainage basin. For this purpose, the databases including elevation, slope, geological characteristics, soil characteristics, precipitation, vegetation, land use, and vector layers of the main channel, streams and drainage densities of the basin were used. By using the questionnaire and experts' opinion as well as hierarchical analysis, the weight of influences of each layer was calculated in basin flooding. Each of these layers was classified based on the flood potential from low to high-risk scale and eventually merged with the weighted overlay model in Geographic Information System. The results showed that main streams, land use, and precipitation are the most important components in the flood risk of the Sarbaz river drainage basin. From the total area of the Sarbaz basin, only 0.5% has a high to extremely high flood potential, and the central areas of the basin have the highest potential for flood due to topography and special hydrographic conditions. In addition, the main river basin districts towards the outlet of the basin as well as parts of the margins of important sub-streams have the highest flood potential. Despite the limited area of the high-risk zone, due to population density and agricultural land, the importance of this area is very high in crisis management.

Dr Hadi Soleimani Moghadam, Dr Rahman Zandi, Mr Ebrahim Akbari,
Volume 21, Issue 60 (3-2021)

Spatial Zoning and Analysis of Urban Poverty via Spatial Analysis (Case Study: Mashhad City)
Examining the degree of poverty in every community is the first step taken towards planning for fighting against poverty and deprivation. With understanding the poverty change process over time, planners can make the necessary decisions. The present study aims to investigate the spatial zoning and analysis of urban poverty in Mashhad City. To this end, necessary data were collected and employed from various sources. The final map was obtained from the integration and overlapping of effective criteria in urban poverty zoning using the experts' viewpoints and reviewing the research background with emphasis on GIS spatial analysis. According to the final map, 33.05% of Mashhad’s area enjoys very good conditions in terms of the study criteria of zoning urban poverty. This area covers Felestin, Sajjad, Goharshad, Razi, Baharan, Valiasr, Fareghotahsilan, Hafez, Isargaran etc. areas. The second rank (covering 18.75% of the city’s area), indicating the appropriate situation, includes Elahiyyeh, Janbaz, Tarbiat, Honarvar, etc. areas. The third rank (covering 19.28% of the city’s area) is in moderate conditions, including different areas of the city including Railway, Northern Tabarsi, Vahdat, Amir Abad, Keshavarz and Mo’oud areas. The fourth rank (covering 8.46% of the city’s area) is in the inappropriate situation, covering areas such as Sis Abad, Eivan and some parts of District 7. The fifth rank (covering 20.43% of the city’s area), is in very poor conditions, consisting of Jahed Shahr, Abu Zar, Rabat, Enghelab, Baharestan, Panjtan Al-e-Aba, Shahid Ghorbani and Mehdi Abad areas.
Msc Taraneh Mirgheidari, Dr Behzad Rayegani, Dr Javad Bodagh-Jamali,
Volume 22, Issue 65 (6-2022)

This study was conducted with the aim of providing a remotely sensed water quality index in Assaluyeh port using remote sensing technology. so, according to the region conditions, studying of scientific resources and access to satellite data, the parameters of heavy­metals, dissolved ions, SST, chlorophyll-a and pH were selected. Then, by reviewing sources, the product MYD091km, MYD021km, MOD021km, MOD091km and level2 images of chlorophyll-a and SST of MODIS sensor were used after preprocessing operations. Also In-situ data were collected Simultaneously with the capture of satellite images in August 2014. Then, the relationships between the water quality parameters and MODIS data, with (R2) from 0.59 to 0.94 and (RMSE) from 0.07 to 0.1 were obtained. Next the images of the MODIS sensor from 2015 to 2017 were prepared and the models were applied to them, then the layers were standardized by fuzzy logic. Also time series of SST data from 2003 to 2017 were prepared and for each month the average pixel values were calculated and based on this, from 2015 to 2017, the variation of this parameter was standardized. Finally, an effective index for assessing the quality of coastal waters was provided by time series of satellite images and the waters of Assaluyeh port were zoned. The results showed that the water quality in 2015 and 2016 has shifted from poor to very ­­poor status in 2017. Based on the results, with the development of a proposed index, in future studies a continuous assessment of environmental monitoring is possible.
Mr Mahmood Hosseinzadeh Kermani, Dr Bohlul Alijani, Dr Zahra Bigom Hejazizadeh, Dr Mohammad Saligheh,
Volume 22, Issue 67 (12-2022)

The main aim of this paper is to determine the capable areas for cultivating pistachio through considering of Geo statistical Analysis the major effective factors. The necessary climatic daily data of weather stations For the 300 synoptic stations, the station was set up by 2016. The topographic data include relief, slope, aspect, and TIN layers extracts from 1:250000 topographic maps of the region. The maps of land use and vegetation land cover were prepared from the 1:250000 maps of national soil and water Research Institute. The spatial analysis facilities of GIS were utilized for numerical calculation and the spatial geodatabase of the region was established. Then spatial and description data was entered into the data bank. Finally by overlaying analysis in ArcGIS, cultivated area was classified according to its capabilities. The results showed that 707273/88 KM2 Of the area (43%), Not suitable for spreading pistachio cultivation (Including altitudes and urban use and steep slopes, seaside and riverside streams, shoals, saline and swampy lands) and 585130/39 KM2 (35/57%) From the country of Iran Area Including plain areas and agricultural use) was recognized as suitable for the expansion of pistachio cultivation. These areas are located in the east and south east, center and northeastern Iran.

Maryam Saghafi, Gholamreza Barati, Bohloul Alijani, Mohammad Moradi,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Precipitation is a phenomenon resulting from complex atmospheric interactions and among climatic events, due to its vital role, it has special importance. The importance of precipitation durability, especially in arid and semi-arid regions, which includes most of Iran, is greater than its volume. The purpose of this study is to identify Iran's precipitation areas in terms of precipitation durability and its characteristics in each area. In order to investigate the durability of Iran's precipitation and to define a precipitation day as " a day with equal precipitation or greater than 0.5 mm", used from daily precipitation data of 80 synoptic stations of the country during the 6 cold months of the year from October to March in a period of 30 years (2016 - 1987). Setting data in daily tables in the first step, made possible to program in MATLAB environment to separate precipitation in ten groups from "one day" to "ten days" and in the second step in SPSS environment based on frequency characteristics, amount and precipitations average in the mentioned groups was done by the method of Ward merging and clustering. The process of the clustering on Iran's durability precipitation showed that there are seven almost homogeneous precipitation zones in Iran; the geographical arrangement of Iran's precipitation areas, reveals the dependence of Iran's precipitations amount on roughness, the path of precipitation systems, its proximity to humidity sources, and the effect of the sea. In terms of area’s location, it can be said that; the settlement of the four zones in the western half of Iran, despite its small size in front of the eastern half, is a reason for its heterogeneity.
Zahra Hedjazizadeh, Sayyed Mohammad Hosseini, Ali Reza Karbalaee, Shokofe Layeghi,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

Drought is a natural hazard that annually causes significant economic, social, environmental, and life-threatening damage in vast areas of the Earth. The damages caused by this phenomenon are intangible but very extensive and costly.  In many circomstancs, modern remote sensing techniques can be a useful tool in monitoring drought due to high temporal accuracy, wide spectral coverage, ease of access, no need for atmospheric correction and ground referencing. In recent years, the province of Hamedan has faced many problems due to frequent droughts. Therefore, the present study focused on investigating and monitoring drought in Hamedan province using the Temperature Condition index and its impact on the vegetation cover of the province using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) remote sensing data. First, the relevant data was extracted from the Nova star database, and finally, the spatiotemporal behavior of the vegetation cover drought index was examined on 1528 pixels in Hamedan province. The spatial resolution of the data used in this study is 4 kilometers. First, the relevant data were extracted from the Navstar database and ultimately, the spatiotemporal behavior of the drought index and vegetation cover was examined. The results indicate that drought has significantly increased the vegetation cover of Hamedan province based on remote sensing data. Kendall's coefficients indicate the presence of decreasing trends in vegetation cover at a 95 Percent confidence level. Only in May, June, and December has there been a slight decrease in vegetation cover within the extent of drought in the province. The spatial behavior analysis of the drought index on vegetation cover showed that February, March, as well as April have experienced more severe droughts within Hamedan province.

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