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Showing 4 results for Urban Land Use

Taher Safarrad, Mehran Mansourinia, Hersh Entezami,
Volume 19, Issue 53 (6-2019)

Population growth and urbanization development are the main triggering factors of changes in urban land uses. These, in turn, result in changes in the components of radiation balance. The present study tries to analyze the role of urban land uses in radiation balance by calculating net radiation and its analysis. For this purpose, the Landsat 8 satellite image of 2016 was used. Characteristics of radiation flux including net radiation flux (RN), ground surface albedo (α), incoming longwave radiation (RL↓), incoming shortwave radiation (RS↓), outgoing longwave radiation (RL↑), and ground surface temperature were computed using Sebal algorithm.The values ​​of these components in different land uses (compressed residential, scattered residential, green area and wastelands) were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s test. The results of this study showed that the selected land uses have significant differences in the amount of radiation flux, therefore the wastelands are warmer than the residential areas by about 6 oC and the residential areas are warmer than the green areas by about 1.5 oC. The results also indicated that these differences are due to changes in output energy (α and RL↑), and any change in land use over time will ultimately lead to a change in the radiation balance and the temperature of those places, which this temperature increase, is different from the increase of the temperature due to global warming.

Mrs Mehrnaz Rezvani, Mr Yosefali Ziari, Mr Naser Eghbali, Mr Hosein Mojtabazade Khanghahi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

Urban land utilize planning, for optimal use of existing facilities and urban spaces is one of the main cores of urban planning, which is usually defined as a multi-objective issue. In line with the absence of specific categorization, system for land use in Iran the use of metaheuristic algorithm and artificial intelligence is required. One of the algorithms that introduced and used in recent years are the optimization algorithm (BBO) based on biogeography. Current research is from practical research group and type of descriptive-analytic research, the data analysis method would be write and execute in MATLAB software by using biogeography algorithm. The purpose, after identifying most effective variable, will be to improve the present status of the system's distribution use indicators and their adjacency in the county surface. For comparing the results of current research, in terms of desired area needed uses with development plan of Semnan County, each dimension of (GIS) layer should be provide.overlapping of the layers would be compare with development design.

Taher Safarrad, Yadollah Yousefi, Atefeh Rezaei Taleei,
Volume 21, Issue 62 (9-2021)

Information on a variation of impervious surface is useful for understanding urbanization and its impacts on the hydrological cycle, water management, surface energy balances, urban heat island, and biodiversity. This research attempts to detect impervious surfaces and its changes by satellite imagery in Qaemshahr. The relationship between impervious surfaces and changes in land surface temperature in the city was investigated. For this purpose, after obtaining three images in 1978, 2000, and 2017, and performing the necessary preprocessing, the reflection values of the infrared spectrum and ground surface temperature in the study area were calculated. The reflectance of this spectrum was investigated in various land uses vegetation, asphalt and building areas in two parts of the urban and the suburb.  Using the results of ANOVA and Tukey these properties compared to different land uses. By the difference between Permeable surfaces and impervious surfaces, the impervious surface index was calculated. The results of the detection and comparison of the three surveyed images showed that the impervious surfaces in Qaemshahr were significantly increased from 1978 to 2017. In the next step, by calculating the land surface temperature, it was determined that the temperature of the impervious surfaces is higher than the other parts of the study area. An increase in the population of the city followed by an increase in urban construction has led to an increase in impervious surfaces and a reduction in green space and this has caused a rise in city temperatures. The results of this study showed that increasing impervious surfaces has led to an increase of around 4 degrees in the city's temperature. Finally, any increase in the impervious surface at the city will lead to unsustainability in the urban environment, if not accompanied by proper planning.

Dr Shahrivar Rostaei, Dr Rahim Heydari Chyaneh, Mr Ayoub Zoghi,
Volume 25, Issue 76 (3-2025)

The occurrence of earthquakes and the losses and damages caused by it have always imposed a serious threat to the city, residents and assets, so that it has made planners and city managers to provide logical and scientific solutions to make cities safer. Securing cities against earthquakes will not be achieved only by creating strong structures, and we must take steps to reduce urban vulnerability through optimizing urban land use. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal urban areas for the development of the city with the aim of reducing the vulnerability of Sanandaj. For this purpose, KNN method has been used as a model with relatively high accuracy to evaluate the optimal land use of Sanandaj city with an emphasis on earthquake risk. The obtained model output shows that about 32% of the city area is in optimal condition and district 2 with 42.78% equivalent to 406 hectares and district 4 with 50.85% equivalent to 658 hectares provide an optimal condition for the development of the city, towards reducing urban vulnerability and increasing urban land use optimization. The general condition of the city is not suitable in terms of optimality and the neighborhoods located in districts 1 and 2 are in a very inappropriate condition due to high population and residential density, very poor permeability and low adaptation of land uses. In evaluating the model, the value of the area below the curve is 0.951, which indicates the desirable performance of the model in examining the subject. 

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