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Showing 3 results for Topsis Model

Mokhtar Karami,, Rahman Zandi,, Jalal Taheri,
Volume 20, Issue 56 (3-2020)

In recent years with the development of cities coatings of the Earth's has changed surface.  These changes have caused some urban areas to have a few degrees higher than the surrounding temperature. This phenomenon is known as thermal islands. Mashhad is one of the major metropolises in Iran with the problem of thermal islands. Various parameters affect the formation of thermal islands in this city that should be considered. In this study TM, ETM+ and OLI images were used to obtain surface temperature over the period 1987-2016. The study of temporal variations in surface temperature showed that in the studied period, thermal islands were transferred from outside the city to the city. The model for describing the temperature of the surface of the earth has changed and has diminished from the temperature of the city's moderate and cool temperatures, and in contrast, the amount of high temperatures (thermal islands) has increased significantly. The TOPSIS method was also used to obtain the thermal forming factors. 13 natural and human factors affecting the formation of thermal islands were identified. Each expert opinion factor was used to determine the degree of importance. According to experts, the distance from the sanctuary with a weight of %234 and traffic of %155 is the most important and the height with a weight of %022 is least important in the formation of thermal islands. The final results obtained from this model showed that the factors affecting the formation of thermal islands are well recognized and the temperature decreases with these factors.

Mana Taheri, Mohammad Saied Izadi, Hamid Majedi, Zahra Sadat Saeedeh Zarabadi,
Volume 24, Issue 74 (9-2024)

According to the fact that place identity is influenced by various social, physical, semantic, functional, and natural factors, each of these dimensions has multiple indicators with complex internal relationships; Measuring and evaluating it is a fundamental and complex issue. Therefore, the aim of this study is to "provide a combined model for measuring the identity of place in urban spaces." To achieve this goal, quantitative methods have been used. First, the expert questionnaire with a sample size of 19 people was analyzed in the form of a combination of DEMATEL model and Analytical network process, then the questionnaire of space users with a volume of 384 samples in 12 urban spaces was analyzed by TOPSIS model. The results show that despite the decline in identity in recent decades, Tehran Bazaar as the central core of Tehran's historical district still has an acceptable level, but the further away from the Bazaar, the different dimensions of social, physical, functional, natural and the semantic identity is declining. Also, from a methodological point of view, it can be said that the combined DANP-TOPSIS model is a suitable model for measuring the various dimensions of place identity in an integrated way.
Mr Yaser Nazaryan, Phd Amane Haghzad, Phd Laila Ebrahimi, Phd Kia Bozorgmehr,
Volume 25, Issue 77 (6-2025)

Urbanization and the increase in urban populations, resulting from both natural population growth and rural-to-urban migration, have led to the concentration of significant material and spiritual human capital within urban settlements. Concurrently, various natural and human-induced crises pose threats to these capitals. Urban management has initiated a range of programs to address these crises, with a contemporary focus on enhancing the resilience of cities. The concept of resilience can be examined across various dimensions, including physical, economic, social, and environmental aspects.
The present study adopts a descriptive-analytical approach with the objective of assessing the physical resilience of metropolitan areas in Tabriz and determining their status relative to one another. To achieve this goal, multi-criteria decision-making methods (MADM) and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) have been employed. Additionally, three models—Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS), VIKOR, and Complex Proportional Assessment (COPRAS)—have been utilized to rank the regions in terms of physical resilience. Ultimately, the Copeland model was applied to integrate the results from the aforementioned models. The findings indicate that regions 2, 8, and 9 collectively exhibit the highest levels of physical resilience, followed by regions 1, 10, 3, 7, 5, 4, and, lastly, region 6, respectively.

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