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Showing 1 results for Social Adaptation

Fatemeh Raouf, Mohammad Motamedi, Aliakbar Poorahmad,
Volume 23, Issue 71 (12-2023)

Social health and social capital are considered one of the important indicators of development in the new international assessment, because the health of the individual and the society are so interdependent that it is impossible to set boundaries between them. The health status of people in the society affects the health of others and their emotions in various ways, as well as the socio-economic indicators of the society. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of public participation in order to increase the social health of the citizens of Shirvan. The research method is a survey, and the main tool for data collection is a questionnaire. The statistical population in the present study is all the residents of Shirvan city, and using Cochran's formula, the number of 384 people was determined as a statistical sample. The obtained results showed that among the dimensions of participation, the physical dimension with a value of 4.24 has the highest average. Among the dimensions of the social health index, the dimension of social cohesion with an average value of 4.75 has the highest average. . Finally, PLS statistical test was used to investigate the effect of the independent variable (participation of Shirvani citizens) on the dependent variable (social health) and the obtained coefficients showed that the independent variable (participation) has the greatest effect on the dependent variable (social health) in the physical dimension. Physical with a value of 36.031, and the least impact on the economic dimension with a value of 28.289 has been obtained

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