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Showing 5 results for Shiraz City

Mohammad Hassan Yazdani, Ali Soltani, Hossein Nazmfar, Mohammad Amin Attar,
Volume 16, Issue 42 (9-2016)

Urban segregation has been a problem of many cities of the world. Many researchers have interested in the urban segregation issues. Urban segregation has strongly concentrated poverty and created underclass. Different types of urban segregation exist, including income and racial or ethnical segregation, and depending on the contextual mechanisms within a city. To understand and plan a better community, urban planners needs to know how to measure the segregation and interpret the results. There have been many developments of segregation measures. Some evolved and some remained unchanged. This paper is studied the most used multigroup measures of residential segregation (8 indicators) in Shiraz city and between different socio-economic groups of it by using of the Segregation Analyzer Software. In general, the results show the occurrence of segregation in the medium amount to the high amount and by the calculated values of 0/7177, 0/5785, 0/5474 – 1, 0/5407, 0/3969, 0/3759, 0/3613, 0/3375 in the city of Shiraz. On the other hand, the use of Hot spots Analysis in the study area shows that the greatest concentrations of the socio-economic high group are in almost near the center of Shiraz city and the northwest of city, and for the socio-economic medium group exists in the west of city. Also there is the greatest concentration of the socio-economic low group in the southwest of Shiraz city.

Dr Elahe Kavoosi, Dr Jamal Mohammadi,
Volume 20, Issue 57 (6-2020)

The ‘Smart mobility’ has become an increasingly prevalent discussion topic in the past few years, not just in academic literature but also in cities’ policy and strategy. However,in many cities of the world and in our country, Iran has been associated with problems such as lack of citizen participation and inequality (caused by inefficient urban management). The present study has attempted with an innovative perspective to evaluate the existing infrastructure of mobility indicators (including transport infrastructure, public transport, sustainable transport, ICT) and the social dimensions of these infrastructures including the extent of citizen participation in use. Of these infrastructures) in eleven districts of Shiraz.The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on documentary and origin studies. Data gathering was field study by using a questionnaire. The 5-degree Likert spectrum technique was used to measure the value of indicators of the Smart Mobility. The results show that average smart mobility was higher in regions 1 and 6 than in other regions. the average smart mobility indicators are in 11 and 9 the lowest in other regions. The Urban Smart Mobility variable does not have an appropriate position in Shiraz, and this has not only affected its development process in recent decades, but also poses many challenges for its future development. Accordingly, urban planners should Consider the citizen participation and efficient urban management.
Ms Elahe Kavoosi, Dr Jamal Mohammadi,
Volume 21, Issue 61 (6-2021)

Our country Iran is not far from the global changes of cities. One of these changes is the smart mobility that is Undeniable and inevitablein urban management today. Especially in metropolises, which are facing increasing population and various economic, social and environmental problems. In fact, metropolises always have many problems, most importantly transportation. Shiraz, as one of the major cities and one of the major cities of the country, has a special place. This position is of different cultural, historical, political and other aspects. Its population growth rate has also been steadily increasing due to its location. This trend of population growth over the past few decades has created problems and obstacles for sustainable and desirable management, most notably problems in the transportation sector. The same trend illustrates the need to emphasize smart systems in this city. Therefore, in this study, it is attempted to investigate and analyze Smart Urban Mobility and Social Sustainability for Shiraz. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on documentary and origin studies. The results show that the mobility and displacement variables are in poor condition based on different dimensions of access, sustainable transport as well as ICT. Different indices of each of these dimensions point to the same issue, as its level of evaluation (significance level less than 0.05 and average lower than the criterion) points to their undesirability from the point of view  citizens. The study of the impact of smart mobility indicators on Social Sustainability also shows that smart mobility indicators account for 23% of the total variance of Social Sustainability. On this basis, it should be noted that the mobility variable does not have an appropriate position in Shiraz, and this has not only affected its development process in recent decades, but also poses many challenges for its future development. The growing trend of the population and on the other hand the various social and cultural features as well as tourism are evolving in such a way that it requires a major focus on a systematic transportation based on smart city approach.  
Tara Heidari Orojloo, Dr Afshin Ghorbani Param, Dr Faramarz Hasanpour,
Volume 23, Issue 69 (6-2023)

rchitecture is always influenced by various indicators, the most important of which are climatic and physical-spatial indicators. These indicators are well observed in traditional homes and have played an important role in the use of clean energy. In this study, the aim is to study the climatic and spatial indicators of traditional architecture of Shiraz houses in order to provide a suitable model for housing design in order to use clean energy. The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on data collection through a questionnaire. The validity of the instrument was confirmed by elite and the reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's alpha above 0.70. The statistical population of the research consists of 27089 experts, specialists and people familiar with the architecture of the building and a member of the Engineering System Organization of Fars Province. The number of samples according to Morgan table is 384 people. The result of one-sample t-test showed that all studied climatic and spatial variables including green space, proportions and composition of architectural elements, materials, sustainable architectural design of spaces, building orientation, organizing spaces, water use, maximum use of wind , The use of light and providing coolness with shade at a level less than 0.05 were significant and in terms of the statistical population, were in a good condition. Among the spatial and climatic variables of architecture, the most impact was related to the orientation variable with a value of 4.03 and then green space with an average of 3.85. The regression result showed that the most effective variables in the design of modern houses are related to the variable of proportions and composition of architectural elements with a value of 0.151 units, ie 15%.

Sanam Afaridi, Fereshte Ahmadi, Ali Soltani, Mahmood Mohamdi,
Volume 24, Issue 73 (6-2024)

Optimal condition of accessibility and rapid, easy, and safe travel to health_ treatment land uses can be performed by the systematic analysis of transportation sub-systems like behavior. Developed countries are in essential need of proper transportation system for better accessibility. This paper aims to develop model, considering mode chains as well as the individual characters. This study benefits the analytic and quantitative research methods in developing mode choice model to evaluate the movement pattern of travel to health care centers in Shiraz central district (district 1). Each mode is the dependent variable whereas the socioeconomic characters are the independent variables. Filled questionnaire and geographical information system is used in collecting data. To generate the model, multinomial logit model was used that shows public transport like metro and bus are not the popular modes in access to hospitals. Movement pattern cognition in accessibility to special urban land uses, has an efficient role in urban policies and planning, which can be generalized and indigenize to healthcare travel behavior in other geographical areas. Results show that car ownership will increased the private car travel rate 8 times according to beta coefficient.. Taxi is the mode which is used in all three travels. People with lowest range of income and education use bus as their mode. Besides metro travel also has significant relation with low level of income and increase the travel rate 9 times.
Keywords: logit Model, Hospital, vehicle, travel mode, Shiraz City.

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